God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1733: escape

The first seven hundred and thirty-three chapters escape

"I would rather enter the lake than stay here."

Qin Qi took a deep breath and nodded. The two men quickly left, but they dared not face the fierce beasts that came from deep in the island!


The screams of madness are everywhere, deafening, and you can still hear the sound of the collapse of the mountains. It is the existence of the platinum level, and it is unstoppable.

They are too fast, like lightning, coming from a million miles.


The wind whistled and swept the world, and the birds flew out. The aftermath fell, and the giant trees on the ground were uprooted, like a hurricane.


An idol broke through the earth, and the huge body was shrouded in platinum, shining and fascinating.


There is even a dragon, the clouds and the fog, the sky is coming, the sound of the rumble is stronger than the thunder, and the momentum is terrifying!

The first batch of powerful platinum beasts have already rushed to the periphery of the island, and the atmosphere is completely unmasked, filling this world with instant.

The ordinary beasts face such pressures, they can’t move at all, they are shaking in sorrow!

Qin Qi and pity, the body of silver is indefinite, hiding behind a huge stone, dare not show up, only feels heavy and is suppressed by the shackles.

If they don't hide fast, they may have been involved in the hurricane. The consequences are hard to say.

But even now, it is not good, not dare to move.

The power of platinum is extremely powerful.

Qin Qi did not resist when he did not kill.

"Grandfather, if you can get the ability of these guys, then you can make a big profit!" Qin Qi could not help but think of it, very hot.

However, you can only think about it.

This is the existence of Platinum's order, and it does not say that it can be beaten, even if one can win, but it is difficult to get the original animal bone.

It can be said that the superb power of the platinum level is the hand of the diamond strong. It is extremely good to have one or two doors.

The fierce beasts of the platinum level, now have the time to manage the insects around them, they first came to the shore of the lake, but immediately began to pick up.

They also dare not easily enter the scope of the smog of the town.

This town smog is also a great threat to them, otherwise they will not be trapped on this island and will not leave.

Only the strong diamonds can completely ignore the smog of the town.

The beasts are squatting again and again, extremely irritable and fearful.

The deepest collisions on the island are getting more and more amazing. Qin Qi may still be incomplete, but the platinum-level beasts are clear and abnormal. Once they are caught in the horrible dream, they will be finished!

Finally, under the threat of this approaching threat, their tight nerves finally could not stand.


A dragon stunned the earth, and the purple dragon rushed into the smog of the town.

Obviously, in its view, there is still a glimmer of life in the smog of the town. If it is left, I am afraid that there is no chance at all.

The dragon rushed out, and the **** and the giant elephant hesitated.

This effort, more powerful beasts have arrived, the sight of the naked eye has been turned into a sea of ​​gold and platinum, the world is divided by these two colors.

In front of these beasts, silver is only shivering.

As for bronze... Hey, there is no such weak chicken on this island.

Qin Qi and pity are holding their breath, and they dare to move. Now they can only pray that they can block the path of the beast. After all, the situation is that no beast will pay attention to them at this time.

The snoring is still going on, the earth is moving, and finally more fierce beasts can't stand it, and they start to rush into the smog of the town.

The smog of the town, surrounded by the entire island, the thickness is simply not measurable, even if the powerful platinum beasts rushed in, it is like a drop of water into the sea, there is no trace.

"This is really bad." Qin Qi could not help but feel bitter.

Even Platinum is running wildly. He does not believe that he can withstand the strength of the deepest part of the island. Even if the killing is gone, the green diamond is not easy to hold him.

It is also extremely dangerous to rush into the smog of this town.

In today's situation, it can be said that the former wolf and the tiger are hard to beat.

But at this time, the deepest part of the island, a sound and sound.

"The big dream three thousand!"

After all, the smog around the island is like being summoned. It started to move. It is no longer around the island, but rushing from the bottom to the bottom!

Fantasy Sky Fox, to use the town **** smog against the enemy, apparently has reached a critical juncture, ready to fight out all the battles!

The previous foggy night, as well as the smog of the town, is actually related to the dream of the fox to prove the diamond, it is practiced here, the town smog, can also become part of its power.

However, even the town's smog has been used, and it is clear that the dream fox has been at an absolute disadvantage.

And this kind of disadvantage is probably the smog of the town, and it can't make up for it.

Not to mention this, the smog of the town disappeared, and the obstacles in front of it disappeared.

The beasts suddenly stunned, and now there will be a slight stop, all rushing out of the island.

In their eyes, there are not only fears, but also excitement. Obviously, they are eager to leave the island, but they cannot achieve it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they can finally come to the outside world!

And these awkward characters are born, this big dream is a thousand lakes, I am afraid that it will be a big mess.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Qin Qi. He is waiting for the beasts to evacuate and then evacuate.

"Help! Help! Help! Help! Who will save me!"

While waiting, Qin Qi heard the eager cry for help, and the guy who screamed like a machine gun, I am afraid that only the dream glass.

This little snake is in danger?

Also, the territory of Tianmenghuimei snake is nearby. Although there are strong people in the family, the characters in the depths of the island rushed out together, and they could not resist at all. I am afraid that the territory has been broken.

At this moment, the dream glass is only separated from the tribe.

Qin Qi was hesitant, but the sound of crying for the dream of the glass was getting weaker and weaker.

"Pity, I will go back when I go." Qin Qi bite his teeth, leaving a sword, the flow of light behind the wings, people have been flying in the direction.

At this moment, all the beasts are fleeing. The place is very chaotic. The forests that I saw before have long ceased to exist, and they have become a horse, and there are gravel everywhere.

This is dangerous and can be seen.

The order of silver is swaying in this situation, which is tantamount to finding death.


A giant elephant in the distance is flying, although it is only a gold level, not as good as the former platinum statue, but still like a mountain, every step down, the earth will vibrate.

And the dream glass is in the direction of its advancement.

It was injured, there was blood flowing out at seven inches, the snake body showed an abnormal bend, and the vertebrae might have been broken. Only the flesh was stuck, and this was not completely broken.

These injuries are already extremely heavy.

However, in this case, it was only suffered such a wound, and it was a bad luck if it was not killed by one foot.

It is a pity that luck will stop here, and the flying giant will immediately step on the dream glass into a meat!

"no solution anymore!"

When Qin Qi squinted his eyes and his body swayed, he became two people, but he was just the twins.

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