God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1752: Selection of the world

The first seven hundred and fifty-two chapters of the world

"Qin brother does not know, isn't Qin brother not a thousand people in Qianhu?" Liu Yefei was surprised.

Thousands of people in the Thousand Lakes State do not know?

"I am the other person, followed by a group of unreliable guys into the big dreams of thousands of lakes hunting, the result of this dramatic change, and finally arrived here." Qin Qi smiled bitterly.

On the other side he refers to, Xing Shan and Liu Yefei can understand.

The Great Dreams and Thousand Lakes are the borders of the Kingdom of Dreams, one side is within the border of the Kingdom of Dreams, and the other side is the territory of another diamond powerhouse.

Since it is from other countries, Qin Qi does not know that the thousand-yuan competition is normal.

At the moment, Liu Yefei will tell the story of the thousand-yuan competition.

"You said that the students in the top ten of the Thousand Homes Competition can go to the big dream country to participate in the selection of the world. What is the selection of the world?" Qin Qi asked.

"Bounds, you can follow the diamonds to cross the border door, the battle for the existence of the heavens!" It is Xing Shan, can not help but excited.

Obviously, there is a heartfelt yearning for the wars!

For the outside world, it has entered the era of the wars. As long as it is a repairer, who can resist the temptation of the heavens and the sky?

After so many years of exploration, the system of the battles of the gods is relatively mature, and it is no longer the era of pioneering in the past millions of years. It is not that individuals can go to the outer world.

The pursuit of quantity does not seek quality, and it becomes the quality of the students. Even the students trained by the college have been regarded as the best choice for the pioneers. Now, it is difficult to become a leader.

Only after a series of selections, strong enough to be able to follow the Royal Highness of the Diamonds, follow the veterans to the war.

Wen Yan, Qin Qi Shuguang could not help but flash.

Can you follow the diamonds and fight the stars?

If he became a leader, wouldn't he be able to travel to other worlds too!

"Which world do you want to go to?" Qin Qi asked.

"Which is the choice, because of our strength, it is difficult to become a leader, not to mention the world." Liu Yefei smiled bitterly.

Among the thousand hospitals, the only one who has the opportunity to become a leader is Zhao Wuying.

Although they are also famous, they are the main students of their respective colleges, but the gap is still obvious and they have to be acknowledged.

"Who knows this kind of thing, you see this place, although it is dangerous, but perhaps there is also a big creation, saying that you can not let you become the golden order!" Qin Qi laughed.

"If you can really achieve the golden level, the number of people in the world, when there is me!" Xing Shan confidently said.

"Cut, if this is the case, then I am not willing to be Liu Yefei, then I will apply to travel to the world of flowers!" Liu Yefeidao.

"The world of flowers?" Qin Qi looks slightly moving.

“The world of flowers is one of the worlds mastered by the Dinosaurs of Dreams,” explains Xing Shan. “The power of the Dream Diamond is superb, and the coordinates of the two worlds are controlled.”

"And the world of flowers, has been playing for hundreds of thousands of years, almost has been captured by His Royal Highness, go there, have to say that there is no interest!" Xing Shandao.

Liu Yefei rolled his eyes and said: "Will you go to the wild beast world? There are only fierce beasts there, not even the Terran, and the danger is extremely extreme!"

"Dream of the Dharma led the army to fight for more than 100,000 years, and it only lays down one-tenth of the border. This still needs to increase the number of troops every year, it is difficult to keep it. We used to be not cannon fodder?"

"That is better than going to the world of flowers, there is no battle, what is the meaning of the different world?" Xing Shan shook his head, apparently, he is going to the world of the beast.

At this time, they also got close to Liu Yefei. Their students gathered and couldn’t help but laugh: "Ye Fei wants to go to the world of flowers. It is estimated that he is interested in the world's flower fairy. It is a stunning race, naturally with flowers, it is said that many Flower Fairy is even more beautiful than Jing Xiaomeng!"

"Rolling, is Laozi like that?" Liu Yefei's face was black.

"You are, the last auction, you alone looked at the flower fairy drooling, and time is not willing to go!"

"I rely on, I will kill you first!"

A little frolic, just from their words, Qin Qi also heard some bitterness in other worlds.

Any world is the same, the strong, the fate of the weak.

The flower fairy has become a cargo like mineral veins, medicinal materials and other resources, and is brought back to the outside world for sale. Some people want to come back and use it for enjoyment.

And this is the essence of the battle of the heavens!

It is plundering and plundering everything, so as to accumulate the contents and move toward a higher realm.

Very cruel, very ruthless, but this is the most basic law.

Qin Qi will not be stupid to change anything. He only wants to protect those who should be protected. As for those who are persecuted, the only ones who can save them are those who can save them.

It is like the original human race, weak and can be used as food, and can be bullied.

However, the sages have gone through hardships and sorrows, and they have succeeded in changing their destiny and become a group that is equal to the demon family!

The strengths and weaknesses are only bad, they will change, and they can rely on them.

"Qin brother, if you can become a world, which world are you going to?" Liu Yefei asked.

"My words, I want to go to the blue planet." Qin Qi pointed up and his eyes were slightly lifted.

He didn't know what he said, Liu Yefei how they would react, but he wanted to test it once.

When this statement came out, Liu Yefei and others were all discolored, and it took a while to say: "Qin Xiong really has great ambitions, I can't compare, the blue star is not the general place."

"In fact, I don't know much about it, but when I look up, there will always be a yearning for love." Qin Qidao.

"I understand this situation. It seems that Qin brother is also a fellow person."

"As for the blue star, I have consulted a lot of information, but I can share it with Qin Xiong." Liu Yefei laughed.

"I didn't expect you to do this kind of thing." Xing Shan whispered.

"Is Laozi also very good at learning?" Liu Yefei angered.

As for the blue star, many students are also curious, but most of the relevant information is sealed, they do not know the inside story.

The Wuzhi Academy, although not as strong as Chuanyue College, actually has a much longer history and more information left.

This is not the most important thing. The real key point is that there was a student in the previous sessions of the Wuzhi Academy, and one of the biggest forces in the world, Hengsha Tower, became one of them.

Hengsha Tower, that is responsible for operating the communication jade, the intelligence touches the hand to the outside world, and even the existence of other worlds.

Even if you just join it, you can learn a lot of secrets.

Previously, the student had returned to the Wuzhi Academy to participate in the celebration, which revealed a lot of information.

Liu Yefei was fortunate and heard a lot of content.

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