God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1771: Qualify

The first seven hundred seventy-one chapter is qualified

"President, I mean, I am deceiving you to do something, you see my current realm." Wenyang Yue laughed, the body of silver rose, the color of gold is already very obvious, just like a flower!

This kind of realm, such a silver gas!

Although Ji Changming is not strong, but it is also a repairer of the golden level, it will not see the purity of Wenyang's power, and there is also the meaning of rushing upwards, and the atmosphere is full of vitality.

"This, this..." Ji Changming was shocked and could not speak.

The current level of Wenyang Yue does not say that Zhao Wuying is better than shoulder, but it is already stronger than Jing Xiaomeng.

"Moon, have you made any big achievements in it?" Ji Changming couldn't help but excite.

Although he looked away, he felt that the college would be gone, but it was a helpless choice. If so, how would he be willing to give up his Haoyue College for his life?

"He helped me," Wenyang pointed to Qin Qi and introduced to Ji Changming: "The dean, he is called Qin Hao, very very powerful, and he has joined our Haoyue College, is a part of our college. !"

“Join our college?” Ji Changming was shocked and couldn’t believe it to Qin Qi.

In the scene just now, he also saw clearly. The broken cloud silver shark was swept away by a person, I am afraid that this young man is doing it.

Such a strong man is already beyond the existence of Zhao Wuying. How could he be willing to condescend to join them in a poor and white?

"Because only I can accept students, he wants to participate in the selection of the world." Wen Yangyue whispered.

"This..." Ji Changming can't speak, is this OK?

But no matter what, since Qin Qi is already a part of their moon, Chang Ming can not be pushed in that season. After all, no one wants to let Haoyue live longer than him.

"Qin Wei, joining us is really wronging you, but you can rest assured that I will do everything I can to help you. You can ask for any requirements. As long as we do, we will definitely satisfy you!" Qin Qi, excited.

"The dean said, I also took the college's ride. I should thank you." Qin Qiwei smiled and he still respected his elders.

Of course, it is limited to this. After all, if there is nothing else in the future, he and Haoyue College should only have this current intersection.

"President, she is pity, and joined us in the next month!" Wenyang month pulled pity, happy introduction.

"Good, we are a family in the future!" Ji Changming laughed and laughed, very excited.

As for the looks of pity, he doesn't care.

I haven't received the students for so long, and even the college can't keep up. If it can, Ji Changming even wants to accept the beasts, let alone pity.

It has long exceeded expectations, and what will be disgusting?

After the robbery, the rest of the life, the mood of a lot of students and teachers are difficult to make, but now, after all, there is still something to do, it will be restored as soon as possible.

From the student's mouth to understand the situation, including the mentors, the top of the college, is a shock.

Unexpectedly, there appeared a talented person like Qin.

Not to mention that beyond the Wu Wuying, you can compete with the gold IV fierce beast, that is, the ability to volley the alchemy, it is enough to shock people.

Such an alchemy teacher will not be inferior to the sergeant.

It was learned that Qin Qi had joined Haoyue College, and many of the deans were sighing. As long as they knew this, they should promote students as vice presidents!

Of course, this is just thinking about it. Except for the two-person college that is about to be delisted, how can a college appoint a student as the vice president?

It can only be said that it was a big bargain.

"Qin Wei, you said that you also want to participate in the selection of the world?" After the mentors learned everything, they fell on Qin Qi's body, and the eyes seemed to be superb, and they seemed to see Qin Qi.

The genius of Qin Qi, the entire Qianhu State, is not only one of their colleges, but also the family and the sects. I am afraid there is no such thing as it.

There may be some people who can choose to find the strength. After all, I heard that there are young children who have broken through the golden level.

But this alchemy teacher has nothing to do.

Such a person said that he came here from another country. Now, he has to participate in the selection of the congregation and has to be suspicious.

But think about it, Qin Qi should not be the spies sent by other diamond powerhouses.

After all, that's too stupid, isn't it deliberately suspicious?

If you have the heart of the circle of dreams, you can't leave such an obvious doubt. You should live in a dream country since childhood.

"The instructor said it is good, I am really interested in the world." Qin Qi nodded.

“Why can I go to the country of my dream to participate in the selection of the world?” another dean asked.

"It's a coincidence, after all, I have just entered the WTO not long." Qin Qi smiled bitterly.

Not long after joining the WTO?

Yes, with Qin Qi's strength and strong alchemy, it must be a descendant of a worldly high-ranking person. I am afraid that I have never known the outside world before this time.

It is no wonder that the selection of the squadrons, etc., need to be learned from Liu Yefei.

It won't be, this time it's really a baby!

Although Qin Qi has joined Haoyue College, Haoyue College is also one of the thousand Qianzhou Qianyuan. If Qin Qi can shine in the selection of the circles, it is of great significance to the Qianhuzhou Academy.

The tutor continued to ask about some situations, and Qin Qi was also answering the questions, but they were all in the clouds, half-truthful, and with some information about different Kunlun, no one could hear anything.

But it is also difficult to clarify the identity of Qin Qi.

I was hesitant and discussed with other deans. The final result was the recognition of the identity of Qin Qiyi’s students.

Of course, there are also reasons why Liu Yefei and Xing Shan continue to speak good things for Qin Qi.

Since Qin Qi’s qualifications have been recognized, then the next step is to conduct the final session of the Thousand Institutes, and the top ten.

This is simple, as long as the record comparison can be.

The end result is a big surprise.

Chuanyue College, the only four seed players left Zhao Wuying, and the second to last, the first countdown is the first beauty of Qianyuan Jing Xiaomeng.

The top three were divided by Liu Yefei, Xing Shan and Wen Yang.

Qin Qi and compassion are also among the top ten, but they only surpassed Zhao Wuying, not so eye-catching.

The other four or five are Yu Jingshan, Shi Yue and Wei Zinan.

These three people are all from the top 20 colleges in Qianhu Prefecture. Although they are not as eye-catching as Liu Yefei, they are also the existence of silver I.

Previously, in the Dragon Hall, they came to the second row of dragon scales, plus a dragon dragon Yuan from Qin Qi, I believe that before the selection of the world, it can go further.

This result is really unexpected. Haoyue College is dazzling, and even three people were selected at the same time.

There is no need to say that the cats inside are not only said that apart from Zhao Wuying and Jing Xiaomeng, others must have been exposed to the light of Qin Qi.

But how can it be, the rules are so, and no one can repent after the public.

What's more, in addition to Zhao Wuying and Jing Xiaomeng in the top ten, the rest are Qin Qi's side, and Chuan Yue and other colleges, even if they are big, they are not good at doing anything special.

However, there are indeed many colleges that are dissatisfied, and they can't stand it anymore. The final result has not changed. This time, the candidate is set.

Then, Qin Qi, they are ten people, go to the state government of Qianhuzhou.

They will join the sectarian and family players and go to the Big Dream Country!

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