God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1734: Dream tide

The first thousand seven hundred and thirty-four chapters of the dream tide

Two Qin Qi, divided into two directions, swiftly swept.

One of them, the nine-headed snake stick was taken out, and the snake-controlled technique was fully urged to interfere with the mind of the giant elephant.

Although the giant elephant is not a snake, the effect will be discounted, but the Hydra is not a thing, but the diamond strong, refining, the district gold, how can not ignore it.

Sure enough, the giant elephant was disturbed by the nine-headed snake, and the figure was shaking and some were unstable.

However, it was followed by a long shout, and a huge amount of golden gas violently emerged. After a wave of waves, the void was twisted and pulled, pulling each other and endlessly horrifying.

Although it is not enough to break the void, if it is swept, the flesh and blood will soon turn into blood!

This is one of the unique abilities of the giant elephant, smashing!

At the same time, another Qin Qi smashed the giant elephant like a scorpion snake, and immediately went forward and flew to Mengli, but at this distance, he could not escape the air raid.

Qin Qi bite his teeth and instantly copy it. The silvery body of the body is madly shaken, and the same slamming blows counteract the power of the giant elephant.

Although it was just a little bit of a big splash, it couldn’t resist much, but it took a little time. When Qin Qi picked up the dream glass, it disappeared directly into the place.

The power of the air raids also radiated instantly, breaking everything along the way.

As long as you take a step back, Qin Qi and Meng Li are afraid to suffer.

At the same time, Qin Qi's avatar is also broken instantly in the air strike. Fortunately, the backpack space can also be used, so the Hydra can not be lost there.

The horror of the giant elephant in the heart of the earth, snarling and destroying everything around, but unfortunately has not found the figure of Qin Qi.

In this way, the giant elephant can only give up, after all, it is still the first to escape.

Using the shadow sword to move back, Qin Qi put the dream glass on the ground, constantly into the silver gas, helping it to maintain its vitality.

"Hey, you must save me. I am still so small. If I die, it will be unlucky. The elders said, if I ate the shaped fruit, it must be super beautiful. I have been looking forward to it..." Dream glass is very weak, but it’s still screaming and talking.

"Shut up, which is so easy to die." Qin Qi is speechless, but with his current ability, he can only temporarily stabilize the injury of Mengli.

"Eat this." Pity will take out the Lingguo that was obtained before.

"What about you?" Qin Qi stunned.

"I don't care." Pity faint.

Pity is mysterious, Qin Qi can't see through, and since she did this, she must have a certainty. Now Qin Qi is no longer nonsense, and the spirit is taken, and it is directly inserted into the mouth of Mengli.

"Oh..." The dream glass mouth was filled, and finally stopped talking, but the fruit fruit did not need to chew and swallow, and soon became a spirit liquid, infiltrating into the dream glass.

In particular, the injury at the seven-inch position began to recover with the naked eye. Even if it is impossible to recover completely, the broken vertebrae and organs have healed.

As long as it is not a fierce battle, there should be no more danger to life.

"Hey, thank you for saving me, I thought I was dead!" The dreamy glass eyes are watery, and I am grateful. "You can rest assured, I will repay you, wait for me to eat the fruit, first Show it to you!"

This is a fart reward.

Qin Qi shook his head and said: "Okay, it is still not safe. If we can't escape, we still have to finish."

"Yeah." Mengli nodded and suddenly fell.

Her ancestral land has been trampled by powerful beasts, and the tribes have suffered heavy casualties, and they are all fleeing in madness, and they don’t know what they are doing now.

It’s just that it’s so chaotic now, the powerful beasts are still slamming, and the power of chaos is everywhere, and it’s impossible to find people.

What can be done seems to wait only until these powerful beasts have escaped and they can leave.

"I'm afraid, I can't wait that long." Pity looked deep into the island, his eyes showing a sorrow.

The realm of Qin Qi has increased greatly. The perception of nature is not comparable to just coming here. The whole silver rank, I am afraid there is not much that can surpass him.

At the moment, he also has induction.

The dream tide is going to rush!

The battle between the fantasy fox and the dream drill has come to the last step, and the power of dreams continues to collide, forming a tide, which is radiating from the center of the island to all directions.

The beasts along the way, unless it is the presence of platinum, can also be slightly resisted, if it is under the platinum, as long as it is swept by the dream color, it instantly falls into a dream and becomes a dream.

These scenes, Qin Qi that under the vertical and horizontal scars, the face suddenly ugly.

It seems that it can't wait, and you must leave immediately. Otherwise, you will be completely covered by this dreamy tide.

"Go!" Qin Qi said nothing, stuffed the dream glass into his arms, and picked up his pity and rushed out like a cannonball.

The streamer wings spread out, although it is silver gas condensation, but each feather is lifelike. It is obvious that Qin Qi has already exerted the power of the streamer to the extreme.

And the streamer flying eagle is the fierce beast of the golden level, this stream of light lies in the golden magical power, speed is a big advantage!

As a light, he went quickly, but he did not dare to rush into the sky, but flew to the ground.

High altitude is the territory of those powerful birds. Once Qin Qi gets involved, it will become a target. On the contrary, it is the ground. Although countless beasts are running away, it is safer to use Qin Qi’s speed advantage.

The pity of the body was slightly stiff, and it was obviously not suitable for Qin Qi to hold it, and she did not expect Qin Qi to fly directly with her.

I want to struggle, but the best escape plan at the moment is indeed true. For a time, it is not good to do anything, and I can only let Qin Qi hold it.

Just think about it, but also can not help but smile, can hold her man, this is the world for millions of years, how many?

Now it is actually caught in a silver area.

"Pity, holding my neck, I have to vacate a hand." But Qin Qi shouted, but did not look at compassion, but stared at the front, while observing the surrounding.

Pity biting his teeth, this silver little guy, really will give orders, even let her own his neck, just instinct!

You know, it’s the black king...

Well, it is already here, and it is not easy to refuse. It can only be arranged by Qin Qi.

Pity close to Qin Qi a few points, hold Qin Qi's neck, apart from the clothes, the two have almost been put together, you can feel each other's temperature and heartbeat.

Qin Qi's heartbeat is very stable, powerful and powerful. Obviously, he is very focused and has no leisure to manage his compassion.

Instead, I pity myself, my heartbeat is slightly disorganized.

When I realized this, I felt pitiful and ridiculous, and I calmed down, no joy or no sadness.

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