God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1768: Big wilderness night dragon

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight chapters of the Great Wilderness Night Cruise

Jing Xiaomeng breathed a stagnation and almost spit out a blood. She would have thought that Qin Qi would have been so generous in recognition.

Jing Xiaomeng took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Xiaolongyuan is too important.

According to the current situation, Liu Yefei and Wen Yangyue will all reach the five-star silver I in the short term, especially Wenyang Yue, taking the golden dan, and also supporting the fourth row of dragon scales.

By then, it is not impossible to enter the golden step one step ahead of Zhao Wuying.

In that case, where is her position?

The selection of the world, she will become a true foil, even the qualifications for participation may be lost!

"What price is I?" Jing Xiaomeng bites his teeth.

"The price you just made can be exchanged for half of your dragon." Qin Qidao.

Twelve times the value!


But now no one will be for Jing Xiaomeng, and Jing Xiaomeng is hostile to Qin Qi, Qin Qi let her out six times the value, it is considered a great grace!

"You!" Jing Xiaomeng was furious, twelve times the price, which is too embarrassing.

Qin Qi did not earn too much from Liu Yefei. Now, all of them earned her head.

I am willing to refuse directly, but if this continues, she may not be able to catch up with others.

In the past, the first beauty of the thousand hospitals, as well as the first female student, was not willing to be a foil.

"Qin brother, it will be exchanged for Xiaomeng a dragon, and another six dragon treasures, I will make up." Zhao Wuying said.

"Schoolmaster!" Jing Xiaomeng’s eyes brightened and she was greatly moved.

"Hey, I have to be touched by you." Qin Qi was infected and said: "Then add six more."

Eighteen times the price!

Liu Yefei and Xing Shan, etc., are all looking at Qin Qi without words, which is too embarrassing, but they are wise not to speak.

No one else has spoken.

Zhao Wuying is deep in the city, and this moment is also a little discolored, can not help but Shen Sheng: "Qin brother, is this not appropriate?"

"Hey, look at your actor's appearance (the adulterer), my heart has been hurt, hey, no, it is getting more and more sad, add six more?" Qin Qi shrugged.

"Schoolmaster, forget it, he is deliberately embarrassing you, this dragon, I don't want it!" Jing Xiaomeng called.

"It's a good idea. For a woman like her, it is worth 12 times the value. Is it really worth it?" Qin Qi laughed.

When this was said, Zhao Wuying’s face was even more ugly. Qin Qi deliberately harassed him, but he could not retreat. Otherwise, where is the face?

"Nature is worth it, I am out of those twelve!" Zhao Wuying shook his face a few times.

"Schoolmaster, you don't have to be like me!" Jing Xiaomeng cried, and her heart was moved.

"It's all worth it." Zhao Wuying twitched his mouth, and his heart was bleeding.

I knew that he wouldn’t jump out, but now it’s good, and he paid a full 12 times the price, and he found nothing.

He only hopes that Jing Xiaomeng will not let him down. Otherwise, there is really an impulse to hit the wall.

Jing Xiaomeng was very moved, and she seemed to have made up her mind. "I will not let the seniors disappoint!"

"I will let some people know that I am not a person who can be insulted at will!" Jing Xiaomeng said, but also looked at Qin Qi. "Now, you can give me the dragon."

Qin Qi turned his eyes and said nothing: "Robbery you, but take things to change!"

"You!" Jing Xiaomeng's eyes wide open. "They didn't give it directly."

"I believe you are awkward." Qin Qi said directly.

Jing Xiaomeng almost died and just said that he was still making a declaration. Now, he is beaten by Qin Qi.

However, there is nothing to help.

Because Qin Qi said not to be too correct.

"I have a keel here, which can be used as a deposit." Jing Xiaomeng resisted the urge to vomit blood.

"Show me." Qin Qi flashed.

Jing Xiaomeng is not nonsense, take out a keel and throw it to Qin Qi.

This is what she once experienced, at the bottom of a large lake, and then she has been thrown into the space ring, and even forgot to take it out. Until now, I remembered that there was such a thing.

This bone, Jing Xiaomeng, has also been deeply perceived. It contains some kind of spirituality, which is different from ordinary bones, so she will close it up.

But she didn't know what it was for, or what value it had.

Qin Qi took over the keel, his fingers rubbed, and the perception penetrated quickly. He couldn’t help but be surprised.

This bone is not normal!

At this time, different Kunlun has also found the information.

"This bone belongs to the big wilderness night dragon, one of the blood vessels of the top dragons in the outer world, and there are some spiritualities in the bones. There should be some remnants of the ability to swim dragons in the big wilderness night."

"So, I am rushing to the treasure?" Qin Qi slammed the light, the perception continued to penetrate, the internal and external spirals oscillated back and forth, not letting go of any details.

"There is a remnant of natural lines, this should not be the original animal bones!" Qin Qi could not help but be shocked.

"Impossible, the original animal bone of the Great Wilderness Night Dragon, even if it has been destroyed, is not comparable to this bone." Yi Kunlun replied.

Qin Qi nodded. He just talked about it. He didn't really think that this is the original animal bone.

However, even if it is not the original animal bone, I am afraid that it has a relationship with the original animal bone.

Qin Qi touched the veins of the grain and found that it was not completely formed. Only a few were intact, and the rest were damaged.

This kind of damage is not destroyed, but it is, it is not fully grown.

"Perhaps, this is the bone that grows beside the original animal bone. The great wilderness is powerful, the original animal bone is even more amazing, the power can hardly converge, and the nearby bones are naturally affected and changed." .

This is indeed very possible.

And some of the lines are complete, does that mean that there is a magical power hidden inside!

That is the magical power of the dragons!

Qin Qi couldn't help but feel excited. The information of the Great Wilderness Night Dragon has already been popped up by the system. It is indeed very powerful.

What vortex dragon is not in front of it.

When Qin Qi took a deep breath, the diamond gods worked and prepared to copy the magical powers.

This process is longer than before, but it has not directly failed, which means that it is indeed feasible. There is indeed a supernatural power of the dragon.

"With!" Qin Qi eyes bright, actually turned out to be a magical power.

"Night Shadow!"

This is a diamond-level supernatural power that can transform the shadow into a avatar. The attack method is even more powerful and can directly attack from the shadow.

In addition, the night shadow can be woven for a short night, and in the dark night, the ability of night shadow will be greatly improved.

Of course, if it was originally dark night, the ability of night shadows would also be strengthened.

It is worthy of the magical power of the great nights, and the existence of the night hegemony is indeed powerful.

Qin Qi did not say anything, and directly replaced the twins.

Compared with the night shadow, the twins are really not enough to see.

Everyone looked at Qin Qi and found that after he got the keel, he was dignified and then began to smirk, which made him feel awkward.

Hard to beat, this keel has a big secret?

Jing Xiaomeng couldn't help but think about it. It wouldn't be selling the baby as a tatter.

Finally, Qin Qi put away a smile, and the keel in his hand was turned into a fine.

"Green tea, I don't want you anything else, this dragon is yours!" Qin Qi threw a dragon dragon to Jing Xiaomeng.

A diamond-level magical power is naturally not offset by a dragon dragon. Even the dragon ball is not good, and the value is more than a thousand times.

But who let the other party not know the goods?

A dragon dragon is also considered to let the other party not think too much.

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