God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1761: Breathing

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-one chapters of qi bleeding

"Is it up, don't you want to continue thinking about it?" Jing Xiaomeng proudly said, she hoped that Qin Qi would continue to think about it, because these times will be the moment when Qin Qi is ugly.

Of course, if you think about it, she wants to see how Qin Qi will go on.

Qin Qi did not delay this time, very decisive, and began to alchemy directly.

However, Qin Qi did not use the alchemy furnace, and there was no other auxiliary tool. Just fire the silver in his hand and throw the medicine directly into it.

So alchemy?

This is a method that is difficult for Platinum alchemists to master. With Qin Qi, how can it be done?

If there were people who had hopes for Qin Qi and felt that he was not bragging, now no one believes.

After all, how is this possible?

"Qin, Qin brother, you are this..." Liu Yefei did not know what to say.

"Qin brother, wouldn't it just want to burn Jing Xiaomeng's medicine?" Xing Shan's mouth twitched, and he thought about it.

"Where you have such an alchemy, you just want to ruin my medicine!" Jing Xiaomeng could not help but shout.

"Qin brother, why is this?" Zhao Wuying sighed, but the smile of his mouth could not be concealed.

He even suspected that Qin Qi was not an alchemy teacher at all.

"Qin Gongzi..." Wenyang month could not help but worry.

"Pity, what are they doing?" The dream glass is on the compassion, the doubtful way.

"boring." He glanced at him and he stopped paying attention.

The medicinal materials burned in the flame and were quickly burned out. In the eyes of others, Qin Qi was simply destroying Jing Xiaomeng's medicinal materials, and there was no plan to refine the alchemy.

But this is too unpretentious, it really makes people look down.

"Qin brother, do you want to not be refined?" Liu Yefei said, feeling that this is too much.

"Don't talk." It was Xing Shan suddenly said.

"What do not talk, you also cooperate with me, reduce 尴尬!" Liu Yefei dissatisfied muttering.

"You look carefully!" Xing Shan looked at the flame in Qin Qi's hand and couldn't help but express his horror.

"Look what to see, I... go!" Liu Yefei's eyes wide open.

The flames in the hands of Qin Qi are really like the alchemy furnace. Those herbs enter the flame and are not burned. Instead, they are purified by the flames, and the impurities are burned and turned into pure liquid.

And this is not counting, Qin Qi differentiated the flame, began to further refine, but at the same time thrown into other herbs, while refining.


"Final Dan, take the meaning of Yuanyuan fidelity, the same is true for the drug effect, and the helper can keep the true element intact." Qin Qi slows down, the flame in his hand burns, and he controls it.

"In the face of the vortex dragon, this dan drug effect is very good, I will give you a good meal later." Qin Qi said, the remaining herbs were put into the flame.

His five fingers were slightly open, and the flames were divided into sixteen pieces. Several kinds of medicines were separately refining, and according to Danfang's writing, they were merged one after another, so that they were as good as art.

And now, the medicinal herbs are beginning to emanate, and the students will think that Qin Qi is bragging?

Actually, is it really alchemy?

Everyone is open-mouthed and looks at Qin Qi incredibly.

The volley alchemy is hard to imagine. This is a very difficult skill for Platinum alchemists. It seems that this guy of the same age can do it!


This is really a service, the strength is outstanding, the alchemy is so superb, what else can you say?

"Impossible, how is this possible!" Jing Xiaomeng can't believe this is true.

Originally, it was forced to make a fool of Qin, and now it is good, and it has become Qin Qi’s face!

Playing too loudly, almost made her feel uncomfortable.

Zhao Wuying is deep in the city, and now it is difficult to look.

This time, not only did he fail to make Qin Qi lose face, but he himself lost a lot. These medicinal herbs, that is, he, could not get a second copy. It was the college that gave him an exception for this hegemony.

Relying on these medicinal herbs, he is confident that he can step into the third row and further temper the silver.

But now, it’s all others!

"Complete." After a quarter of an hour, Qin Qi put away the flame in his hand, and the six fidelity Dan, is floating there, looking at the appearance, is definitely a superior!

"Qin brother, in addition to admire, I really can't say anything else!" Liu Yefei sighed from the heart.

"Yeah, this is really strong!" Xing Shan sincerely said.

"Hey, I didn't want to be so high-profile, I can't help it. I want to show it, why bother?" Qin Qi clap his hands, hehe laughed.

"Hey!" Jing Xiaomeng spit out a blood, and was angered by internal injuries.

"I didn't expect Qin Xiong to really do it. It is really unexpected. I am willing to gamble and lose. These herbs are yours!" Zhao Wuying took a deep breath and sighed.

"However, I still hope that Qin brother will not let Xiaomeng be embarrassed." Zhao Wuying continued.

Acting school, obviously not mad at heart, but now we have to take this opportunity to win over people, to maintain tolerance, talent, is indeed talent!

"Oh, then green tea is good." Qin Qi shrugged.

"Hey!" Jing Xiaomeng spit out his mouth and accepted it.

Qin Qi no longer cares about them, how to play in love, Qin Qi is very interested to see how far they can play.

"These medicinal drugs are divided, you can almost guarantee that you are innocent in the second row." Qin Qidao, the medicinal herbs such as Baozhen Dan were given to Xing Shan and Liu Yefei.

As for Wenyang Yue, this woman is afraid to directly hit the third row.

Originally Qin Qi also wanted to give compassion, but pity but shook his head, saying that he is not strong enough, not intending to board the dragon scale, Qin Qi can only give up.

"This, no power is not reliant." Liu Yefei, although the eyes are shining, but can not get these benefits.

"Oh, in fact, I also ask for you." Qin Qi laughed.

"This is said, but it does not matter, as long as we can do it, we must go all out!" Liu Yefei quickly said that this is not the attitude of this drug.

"I am very interested in the selection of the world. Who can accept me as a student, let me also participate?" Qin Qidao, this is his purpose.

Since the selection of the constituency is ten people, Qin Qi does not want to go with a group of weak chickens, how to make them stronger.

"This..." Liu Yefei looked around, but it was all embarrassing.

Of course, they want Qin Qi to go to their college. There is such a strong student. Isn’t their college going to fly?

But they are also only students and do not qualify for admission to the college.

In addition to the fixed enrollment period, in addition to the fixed enrollment period, only the deputy dean of the college has the qualifications for enrollment, and the number of students per year is limited.

In addition, the college is not free to enroll students, even if there is a relationship.

This is the rule set by the Hunting King. It is to upgrade the status and majesty of the college and solve the chaos in the past. He wants to let people know that the college is already strong enough, not a low sectarian family!

If Qin Qi did not join any college before the end of the Qianyuan hegemony, naturally there would be no possibility of participating in the selection of the world.

"The rules for enrolling students are determined by the princes of the Hunting King. All the schools in the world must abide by them, otherwise they will be removed." Xing Shandao also sighed.

Qin Qi nodded, it seems that this hunting king is really powerful, although this is only a small detail, but the effect is extraordinary.

Being able to let others follow the rules means that the college has authority in people's minds, which has greatly improved the status of the college in the hearts of outsiders.

"I can." But it was Wenyang Yue, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly opened his mouth.

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