God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1751: First life

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-one chapters first leave a life

"Zhao Xuechang's idea is good, fair and just, who is who it is, not too much or not less, otherwise, I thought I was stingy!" Jing Xiaomeng praised.

"This method is feasible." Ye Yu looked at Zhao Wuying and nodded.

"This is right, fair to everyone!" More students are attached.

"Of course, my share was given to Qin brother, all the misunderstandings of the previous misunderstanding, but also hope Qin brother laughed." Zhao Wuying laughed, it looks really good.

And Qin Qi Ruo is determined to take away the bones of the change, that is, the greedy generation, can only become the green leaves against Zhao Wuying.

"Qin brother..." Liu Yefei frowned, not knowing how to deal with it.

He thinks that this variant of the animal bones is more valuable, it should be obtained by Qin Qi, but it can not refute Zhao Wuying.

Qin Qi waved his hand, so that he did not need to say much, then his eyes swept, and finally settled on Wenyang Yue.

Wen Qi is looking at Zheng San, Qin Qi is still very good.

"You, come over." Qin Qidao.

Wenyang is very different, I don’t know what Qin Qi wants to do, but I still come forward with words.

"I didn't save you at the time, do you hate me?" Qin Qi asked.

Wenyang Yue is even more surprised. At this time, what does this say?

"You have no obligation to save me. Naturally, you can't talk about hate. It's just a little disappointment." Wenyang said.

"Hey, seeing death can't help is to see death and not save, and now ask people to forgive?" Jing Xiaomeng yin and yang.

Qin Qi ignored her and continued to ask: "That time, you think this animal bone, how to deal with it?"

Wenyang’s heart was tight, and the pressure was doubled. Zhao Wuying saved her. She didn’t want to make Zhao Wuying embarrassed, but if she really wanted to speak, she would not escape the thoughts in her heart.

For a time, Wenyang month closed his mouth and said nothing.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, I will only deal with my own ideas. What you said can only change my personal attitude towards you." Qin Qi laughed.

Wen Yang month took a deep breath and said: "I think, how to deal with the animal bones, you only need to make your own decisions."

"You want to use it yourself, or share it with the auction, there is no problem."

"Wenyang month, what do you say, you don't forget, he will not die for us, it is Zhao Xuechang who saved us!" Jing Xiaomeng could not help but shout.

"I only know that without him, we will die in the hands of Jin Lei." Wenyang Yuedao.

"But if there is no us, he will not kill Jin Lei!" Jing Xiaomeng argued.

"But even without us, he can live." Wen Yangyue said again.

The meaning of Wenyangyue is obvious. They don’t have Qin Qi’s death, and Qin Qi doesn’t have them. At most, it’s just killing Jin Lei, and they can still escape.

In this way, at a glance, the weight of the component is too heavy, and it is no longer necessary.

Life, how is it more important than the animal bone!

"This is right, my brain, there is no such a school girl Lingguang." Liu Yefei haha ​​smiled.

That's what he thinks.

"She is a sophistry!" Jing Xiaomeng is still not reconciled.

"Xiao Meng, we are wrong, Yang Yue Xuemei is right," Zhao Wuying gestured Jing Xiaomeng not to continue to say, but instead of Qin Qi, he said apologetically: "Sorry, I am bad." This, the animal bones, Qin brother can handle it."

"Schoolmaster..." Jing Xiaomeng opened his mouth and looked at Zhao Wuying's eyes, but he even admired it.

And Liu Yefei and others are also in the heart of the praise, can not help but admire.

Zhao Wuying is the first student of Qianyuan. It is worthy of respect.

"This kid, the routine is good." Qin Qi can not help but praise.

Zhao Wuying is definitely a personal thing. If it is not like the enchanting Qin Qi, everything must be in his control.

He should have smelled a trace of danger. He noticed that Qin Qi let Wenyang come out, not really asking for an answer.

In this kind of reason, Qin Qi did not say that he borrowed the mouth of Wen Yangyue.

The reason why Qin Qi did this made Zhao Wuying could not help but ponder, and finally he reached a horrible conclusion.

What Qin Qi wants to do is just to see if Wenyang will stand on their side with a conscience, so as to determine whether it should be classified as an enemy.

Qin Qi, obviously moved to kill!

Moreover, he only asked Wen Yangyue. Obviously everyone else, he did not care, killing would kill.

This is a terrible guy. If you continue to oppose it, I am afraid that there will be an embarrassment.

Zhao Wuying was also surprised by his own judgment. After all, Qin Qi was able to kill them despite his powerful command.

However, Zhao Wuying always believed in his own judgment and did not want to take risks at all, so he made the decision based on his judgment.

Life is always more important than a different animal bone.

And his attitude has been recognized by everyone, Qin Qi wants to kill him, I am afraid that Liu Yefei will stop them.

"Can bend and stretch, is a personal thing." Qin Qi did not want to kill.

Anyway, the aliens, Zhao Wuying, such a person, stayed very well, saying that they should not be used in the future.

"Okay, take a break." Qin Qi faintly said, the animal bones are different, naturally it is directly into the backpack space, and then use the diamond **** to get the magical power.

The animal bones were broken, and the magical power was also obtained by Qin Qi.

Variant thunder!

Although Qin Qi did not display it, but it is still able to judge its power, it is definitely more than ten times, and the Thunder is more destructive and has a corrosive taste!

Corrosive lightning power.

Good guy, this is a weapon, extremely rare, in the enduring war, the effect is excellent!

Looking for an opportunity, Qin Qi is going to verify it.

Jin Leizhen has been killed, and the distribution of spoils has already been fixed. Everyone has no objection, and they all start to take a break.

Many wounded people still need treatment.

Qin Qi, they are chatting with Liu Yefei and Xing Shan.

"So, the area you are in is the same as here?" Qin Qi flashed.

In the end, the people who were involved in the whirlpool or the beasts entered these huge rooms. Now, it seems that there are not many such rooms, which are connected in series.

"Since you are dead on the other side, isn't it going to move on to the side we are there?" Liu Yefei asked.

He is now convinced of Qin Qi.

Qin Qi shook his head and said: "The vortex was so huge before, and the existence that was involved in it was not known. In a similar room, who knows how much?"

"And the room I appeared in, only one portal connected to it, obviously the end position, then the real way out, maybe at the other end, or somewhere in the middle."

"And this is a bit exaggerated. We want to go over, it is almost impossible." Qin Qidao, but he still remembers that platinum beasts were involved.

They can kill the golden beast of Golden Thunder, but they are absolutely no match for the existence of platinum.

"What should I do?" Xing Shan frowned.

Are they trapped here and can't get out?

"I think there may be a way to get rid of every room, but we didn't notice it." Qin Qidao.

Of course, this is just a guess, but he thinks this possibility is even greater.

"Here, are there any other exits?" Liu Yefei looked around and looked blank.

After all, he found nothing.

"When the rest is over, let's talk about it." Qin Qidao, this matter is not in a hurry.

"Right, how do you students from these colleges appear together?" Qin Qi asked.

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