The first seven hundred and twenty-eighth chapters of compassion

Qin Qi thought about it and said the general story of the matter. The thing of the diamond gods was naturally concealed, and the pity was clear. It should be Qin Qi’s card and there was no plan to ask.

"I am afraid, it is the seal of the ancient legendary diamond - the drill of the thousand feathers." Pity couldn't help but unexpectedly, I did not expect that there would be such seals in the mountains.

"Do you know?" Qin Qi looked a move.

“The Thousand Feather Diamonds, which claim to have been separated from the diamonds, are only one step away from the king, and his gods are seals, a thousand different powerful seals, and can be superimposed on each other!”

"You only have a piece of **** feather. You want to come to him with only one kind of seal. And a seal can suppress a dark squirrel. You should be able to imagine the power of a thousand feathers."

The dark sable, in the dark multi-headed snake community, is already the peak, extremely rare, and can not be seen in a million years.

The stag snake itself is of the diamond level. It is conceivable that there is a thousand diamonds. It is no wonder that it has been separated from the diamond, and the king is the strongest!

"What about this nine-headed snake?" Qin Qidao.

"It is a replica, the defects are obvious, but for you now, the effect is still huge." Pity.

"That's good," Qin Qi nodded, then pulled the dream glass down and said: "Hurry back, don't hang yourself yourself next time."

"Hey!" The dream glass slammed into the woods and ran into the woods.

But halfway, it turned back and shouted: "You wait, I will be back!"

Made Qin Qi burst into tears.

"Let's go back," Qin Qidao said.

"Well," he nodded pitifully, then looked up and looked at the clear sky that had never been seen before. He said, "You should be more prepared. Here, it seems that there is a big problem."

It’s just a specific question, but there is no detail in compassion.

Qin Qi is depressed in his heart, but he has to step up his strength, but it is all right.

As night falls, the fog is still a little bit more, although it is not as dangerous as the foggy night, but don't go out to be subtle.

And Qin Qi, will take advantage of this opportunity, completely recover the injury, return to the peak state!

Unexpectedly, I didn't stay in the hole untilnight, and she was leaving the cave alone.

Qin Qi was aware of it, but he did not see it at all.

Pity left the cave, a person strolling in the fog, although not a foggy night, but under the smog of the town, it is still very dangerous.

However, these fogs are not close to pity.

Pity is so straight forward, stepping down, just like shrinking into the inch, the body flashes and dies, and no beasts perceive her along the way.

Soon, pity returned to the valley before.

The fruit has been picked, and the thick rock snake naturally will not continue to stay and has already left.

Pity looked a few eyes, then the body floated, deep into the air in the fog, she was looking for something.

Pity spreads the perception, even if it is fog, it can't interfere too much. Soon, she finds what she wants. It is a cave.

"Is it here?" Pity whispered, and his body flashed and he came to the cave.

"Before, I didn't even notice it." He said to himself, and then walked to the end of the cave.

This cave is the one that Qin Qi has come to.

A piece of **** feather, sealed a dark sable.

Compassion came to the end of the cave, saw the piece of **** feathers, and how much can sense the existence of the dark sable.

"The feather of the thousand feathers is just available, and this dark hydra can balance this power in my body." Pity smiled, this is indeed a good fortune for her.

"It is to thank him, the little guy in the world." Pity smiled.

It’s hard to say that it’s been a long time, and it’s been a long time since I’ve been pity on this island, but she never knew that there would be a seal of this level and seal the diamond level.

"Get this power, I should be able to leave here without being noticed, hey, if those guys know that I am not dead, their expressions, will it be very exciting?" Pity smiled, but the smile did not have half the temperature.

She started, and she lifted her hand and held the **** feather directly in her hand.

Immediately, her hand began to glow, and it looked like it was translucent. There were countless lines of flow, turning into a line of silk, wrapping the feathers.

Shen Yu perceives the threat, and suddenly shines, but these rays, but unbreakable blockade, along the silk, are pity into the body.

God feathers, constantly trembled, faintly, you can see a figure wrapped in light.

That is the diamond of a thousand feathers.

"You have thousands of gods, now I only borrow one, why bother?" Pity faint, the rune in the eyes flashed, the silk that stretched out from the hand, is more tough, and the **** feathers can not break free.

Finally, pity to stop, and the **** feathers, also pity into the body.

"Hey!" Pity and sighed, his eyes were a little tired, and he whispered: "The old man who is stingy can't borrow a feather. He even attacks down the air. If it is not my god, I am afraid this time. Will be planted here!"

However, during the speech, the entire cave began to tremble fiercely, and the black mist surged from all directions, and no evil could be said.

In the darkness, eight skulls appear, scarlet scorpions, flashing dangerous light!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect this seat to be able to get out of trouble today, but I want to thank you, the little girl of humanity!" The dark sable snorted and laughed.

Its huge snake body, condescending, an eyeball, is much bigger than compassion.

"And in order to thank you, this seat will make you the first person to eat after returning from this seat, I am honored!" Dark Hydra smirked.

Grateful for this kind of thing, Diablo, never.

"It's a disgusting beast. If you don't need your strength, I will see you with a glance!" He looked at the dark sable, cold and cold.

The dark hydra eyes stunned and angered: "The little girl, it’s really a big deal. You have been sealed for millions of years, is there no power of the past?"

"Enough, shut up, I don't want to hear any nonsense again." But it is compassionate, indifferent.

And her nephew has become cold.

Seeing the pity of the eyes, even the dark and evil Diablo, could not help but feel a guilty heart.

What is going on with this woman, obviously weak, why even the existence of the diamond level, will be fearful?

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