God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1763: Lonely woman

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-three chapters lonely woman

These nine dragon scales have come down, Qin Qi has not lost much, not only the power is further purified, but also the physical body has been strengthened, and the body dragon power has a tendency to sublimate.

At this moment, Qin Qi raises his hand, the power can show the vortex, alternating positive and negative, turning into a spiral and an outer spiral.

By running power in this form, Qin Qi can understand all the details in detail and make up for the lack of eyes and perception.

In addition, Qin Qi has a lot of ideas about the heart of gold, and it is not easy to condense it, but it is not difficult, but the only difference is an opportunity.

After looking at it, Liu Yefei and Xing Shan have already reached the third row. At this moment, they are doing their best and insisting that they should succeed.

Wenyang Yue, already rushed to the fourth row, simply do not die.

But if it is successful, the harvest will be huge.

Like her, Zhao Wuying also jumped to the fourth row. His talents have indeed surpassed Liu Yefei. Many of them are not so embarrassing if they are not lost.

"Hey, look at what's in front of you." Qin Qi said to himself, go forward.

After a certain distance, the front is bright, Qin Qi came to a huge palace, the floor is transparent, the bottom is actually choppy, like the sea of ​​anger.

Standing here, there is actually a feeling that the one-leaf boat is difficult to live and die.

In the periphery of the palace, the nine huge dragon pillars seem to rise from the sky, the mist is lingering, the vortex is faint, and the dome is not visible.

"What a ghost place." Qin Qi whispered, always on alert.

He looked around and found that there was no specificity, and there was no exit.

"This is, switch?" Qin Qi finally looked back and saw a stone platform on the side of the entrance. A spiral bead was suspended and glowing.

Remove it, the layout of the Temple of the Dragon should be able to collapse.

However, this Qin Qi is not in a hurry to do so, let Wenyang month they have a good workout.

After all, even if they are allowed to come over, there is no way out in this place.

"Hey, I can only try again, I don't know if I have nothing left now." Qin Qi snorted.

When Qin Qi took out the diamond jade, he sent a message to the girl before.

As a result, it was still sinking into the sea and there was no response.

"Nothing will happen." Qin Qi guessed, but soon shook his head.

He is in danger now, how can he manage others?

Even if something really happened there, he couldn't do anything.

"Yes, the dead horse is a living horse doctor, ask the lonely woman." Qin Qi also had no choice but to send a message to the woman who showed him a photo before.

"Lonely crush, chat with my brother."

Qin Qi sent the message.

Not to mention, this time there is no stone sinking, and the other party will soon have an echo.

"Chat can be, but come and not indecent, my brother has seen my capital, is it also let me see my brother?" A message was returned.

By virtue, how lonely this woman is.

Qin Qi shook his head and took off his shirt, revealing a lean body. It looked like it was not burly, but it was strong and strong, and the muscles were knotted. There was no trace of flesh and blood, full of power.

Absolutely perfect body.

Qin Qi took a picture of his face and sent it in the past.

"Hey, this figure is really good, I didn't expect you to be a fierce brother, I like it!"

"That is!"

"However, the capital, the man's capital is not this!"

This woman, dare not wave a little more?

Qin Qi's face is black, it is no longer flowing, it is impossible to shoot a **** photo, after all, the basic exercise is still necessary.

Unless the other party starts!

"This is the turn of you!" Qin Qi replied.

"Oh, hate it, hello!" Lonely woman replied, "But today I am not convenient, I must be a good teacher, please teach."

Although the text was sent, but the influence of Qin Qi before the incredible beauty, I can still imagine the other person's charming attitude when saying this.

"What does the fierce brother want to talk about?" asked the lonely woman.

"I was involved in a dragon palace at the bottom of the lake. I can't get out. I want to ask if you have a way to go out." Qin Qidao.

"I thought that my brother would know my towering bumps, but I didn't expect it to be such a thing."

"But if the fierce brother can't get out, it's not easy, but I am looking forward to seeing you. You talk about it, which family is the dragon?"

"The whirlpool dragons."

"Can that also call the dragon?"

"In short, I was trapped..."

"Let me see the situation."

Qin Qi sent the surrounding environment into the image of the road and sent it out.

"Here is the Tibetan Dragon Hall. Although it is not a regular export of the Dragon Palace, it is indeed one of the exits." The lonely woman is not bad. It is obvious at a glance, and the knowledge is not less than that of the previous woman.

"How do you do it?" Qin Qi asked quickly.

"It's not difficult, I can tell you the method, but there may be dangers. After all, this place is one of the places where the dragons hide their baby." Lonely woman.


"Yeah, baby, but you have to have a life to take."

"I will be careful."

"That is of course, even for me, you have to live!"

Lonely woman told Qin Qi the method, there is no more to say.

On the other side of the world, a huge flying treasure ship is flying rapidly above the clouds.

Such a treasure ship, the value is immeasurable, especially the ability of space shuttle, even more amazing, ordinary diamond strong, I am afraid I can not have a ship!

At the moment, in the central dock of the treasure ship, an extremely beautiful white woman took the communication jade, and the pure face was full of charm.

"If I die, it will waste my time, though, just a little bit of a boring journey."

Said, the woman thought of the purpose of this trip, could not help but frown.

"The woman with a black belly, what I want to do this time, at this festival, suddenly I want to open a girlfriends party, it is really boring, to open is also a fierce party!" The woman snorted a few times.

But even so, it has to be done and has to be taken seriously.

"Unfortunately, I have to bow my head. Who will let you be the king of the Black King? I want to come, I am very proud!"

"However, if the person did not disappear, the suspected death... Black King, how can you marry you, after all, you are just a substitute!"

"Oh, that being said, it would have evolved into such a situation, it wouldn't..."

"Well, I don't want to do this. Things have already been settled. I am afraid that no one wants to open the old accounts of millions of years. Why should I pay for this?" The woman smiled.

"Really, these eight women, the most gossip on weekdays, no one knows the woman's intentions, even a little news has not been passed." The woman could not help but complain.

Many people invited to this event are women with extremely high status.

These women, either of their own strength and possessing special abilities, or they have a deep background, can influence a country to be a few countries.

In this way, it is enough to show that this girlfriends gathering will never be a simple gathering of eight women, chatting and drinking afternoon tea is as simple as that.

This kind of thing should not be revealed without a bit of news.

I was thinking, the communication jade in the woman's hand was bright, and there was news coming in.

The woman’s mind was moved and the contents of the message were checked. Then she stood up and couldn’t help but express her amazed look.

"Haha, it turns out that it is no wonder that you can't sit still."

"Hey, the black king, this old man, is also very embarrassed to personally go into battle, this is the iron heart to the old cow to eat young grass, but it must be really, the big outside world, but also shocked!"


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