God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1742: Alchemy

The first thousand seven hundred and forty two chapter alchemy

Alchemy is a technical activity. When Qin Qi was in Tianyuan, the involvement in this aspect was not too much. Although it was upgraded to the level of the alchemy, it was only based on the convenience of the system, and it was not as skilled as the refiner.

Of course, this is also relatively speaking, as long as it is not extremely difficult to refine the medicinal herbs, it is still handy for Qin Qi.

And the alchemy of the outside world, but no more than the sky.

In addition to having a more advanced god, such as diamond-grade medicinal herbs, or even Wang Dan, it is indeed not comparable to Tianyuan, the middle and lower layers of medicinal herbs are still similar.

Only the materials are more advanced, and the efficacy is more prominent.

Qin Qi Jingxin, a flame in the hands, is made up of silver gas, which is a lot worse than the real firepower, but it is enough to refine the gold Dan.

As for the power of attributes, you need to condense the heart of gold to use, silver and bronze levels, using the power of no attributes.

Qin Qi's hand condenses the flame, which is already a bad level. It is impossible to do it with ordinary silver.

There is no need for Dan furnace, Qin Qi stretches his hand into a support, and holds the medicine in his hand. The five fingers constantly tremble, controlling the silver fire to rotate back and forth, refining the herbs.

Soon, these herbs became a concentrated juice, the fragrance of the medicine, and the impurities that Qin Qi refining.

And this is just the beginning. Qin Qi has more than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials that need to be refining and chemical, and according to the prescription, step by step, to ensure that there is no flaw.

Pity is watching at the side, compared to other amazing things in Qin Qi, this alchemy technique is not so prominent.

Although the existence of a silver rank can be tempered alchemy, it is indeed amazing, but there are still many people who can do it in the same world, so that it is not to pay special attention to compassion.

On the contrary, Qin Qi was able to make alchemy, and he was slightly surprised.

This guy, cooking is the first-class, more powerful than the chefs I have seen before, but I did not expect the craftsmanship of alchemy is also good, but it is a versatile.

"Is this eating?" Mengli climbed to pity, and her big eyes flickered. "I was scared by the pressure. I was hungry and wanted to eat."

It is not afraid of anything, but it is not to be pity as an outsider.

Pity and a little speechless tear the dream glass off the neck, clutching its head and laughing: "Are you afraid of me?"

"Why are you afraid of you?" Dream Glass is curious.

"Do you not think that I am terrible?" Pity.

She is indeed surprisingly ugly. Most people look at her. It is estimated that she will scare her legs softly, just like seeing a ghost.

"Not terrible." Dream glass is even more strange.

"I forgot, you are a beast." Pity shook his head and laughed.

The aesthetics of the beasts are different from those of human beings, especially those who do not take the shaped fruits, and do not know how to shape them.

Compared with the horror, the beasts are more than the ones who are more compassionate, and the dream glass naturally does not feel terrible.

However, in this way, Qin Qi is a fierce beast-like sense, and she can face her as she can.

Isn't it a snake?

This is of course impossible. Pity is just a smile.

"Pity, how slow is he this time, isn't it okay?" Meng Li climbed to pity.

This time, I didn’t take it down. I just said: "He is not eating now, but he can give you a grain. For you, the effect should be good."

"I can eat it!" Dream glass eyes lit up.

One person and one snake have a chat without a ride, and Qin Qi has already processed all the auxiliary medicines. At this moment, Jinzhi Yuye is being put into it.

Qin Qi looks very serious, and the control of the flame is more accurate.

The white and silver flames in the hands, under the control of Qin Qi, differentiated into six strands, corresponding to the six petals of the golden branches and leaves.

Immediately, this golden branch of jade leaves slowly converges in the flame, turning into a concentrated juice, which is integrated with the previously refined liquid.

The whole process, the control is extremely accurate, and it is not bad.

In this way, even the first refining of the Golden Dan did not bring any trouble to Qin Qi. After a small quarter of an hour, the refining was completed.

There is a golden light shining, a medicinal fragrance is passed out, and the power of the body becomes active, as if to lead to the golden level.

"It's done!" Qin Qi's eyes lit up, and the fire of silver in his hand dissipated, revealing three golden dans that flowed with golden light.

This thing is the best shortcut to the golden level!

"You are very good." Pity and praise.

Alchemy is second, and the most pity is the control ability of Qin Qi. It is too precise, and it can be compared with the strongest group of alchemists.

"Over the prize." Qin Qi smiled and handed one of them to pity.

Pity, the realm of the present, is nothing but silver I, and it is not so pure, only with a very pale gold color.

According to her situation, it is not easy to concentrate on the golden heart and enter the golden level.

Although Qin Qi can't see through his pity, she feels that her combat power may not only be seen on the surface, but since it is not certain, these benefits naturally cannot be forgotten.

Pity has saved his life.

Pity does not deny, took over the golden Dan, and this time, she swallowed directly, seems to intend to take this opportunity to hit the golden level!

The golden dan is indeed awesome. After the pity of swallowing the medicinal herbs, the smell of the body will soon begin to change. A heavy gold smashing beating on her body is striking upwards!

Pity and closed eyes, running the silver with a special method, the color of gold spread, more intense than before.

"嗡", the pity of this, actually succeeded in raising a star realm, only the next step away from the golden level!

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The key point is that the follow-up effect of Golden Dan on the heart of condensing gold can make the compassion more smoothly enter the golden level.

"Thank you."

"This is nothing, there will be any benefits in the future, I will give you a copy." Qin Qi laughed.

Pity groaned, and a little smile on the corner of his mouth, and did not say anything.

"Qin Hao, I want to, give me one!" Mengli suddenly fell from the pity to Qin Qi body, wrapped around Qin Qi's arm, looking at the golden medicinal medicine.

"This thing is very expensive, do you want to eat it?" Qin Qidao.

"Then what do you want, I will change it with you." The dream glass showed a pitiful look.

what do you want……

This little broken snake has nothing, what can Qin Qi want?

"Just give it a look." But it was a pity.

Pity this guy, will actually speak for the dream glass?

This is not like her character.

Qin Qi has some doubts in his heart, but since he is so pitiful, Qin Qi does not care about such a golden Dan.

After all, this is not very meaningful to him.

"Well, give you one, but if you can enter the golden level, you will see yourself." Qin Qidao, handed a gold Dan to Mengli.

Dream glass is afraid of Qin Qi's remorse, bite it, oh, let's swallow it.

Then, with a confused face, "How is it not good?"

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