God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1727: Streaming wing

The first seven hundred and twenty-seventh chapter

The Hydra snake revived in the hands of Qin Qi, and the dark breath came.

Dream glass, has been hiding in the distance, pale face.

In fact, this nine-headed snake has not only an excellent shocking effect on snakes, but also on other creatures, but the effect is not so obvious.

In this way, Qin Qi also collected the nine-headed snake stick.

He originally intended to swallow it directly. Now it seems that it is a card to play with it.

"It's a pity that it's just a replica. If it's a real thing, there will be no such limitations. The power will be beyond your imagination!" Yi Kunlun popped up a message.

"If you are a real product, I will die here." Qin Qi laughed.

And even if it is a replica, it already has the power above the taboo artifact. It is already a huge harvest. In the Tianyuan world, I don’t even think about it!

Alien, it really is a treasure!

Of course, this is Qin Qi taking it for granted. If he happens to fall in the island of the center of this big dream, he will never have this chance.

Putting the nine-headed snake stick away, Qin Qi looked at Mengli and couldn’t help but say, "What is your look?"

"You are not afraid of the snake stick, you really is a dark multi-headed snake!" Dream glass stared at Qin Qi, screaming.

"You can't doubt it, I am not a snake at all?" Qin Qi was speechless.

"Impossible, you have a snake head, it also bites me!"

"It is clearly bitten by you, and I still haven't realized it yet!" Qin Qi picked up his eyes and waved his hand: "If you are, if you are afraid, just leave."

Now, he is not afraid that the realm of the dream glass is above him. This nine-headed snake stick is a nightmare for any snake family!

Dream glass circled in place for a while, and finally did not leave, I feel that Qin Qi should not harm it.

And if he leaves, it is estimated that he will not return to the territory of the Heavenly Dream.

Qin Qi did not manage to stay in the dream glass. He turned around the feather and tried to copy it with the diamond god. Unfortunately, it did not succeed.

His diamond gods can reproduce three abilities at the same time, but now there are two kinds. If you can get one more, the qi is naturally more.

"Is this finished?" Qin Qi was in the middle of his heart.

Although I got a nine-headed snake, this thing is targeted and not very easy to use. Qin Qi is somewhat disappointed.

“Well?” Looking around for weeks, Qin Qi’s look changed slightly, and a pile of black ash was found in the corner.

Qin Qi's eyebrows, with the sword provoked a few times in the black ash, and finally there was a burst of "squeaky".

There is something!

Qin Qi’s eyes suddenly brightened and he quickly dug the thing out of the black ash.

A bone!

Wenrun Ruyu, with a hint of grain on it, does not seem to be drawn, but naturally exists.

"This is the original animal bone!" Mengli did not know when he climbed to Qin Qi, apparently the fear of his heart could not withstand curiosity.

"The original animal bone?"

"You don't know, we are born with a beast. If there is it, we can exert all kinds of powerful capabilities!"

"I still listen to the elders. Our original animal bones are very popular in the human kingdom. The strong ones among them can refine the corresponding magical powers according to the original animal bones!"

Qin Qi heard the words, a slight surprise, did not expect this kind of operation in the outside world.

"But if this is the case..." Qin Qi’s eyes smashed, isn’t this just an opportunity?

No matter what, try it out, what if you have a powerful beast?

Qin Qi casts the diamond goddess, wraps the original animal bones in his hand, and steals the magical power from it!


The original animal bone should be voiced as fly ash, while Qin Qi is the eye.


"What is the ability, let's look forward to it!" Qin Qi whispered, and the ability to derive from the original animal bones was displayed.

"Wow, wings!" Mengli exclaimed and couldn't help but envy.

Qin Qi couldn't help but get excited. I didn't expect her hand to be so good. This turned out to be a flying ability.

"This is a famous wild bird, the ability of the flying eagle to flow the light wing, known as speed, although not as fast as the outer world, but before you can fly, it is a big help!" Yi Kunlun called the database, looking for The corresponding information.

In the outside world, because the space is extremely stable, if you don't get to platinum, don't think about flying. If you don't get diamonds, the broken void will be extravagant.

To some extent, this is inconvenient, but it is precisely because such a powerful law is suppressed at all times that the outside world will be so strong.

"What snake are you in the end, can you get the ability of other beasts?" Dream Glass couldn't help but wonder.

"You just need to know, I am not a dark-headed snake." Qin Qidao.

"Well, definitely not, they can't have your ability." Mengli laughed, rest assured, another smoky smoke climbed onto Qin Qi, wrapped around his neck.

It seems that as long as it is not a dark Hydra, what a snake, isn't it, everything is fine, and Dream Glass doesn't care.

Qin Qi shook his head, and there was nothing else in this cave. In this case, Qin Qi decisively chose to leave, and the ghost knew that time would be long and there would be problems.

In case the warranty period of Shenyu just expires, Qin Qi is not going to cry?

When he came back to the hole, Qin Qi grew a sigh of relief. Now his injury has basically healed, and he has gotten such a chance. He is finally a bit of a hegemony.

"Outside, I am ready, are you ready?"

"Ready, take me as the king!"

Qin Qi smiled and repeated!

Immediately, the body shape changed, Qin Qi disappeared directly in the same place, and the next second, came to pity.

Pity was shocked by a sudden increase in the number of people, and the dangerous atmosphere that erupted in the moment caused Qin Qi to stagnate.

However, only such a very subtle moment, in the moment of seeing Qin Qi, pity will take the breath away.

Such an amazing atmosphere can be controlled so accurately.

Pity, I am afraid there are a lot of secrets in my body.

But this is nothing. After all, Qin Qi also has a big secret, compared to no less than pity.

"You can actually teleport?" is pity, can not help but be surprised, even if the face can not see the expression of surprise.

"I can barely count it, but there is still a huge difference with the broken void." Qin Qidao, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and is not prepared to explain.

This teleportation, the force of the virtual squeeze still makes Qin Qi injured, it seems that you have to upgrade as soon as possible!

"You brought this snake back?" Pity didn't have the interest to ask, but looked at the dream glass like a bib.

"It's called Dream Glass, it's not bad, it's saved back." Qin Qidao, at the same time, handed another Lingguo to pity, "And ah, this time I have a good relationship in the mountains, thank you more. it."

"The chance?" Pity took the Lingguo and directly sent it into the space ring, without taking a look at it, but was interested in Qin Qi's chance.

I don't know, she is a temperament, or, this spirit can not enter her eyes.

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