God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1767: Hot goods

The first seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters are popular

Wenyang Yue Hao is also a self-study sister, and the character of Qin Qin is very much appreciated, so give her a dragon, there is no problem.

But others can be different.

The previous medicinal herbs, etc., were obtained from Zhao Wuying in their hands. Qin Qi did not care, but also as a little welfare to help them get more benefits in the Temple of the Dragon.

But now that it has come out, and the value of the dragon is not comparable to those of the medicinal herbs, it is impossible for Qin Qi to give it to others.

I can't afford it if I want to come.

"What are the conditions for Qin brother, but it is no problem!" Liu Yefei said, he is not an idiot, naturally it is impossible for Qin Qi to give him free of charge.

Such treasures need equivalent value in exchange for.

"Dragon's heaven and earth treasures, anything can be, as long as the value is similar, this dragon yuan can be exchanged for you." Qin Qidao.

Since the idea has been fixed, the Qin Qi naturally has to make every effort for the promotion of the Dragon Road.

The more the convergence of the Dragon Way, the more important it is for the sublimation of Qin Qi's own dragon.

"Dragon system?" Liu Yefei is somewhat entangled. There is no dragon treasure in his hand that can be exchanged. However, some medicines are rich in dragon gas, but obviously not enough.

"I have a dragon's flower and wood here, but the value is still almost the same. I wonder if I can replace it with other heavenly treasures?" Xing Shan said.

He took out a plant and a tree, and the dragon's breath suddenly spread, and the medicine was fragrant.

This dragon's flower is very good, and each meridian between the leaves has a dragon shape, and between the petals, Baoguang Yingying is rich in dragons.

This is close to the platinum-level elixir, which is of great value.

A dragon flower is worth a tenth of a dragon!

"Xing Shan, there is such a treasure in your hand, where is it!" Liu Yefei suddenly cried.

"Occasionally, unfortunately, it didn't help me. I didn't want to sell it like this. I just stayed. I didn't expect to use it today." Xing Shan smiled, and it was lucky.

"I don't need anything else, but this dragon can be given to you first, and it will be added in the future." Qin Qidao.

Xingshan’s eyes suddenly brightened and he quickly said: “Qin Xiong is assured that there are many collections of dragon treasures in the college. After returning, I will immediately replenish you!”

"That way, how many Qin brothers have, I think it should not be a problem to exchange three. I believe that the college will never stop!" Xing Shan's eyes are brighter.

Can be filled in the future, of course, is a big opening, directly set three.

In Qianhuzhou, there are very few repairers in the dragon system, so the dragon treasures will not be too big, and most will be thrown into the auction or business.

Will stay in the hands, mostly special features, do not want to sell at a loss.

In addition, it is also in case of need.

Now, isn't it just a need?

If the high-level colleges know that these piles of warehouses can be exchanged for diamond-level dragons, it is estimated that the mouth must be laughed.

"I rely on, Xingshan, you have to be shameless, no college has no treasures, if it is comparable in the future, then I have three Ye Yefei!" Liu Yefei will let this opportunity.

Three, in time, that is the realm of Samsung.

The golden steps are just around the corner!

"Oh no, our college still has a lot of contacts, four, I can take four!" Liu Yefei thought about not reconciled, quickly called.

When Xing Shan saw it, he said that his brain was too stiff. How do you think about the collection in the hospital?

It is not impossible to collect from other sources!

"Qin brother, oh no, Qin Xuechang, can't be thick and thin, I only need two, oh no, one, one can be, I will use the double value of the treasure treasure to return!" a student called.

He is Yujingshan Yujingshan, and they are a group with Liu Yefei. The relationship is very iron. They have also stood on the Qinqi side.

蛟龙元 is in front, naked starry realm, who does not want?

Originally, Qin Qi wanted the dragon treasures. He really couldn't get it, but he learned that he could repay it in the future. Isn't that the eyes bright and the heat is so hot?

Say what to grab the next one!

Double price.

Youjingshan is also awkward, knowing that you can't hesitate at this time.

And to take those Tibetan goods to the diamond level of the Dragon King, double value is earned.

"I, I also double the value, when it comes to doing it, if I still can't get it, come to see it!" Another student called.

"Your head is worth a few dollars, Qin Xuechang, I am short of the college's wealth, credibility, and will do it for you as soon as I go back. If I don't give you a treasure within half a day, I will voluntarily!"

"I am going, you have to be shameless, your empty colleges are so poor, and you are rich and rich. If you have money, I am the first in college!"

Time, a piece of noisy, are pushing up prices.

This also shows that the preciousness of the dragon is also worthy of doing so.

Liu Yefei was somewhat annoyed. She knew that she was not greedy. This is what he brought up. Now it is good. According to the present value, his resource is estimated to be a share of the dragon.

Qin Qi is also a bit worried, but this is not a problem, and the current channel.

"I don't even have a big lion, just calculate it at twice the value." Qin Qi finally decided.

Two times the value, for them, is already a profit, and for Qin Qi, it is also earned.

No, they even exchange things with each other, but in fact, they still owe Qin Qi.

"Haha, Qin brother is still compassionate, I want three, did not say!" Liu Yefei eyebrows opened his eyes and smiled, he went back to sell the iron after the pot, saying that everything is also ready.

"Good", Qin Qi nodded, and did not let Liu Yefei set up a document or mortgage, directly handed three dragons to him.

Liu Yefei stunned for a moment, then immediately colored, and handed to Qin Qi: "Qin brother assured, I must fulfill the agreement, if there is remorse, Bailing will die and die!"

Qin Qi nodded and said nothing.

After that, all the bidders also have a share, Xingshan two, one Jingjingshan, the rest of the students, most of them are about one.

No one knows how many dragons in Qin Qi’s hands, and now they have more than ten, and there will not be much if there is left.

And a few students who hesitate to bid, are about to make up their minds.

"I want three!" Jing Xiaomeng bite his teeth, and finally couldn't help but speak.

Jing Xiaomeng opened, Qin Qi looked at the past with fun.

"Green tea, you are not the price." Qin Qi faint.

Jing Xiaomeng was furious, although it was a lot better than green tea, but it is still difficult to accept such a name.

However, this is not the most important thing. What is important is that Qin Qi actually sits on the ground.

This made it impossible to think about the name of green tea. I couldn’t help but yell: "Qin, you have to sit on the ground!"

"Yeah." Qin Qi nodded.

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