God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1740: Easy to kill

The first thousand seven hundred and forty chapters are easy to kill

Qin Qi couldn't help but be surprised. I didn't expect Hogg to run here.

Qin Qi certainly does not think that Hogg is chasing down. Looking at this, it is estimated that the hidden person has stirred up good things, and he can only flee and escape. He finally fled to this side.

I have to say that it is really hard to tell the truth.

Hogg still had a pale color on his face, only to be under pressure, and his influence was not small, but in this way, his heart was even more angry.

Today is one after another, it is simply a nightmare, nothing has been said, but also out of thin air, and then return to Tianbei College, I am afraid to bear the anger of Jinghu College.

This is not a good thing.

Unless he enters the golden step first, it is naturally fearless.

"Zhao Wuying, you are waiting, I will definitely surpass you!" Hogg screamed, constantly over the mountains.

If Qin Qi snatched the golden jade leaf flower, his achievement of gold is simply a matter of nailing the nail. This thing, the more I want to hate it!

"Well?" Just thinking, Hogg was slamming, and there was someone in front.

This is the guy who had stolen the golden leaves and leaves before!

Hogg’s eyes suddenly sharpened, full of fierce colors.

It was really open to the eye, and he was met again by him. After all, this golden jade leaf flower belongs to him, he will be one step ahead and achieve gold!

"The guy who is pretending to be a ghost, God will not allow you, hand over the little golden leaves and jade leaves!" Hogg screamed, and the silver gas erupted from his body, directly using the grip of the tyrant.

Hogg now knows that Qin Qi is not a big power at all. Before that, he used the blind eye method to make a deception.

This kind of person can't be his opponent at all, otherwise Qin Qi will not pick up the flowers and run.

Under the influence of the grip of the tyrant, Qin Qi’s figure suddenly became a stalemate.

This supernatural power is indeed very powerful. The physical restraint is second. The most important thing is the soul control. After all, as long as the soul is controlled, the flesh is not enough.

Once controlled, Hogg is the tyrant, and Qin Qi is a slave.

Speaking of it, this should be regarded as a supernatural power of the soul.

But unfortunately, Qin Qi’s killing of the kendo is so powerful, the sword is meant to be, and the killing is the start of the sky. The soul of the tyrant’s grip is not bound to block him.

"Ask you a question." Qin Qi did not directly shoot, but faint.

"Say, give you a chance to die!" Hogg said coldly, looking at Qin Qi proudly, his eyes were full of contempt, even with disgust.

He did not expect that the golden jade leaf flower was actually taken away by the person in front of him. It was so miserable that his face was scarred and he did not want to look at his second eye.

The woman in the distance is even more ugly.

Such a wonderful combination, even let him eat?

Fortunately, everything can be saved, Zhao Wuying, you wait, this time you can enter the golden level!

"You have, there are hydrangea, saplings, sapwood vines..." Qin Qi was very calm, and he even reported more than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials.

Hogg heard the words, could not help but be impatient, coldly said: "Death to the end, still gibberish, nothing, send you directly on the road!"

"Emotions are alchemy white, forget it, I will find it myself." Qin Qi shook his head, and the sword in his hand shook, killing the sword and screaming out. The control of the tyrant's grip on Qin Qi was directly cut off. .

The sword is out, like a **** day, straight to Hogg.

Hogg is about to make a difficult attack on Qin Qi, and he will think that Qin Qi actually has a sword to open the control of the hegemony!

Damn, what is going on today? In the past, there was no unfavorable grip of the tyrants, and they were easily cut off by two people.

I really thought that I couldn't bully Hogger?

In the hands of Hogg, a long knife appeared, and the sword of Qin Qi was roaring out.

"Heavy knife!"

This is a silver magical power, but the power, but also huge, with the realm of Hogg's one-star silver I, a knife, you can open a small half of the hill.

"Hey!" Qin Qi snorted.

This magical power is not weak, but unfortunately, it is too unreasonable to use.

In the same situation, if Qin Qi uses this knives, the power can be doubled!

Qin Qi crossed a sword and blocked the knife. His eyes narrowed slightly.

The reason why the outside world is strong, in the end, is because the world itself is strong, and the talents of people who are not in the same world are all above Tianyuan!

The defeat of Tianyuan is defeated, and the world is too weak.

Otherwise, the countless days of arrogance and shock, the unparalleled talent is enough to shake the world, and who will be afraid?

Alien, but that's it!

Qin Qi blocked the knife, his body flashed, and he had been bullied to Hogg.

In the heart of Hogg, there was a sudden explosion of power, and he was facing Qin Qi.

These combat levels, if they are in the same situation, even Shi Tianhao can easily crush it!

Waste is gone.

It is better to rely on the fierce beast of combat instinct.

Qin Qi easily avoided this knife, turned back to a sword, smashed to the extreme, to Hogg's standard, the basic block is unstoppable, can only watch the Qin Qi sword, penetrate his defense.

The mark of the sky, ignoring the defense.


Qin Qi and a sword pierced the heart and killed Hogg.

Hogg's realm surpassed Qin Qi quite a lot, but for Qin Qi, it is not as good as the twins and other vicious beasts, killing them, effortlessly.

In the end, Qin Qi's combat skills are too high. This thing has nothing to do with the strength of the world. Strong is strong, weak is weak.

The outside world can crush Tianyuan with a powerful force, but if Tianyuan masters the same combat power, then the crushing trend, I am afraid it will be reversed.

Of course, Hogg can't represent the whole world. Qin Qi also knows that there must be a strong generation of fighting skills among the different worlds. At least the existence of diamonds is coming out of the sea of ​​swords and knives. The combat skills are not weak. he.

Therefore, Qin Qi’s heart is not meant to be underestimated.

However, there is no fear.

Killing Hogg, Qin Qi's realm leaps and bounds, reaching the level of a star silver I.

Among the pure silver gas, the golden color of the silky spread spreads, compared to Hogg, it is too much!

Qin Qi felt the surge of strength in the body, and his heart was somewhat speechless.

Emotional killing upgrades are much easier than killing a beast.

Still a fierce beast, at least a hundred rounds with Qin Qi.

Of course, what Qin Qi didn't know was that the beast was not as strong as he thought. The reason why he would give him the illusion was that the central island was so dangerous that he trained the beasts.

If it is the beast of the outside world, it is no better than the human beings in the same territory.

"You have already had more gold in your body. Next, it is the heart of gold. This requires attention and will affect your future." Compassion came over and whispered.

There was a flash of light in her eyes. Although she already knew the specialness of Qin Qi, she couldn’t help but see the Qin Qi realm soaring.

"Well, I will condense the strongest heart of gold." Qin Qidao.

He has already felt that under his chest, there is a golden gas that is constantly pulsing, in line with the beating pattern of the heart.

There, it is the place where he wants to unite the heart of gold.

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