God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1764: Confirmation of Longdao

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-four chapters prove the dragon road

Qin Qi wrote down the method that the lonely woman said.

According to the lonely woman, this exit is in the fog on the top, but since the other party specifically confessed that there will be danger, Qin Qi naturally does not dare to care.

The whole body is brewed at the critical point. The flow wings behind Qin Qi are swept and plunged into the air. No matter what the danger is, always try it. Otherwise, don't think about going out.

It seems that Qin Qi’s approach is approaching, and the fog begins to surge and turn into a whirlpool.

In the center of the vortex, a large number of dragons gathered together, and turned into a dragon shape, I am afraid, this is the whirlpool dragon.


A dragon rang out loudly, and the vortex dragon of the dragon's temper swooped down and took Qin Qi straight.

Strong in power, Qin Qi feels scalp numb!

Qin Qi snorted, and now there is no choice, only a battle, his body of dragon veins shine, powerful power shakes out, to the body of the dragon, to dragons and dragons!


A loud noise, shaking the entire Tibetan Dragon Hall, between the power raging, it can be seen that the two mad dragons are colliding fiercely.

Since Qin Qi entered the foreign world, he has not really demonstrated the ability of the Tianyuan world. Now, it is a war that can be unscrupulous!

Nine-color dragons roar, sometimes split nine dragons, and sometimes merge into one, turn into a nine-color dragon, the power of the dragons to fight the earth, not to be killed.

Dragon to dragon, not only the collision of power, but also the testimony of the dragon.

Qin Qi is just taking advantage of this opportunity to sublimate Longdao!

Qin Qi's natural cultivation is to kill the kendo, but the body of the dragon vein can not be abolished, and the dragon road is needed to sublimate. This is the method of spiritual cultivating kendo, meat repairing dragon road, and spiritual and double repair.

This is what Qin Qi had considered after abandoning others and specializing in killing kendo. After all, the power of the Dragon's body is really reluctant to give up.

Moreover, from the Tianyuan world, and on the stage like the heavens and the world, the body of the dragon vein is obviously not seen, and he has more room for growth.

Therefore, Qin Qi thought about it, and the two spirits were repaired.

Now, just try to prove the idea.

The Qin Qi body glows, and the nine-color gods continue to wash. After the ascension of the Temple of the Dragon, it is more powerful at the moment. Everything is like a dragon, and it is entangled with the vortex dragon.

However, the whirlwind dragon is indeed powerful, although it is not the deity here, but after all, it is the existence of the diamond level, and the dragon road that is not restricted by the heavens and the earth is naturally strong.

Even if it is only a dragon, it is not a real dragon, but this dragon is repaired, still above Qin Qi.

So almost instantaneously, Qin Qi was suppressed, and the dragon claws of the vortex dragons were pressed down, the force of the spiral was torn and crushed, and Qin Qi’s bones and bones were all screaming!

With such strength, even if Qin is fully committed, it is difficult to reverse the war situation.

In this way, Qin Qi is definitely not an opponent. Killing the kendo can hurt the other side and consume the vortex, but it can't solve the current situation.

Only by comparing the dragons can we compete and even resolve the Tao of the whirlpool.

Under the pressure, Qin Qi’s inner heart is more clear. In many thoughts, he has seized the ultimate important one.

That is the proof that the future dragon road should go!

Although it was only a vague concept for the time being, as the battle continued, Qin Qi’s dragon road began to rise, and the simple dragon road began to change.

This change has gradually begun to move closer to the heart, which is where the golden air turns, to condense the heart of gold.

Qin Qi’s golden heart will be presented in the form of a dragon!

Against the Kunlun, the sky was overwhelmed, and the mountains and rivers were made up of 999 dragon-shaped mountains. I don’t know what kind of gods are there.

This is the ancestor of Wanshan, and it is the dragon's pulse.

Qin Qi finally understood how his dragon road should go down.


The dragons were shocked and shocked, and Qin Qiyu slammed up. The strength of a dragon force and a vortex dragon swayed back and forth, and the battle was more intense.

Qin Qi's dragon road is also constantly strengthening, the body is soaring, not only the light of the nine colors, but even the whirlpool gas is contaminated, it seems to be a one-stop!

This is the dragon road that Qin Qi gradually clarifies. It covers the dragon road of the vortex dragon, it is an absorption, and it is like a kind of completion!

Vaguely, even if you don't use the anti-Kunlun, Qin Qi will have the appearance of the market on that day, the mountains and rivers, and the 899 mountains and ninety-nine mountains, the stalwart that can't be said!

And ten of the mountains, which are connected to the ten dragons on his body, have actually made a connection.

However, the location is different. The several dragon-shaped mountains in the middle meet the original nine dragons of Qin Qi, and the vortex dragons can only match the outermost dragon-shaped mountains.

"This is the way to go afterwards, the real end of the body of the dragon vein?" Qin Qi whispered, his eyes showed a shocking color.

He was only trying to find out, but he did not expect to find the right path.

Is this mountain the source of the dragons of the heavens and the world?

Compared to the single dragon of the world of heaven, I don’t know how many times stronger.

Qin Qi couldn't help but feel a little excited. If one day, he would put 999 kinds of dragons into one body and join the mountain of the gods. So, what is the body of the dragon veins going to grow?

Can't help but look forward to it!

But now, first stabilize this new dragon road, and Qin Qi also knows what kind of gold heart he wants to condense!

It is called, Kunlun heart.

Now, the power of the vortex dragon has been difficult to suppress Qin Qi, Qin Qi has already defined the future dragon road, and the power of this whirlwind dragon can only become the nutrients of Qin Qi.

It is a pity that this nutrient is not enough. It is not enough to completely condense the tenth dragon. The connection with the mountain is also intermittent and cannot be compared with the original nine dragons.

After the dragon claws were crossed, after half an hour, Qin Qi completely scatters the vortex dragon gas, and the obtained Tao method is confirmed in the heart and turned into the embryonic form of the Kunlun heart.

"Not enough, the power of this whirlwind dragon needs further reinforcement!" Qin Qi whispered, sweeping the sword, and the fog was suddenly split into two halves.

The dome of this Tibetan dragon temple is no longer obstructed and exposed to Qin Qi’s gaze.

Just the next moment, Qin Qi is a contraction of the pupil, and the heart is cold.

A huge snake, on the top of the dome. The snake is a demon, like a mirror, reflecting his appearance!

The snake is black and white, like a silver ring attached to the body, the scales radiate the cold light, and on the forehead, there is a **** horn, it is a snake that is smashing!

Qin Qi couldn't help but feel awkward, and the instinct felt a huge threat. This snake is extremely horrible!

"It seems that it is already dead?" Qin Qi hair, but soon found that this snake does not have any life fluctuations.

Moreover, there is a huge gap in its flesh. In addition, there are still more than a dozen scars, which are enough injuries. Obviously, there was a big battle before death!

"The smell of other beasts, is it the killing inside the beast?" Qin Qi whispered, spreading the perception in the form of a positive and negative vortex, and capturing all the details.

"This is the enchanting silver ring 蟒, in the snakes of the alien world, the blood is not strong, so it will turn to the smash, the way to go dragon." Yi Kunlun introduced.

This information is still there.

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