God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1762: Join the college

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-two chapters joined the college

"School girl, what are you talking about, can you enroll?" Liu Yefei wondered.

Everyone is looking at Wenyang Yue, I don't understand how she can do it.

Now is not the enrollment period, Wenyang month can not enroll students on behalf of the college, this will not be recognized, after all, college students are archived, unified to the management of the Wang College.

"Know that you want him to join your college, but you can say no." Jing Xiaomeng secluded.

"We are very special in the school of the month." Wenyang paused for a moment, and some blushes said: "There are only two people in our college, Dean Ji Changming and me."

“And I am the only student at the college and the vice president of the college.”

“Is this OK?” the student cried in surprise.

"Some small colleges can do this, but in this case, Haoyue College may be removed from Hunter College next year?" Xing Shan knows more, so.

"Yeah." Wenyang nodded.

The establishment of a college requires qualifications, and the preservation of the college also requires conditions. The most basic condition of a college is the college residence, a dean and ten students. Three conditions are indispensable.

As long as it is not satisfied, then one year later, the college will be banned.

"The dean said that since the college is only one year away, before the ban, it is better to let me be the vice president. If necessary, I can help recruit students." Wenyang Yuedao.

"Can there be a procedure to archive the Hunter College?" Liu Yefei quickly asked.

"Yeah!" Wenyang month.

"That is the recognition of the Hunting King College. It seems that it is feasible." Xing Shan smiled.

"But even if Qin brother can become a student of Haoyue College, will the president of the thousand hospitals recognize the qualification of Qin brother?" Liu Yefei frowned.

"No matter, as long as you join the college before the end of the thousand-yuan competition, we will go to the dean to ask for the other end." Xing Shandao.

Immediately, his eyes swept to other students. He smiled slightly: "Qin Xiong has a life-saving grace for me. I think this thing, will you help?"

It is said that other students are naturally called again and again.

"Qin brother is relieved, I will also explain the situation with the teacher and help Qin brother to join Haoyue College smoothly."

"Want to come to this point, Qianyuan should be happy to see it. After all, if Qin brothers join in, then the selection of the circles, our school, may be able to shine!" Zhao Wuying laughed, already Recovered from hatred.

"Thank you." Qin Qi smiled.

It is not important for Zhao Wuying to be false and false, as long as he can participate in the selection of the world.

Only when you become a leader and have the qualification to travel to a different world, the distance between Qin Qi and Blue Star can be shortened.

In short, it is not wrong to prepare first.

"Do you have any ceremonies when you join the college?" Qin Qi looked at Wenyang Yue.

"No, we are all simple in the school of the month." Wenyang month shook his head again and again, his eyes slightly glowing.

After all, this is the first student recruited by Haoyue College for half a year, and she is not allowed to be excited.

"This is the school badge of Haoyue, for you." Wenyang month took out a badge and handed it to Qin Qi.

Each college will distribute this school badge to students, which is equivalent to a student ID to indicate identity.

"This way you are a student of Haoyue College. After you go out, just fill in the formalities in time and submit the file to Hunter College." Wenyang Yue said excitedly.

This is also the first time her mood swings have been so great.

Even before the advancement of the realm, it was not so exciting.

It seems that in her mind, the college is the first.

"Oh, yes, pity, do you want to come together!" Qin Qi looked at pity.

Pity does not have a look of interest, but in the end it is nodded and said: "Alright."

For her, these are indifferent things.

"She is compassionate, my companion, let her join the Haoyue College." Qin Qi laughed.

"Okay!" Wenyang month nodded again and again, and then quickly walked to the face of pity, will be handed to the compassion, full of eyes.

Pity looked at her, slightly decapitated, took over the school badge.

She does not hate Wen Yangyue. After all, these students do not say those men, and the only female students who do not have a disgusted look at her are only Wenyang.

"Joining Haoyue College, we are a family. No matter what difficulties, I will help you!" Wenyang Yuezheng said.

Pity took a moment, and then understood that Wen Yangyue pointed out that he was thinking about helping her recover her appearance.

This Nizi is really interesting. It seems that as long as he joins the same college, he can rely on his life. He is completely unguarded and treats his compassion as his own.

"Thank you." Pity returned.

"Well, you have recovered almost, and continue to accept the challenge." Qin Qidao, he also wants to hit the eighth row of dragon scales.

Liu Yefei and others, also a flash of light, decided to accept the immortality sent by Qin Qi!

With these many medicinal herbs, plus some of their own heritage, it is not difficult to survive the second row, and even have the possibility of hitting the third row!

At the moment, no matter whether it will be hated by Zhao Wuying, the powerful body will say it again!

In this way, Liu Yefei and Xing Shan and other people who got the medicinal herbs jumped into the second row, and the whirlpool dragon rushed out and constantly purified the power.

This process can be uncomfortable. If it is not supported by medicinal herbs, it is difficult to support it. However, the more you admire the Wenyang month, how will you be willing to accept it?

Wenyang Yue, really still desperately like Saburo, jumped to the third row, where the vortex dragon gas almost suppressed her breathless.

But this time, she has to rely on her own strength!

Haoyue College, recruited two new students, this is a good start, it is difficult to wait for such changes, how can she fall off the chain at this time?

Must be stronger!

Zhao Wuying and Jing Xiaomeng are all unsightly, and their hearts are bitter. These guys can support and use their remedies!

These grievances are simply unbearable.

And most importantly, what should they do now?

Zhao Wuying is awkward. I don't know if I should be on the third row of dragon scales. After all, he can have no guarantees. Once he can't hold it, it is a dead end.

Jing Xiaomeng is even worse, and even the second row is afraid to set foot.

"Beyond the Qin dynasty I recognized, I will be able to surpass him in the future, but now, if it is surpassed by Liu Yefei, what other faces can I say?" Zhao Wuying was worried.

He jumped on the third row of dragon scales.

"Schoolmaster..." Jing Xiaomeng bite his teeth and jumped into the second row.

She still has some medicinal herbs to keep, and the second row should be able to hold.

This time, many students who have not acted before have jumped into the first row of dragon scales. Some people have supported them, and some have fallen. Everything depends on themselves.

In this place, I stayed for two days. Finally, Qin Qi broke through the ninth row of dragon scales, a silvery gas, pure to the extreme, a touch of random, comparable to thousands of times others.

Qin Qi jumped from the ninth row of dragon scales, and the physical strength stirred up, quickly repairing the previous loss.

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