God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1741: Jade magic

The first seven hundred and forty-one chapters of the jade

Most of the masters of the golden level, the heart of the condensed gold is very common, and even can be said to be able to condense out is not bad, it is difficult to ask for anything.

However, some strong, talented generations, can condense a different heart of gold.

These golden hearts are strong and weak, and the gap is big, beyond imagination. Some people can even rely on the powerful gold heart to directly win the invincible throne of the same territory!

The development of the endless years of the outer world, the emergence of the heart of the gold exceeds hundreds of millions, almost has been finalized, and all that have appeared have already appeared.

For nearly a million years, there has never been a new golden heart.

In accordance with the strength and weakness, the authority of the outside world, Hengsha Tower, has issued a list of gold hearts, and in accordance with the ability of the record, the heart of gold has been discharged in a sequence.

To put it simply, if you want to see the potential of a person, you only need to compare it with the gold heart list. The higher the ranking of the condensed gold heart, the greater the potential.

Although there will still be discrepancies, after all, whether the strength of the war is strong or not depends on the use of the individual, but basically, it is still inseparable.

"The strongest heart of gold?" Pity smiled and said nothing.

She is very clear about how difficult it is. Although Qin Qi is not simple, it can condense the golden heart of the top 100 gold hearts, even if Qin Qi Chao played at a level.

If you go up again, then you must re-recognize Qin Qi.

The cohesion of the heart of gold is not in a hurry, at least it has to wait until the five-star silver I can.

The most urgent task is alchemy.

Qin Qi took Hogg's space ring, directly erased the traces left by him, and began to look carefully.

Hogg is a ace student of Tianbei College. The collection is quite rich. For Qin Qi, it is also an opportunity to understand the outside world. Therefore, it is not eager to swallow, but it is mutually confirmed with Yi Kunlun and familiar with everything.

"Well? How is this thing like the diamond jade that was obtained before?" Qin Qi took out a piece of jade, but it was only white and silver.

"This is a silver jade, like your diamond jade, can be used for communication, messaging, but in terms of authority, can not compare with your diamond jade." Yi Kunlun explained.

"Oh, is it the equivalent of the VIP level of the chat software on the earth?" Qin Qi laughed, and encountered such things in the outside world, it is very magical.

"You can understand this." Different Kunlun Road.

"What specific differences do you have?" Qin Qi was curious.

"Communication jade, each piece has its own mark, you can understand it as an account, and a silver jade can only store one hundred marks, gold jade can store a thousand, diamonds, then no limit."

"In addition, silver jade can only be used for one quarter of an hour, there is no limit to diamond jade, anyway, there are many restrictions, and most of the diamonds are not considered."

“The other thing is that diamond jade can use the function of random matching. You understand it as a drift bottle or shake it, it can pass the information to a random piece of communication.”

Different Kunlun is too lazy to introduce, pop the information about the communication jade on the system interface, let Qin Qi see it.

"This is really..." Qin Qi is quite speechless. I have to say that this world communication is developed and can be compared with the technological civilization of the earth.

"Who made this kind of thing?" Qin Qi was curious.

"It is the king of Hengsha. He has a very special ability to turn his own power into the number of the rivers of the Ganges, and to reach all parts of the world, and to connect with each other, it is difficult to cut off."

"This ability, called Hengsha, is extremely horrible enough to reach the world. After the disappearance of the Hengsha Princess, the small part of Hengsha is inherited by Hengsha Tower. Now the communication is jade, This is the system built on this basis."

In this way, the most powerful king of the deceased has brought earth-shaking changes to the outside world.

Qin Qi thought about it, and it was difficult to conceal his curiosity in his heart. He couldn't help but open his own diamond jade, and wanted to play with "shake", in case he had a date with the first beauty in the opposite world?

"What are you saying?" Qin Qi thought about it and finally entered a message in the diamond jade.

"Beauty, are you lonely?"

It feels a bit cumbersome.

Qin Qi shook his head and took care of it. He directly transmitted the information. As for who will pass it, Qin Qi did not know.

It is going to pass on a few more messages, but Qin Qi is a glimpse. Among his diamonds, he even received a message.

"I sent it back so soon?" Qin Qi thought in his heart, the idea of ​​a move, the information in the jade sputum appeared in the mind of Qin Qi, you can directly see the contents.

"I am going, what is the purpose?" Qin Qi looked at the dense word, could not help but be shocked.

This is a piece of information about academic discussion. It is a discussion of the power of the fire system. Obviously, the other party has doubts about the use of firepower and cannot solve it on its own.

Qin Qi looked closely and found that this problem is indeed very clever and very sturdy. With Qin Qi's rough understanding of the power system of the outside world, it is naturally impossible to answer this question.

In fact, even if Qin Qi is really familiar with the system of aliens, he is afraid that he can't answer this question, because this question seems to only discuss a certain detail, but it has already left the system of aliens.

Qin Qi thought about it and finally wrote his own answer.

His understanding of the fire department is still good, not only the body of the dragon vein has a fire, but the fire power of the blush witch is also very powerful.

Qin Qi did not understand the system of aliens, so he started from the Tianyuan system and gave questions to answer this question.

Although Qin Qi does not know whether this can solve the confusion of the other side, but it should be helpful to open up the other side's ideas.

After passing the news, Qin Qi’s heart was inevitable.

It is not easy to ask for the existence of such confusion.

Fortunately, the communication content of the communication jade is not detected by Hengsha Tower, Qin Qi does not have to worry about anything.

"Shake", who knows that the head of the communication jade is a ghost?

After answering this question, Qin Qi suddenly lacked the power of this function. Look at people, and explore such high-level issues, and work hard to pursue a higher level of power.

He, so arrogant, high judgment.

However, Qin Qi was about to put away the diamond jade, but unexpectedly another news came in.

It was a response to his original message.

Someone really responded to such awkward information.

Although my heart has decided not to play this function anymore, Qin Qi still can't help but wonder, and wants to know who is in the hands of the other, how the other party responded to him.

At the moment, I opened it with a little excitement.

Then, it turned into a big excitement!

"I am going!" Qin Qi licked his nose and almost blew his nosebleeds.

The recovery given by the other party is not a text message, but an image that is irritating.

This is a woman with a half-baked breasts, a white dress, half-covered, white and tender skin, revealing a slight pink, the temptation is too big.

Adding to the two almost perfect rounds, they are slightly deformed by squeezing each other, and a deep gully is outlined. With a little movement, it is trembling, and the softness and elasticity are even more tempting.

However, this woman did not show her face and did not know who it was.

But presumably, it is a sorcerer.

Qin Qi did not expect that the other party would reply like this. It was unexpected. The current diamond jade was quickly collected, and the face was slightly reddened.

"Meditation and meditation, alchemy and alchemy." Qin Qizhen, just looking for Hogg's space directly, found a lot of medicinal materials, Almost can be refining the golden dan.

Somewhere in the opposite world, where the sky is high, one side is softly collapsed, and the mist is lingering. It is a woman like a fairy who has just bathed and is lying here lazily.

She is wearing a white dress, but there are very few fabrics, which can cover the extreme temptation. The beautiful appearance is difficult to describe in words. At this moment, she is holding a piece of jade and giggling.

"Hey, my sister is lonely, but unfortunately, the world is a coward, even if it is already cooked, no one dares to pick it!"

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