God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1772: Flying treasure ship

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy two chapters flying treasure ship

Qianhu Prefecture has a very wide range, and it is naturally far away from the state.

This is a different world, although it is much stronger than the Tianyuan world, but the space is more stable. If you want to break open, you will create a portal and consume more resources.

Needless to say during the war, the portals can be used everywhere, but if it is normal, plus time is not anxious, most of the travel will not use the portal.

Either a volley shuttle or a flying ship.

These two types of flying treasures have their own emphasis. The volley shuttle is more inclined to use alone, while the Feitianbao is a large flying treasure that can be used to carry passengers.

In the outside world, the business of Baochuan Shipping has long been monopolized by giants, and the tentacles have reached all corners of the world. Even in the countryside, it is very convenient to take a treasure ship.

And this power is the independent observation building, the second intelligence organization in the outer world.

The first intelligence organization, Hengsha Tower, relies on the Hengsha chess left by Wangsha of Hengsha to control all the communication jade in the outer world. It can be said that it has a unique advantage.

Plus uploading from Hengsha Wang Hao, the strength is also horrible, almost no one can challenge its giant status.

However, there are not many of the strongest kings that have ever appeared in the world. There are still a few survivors, and there are more heroic generations like Hunting King, still in their prime.

It is also impossible for Hengsha Tower to cover all the intelligence business.

This single-view building has a black king background. After millions of years of unremitting efforts, or eroding, or annexing, in the end, the treasure shipping business is all in the bag.

Based on this, the eye line of the Monowang Building is all over the world, the three religions and the nine races, all major races, all have contacts, and even some aspects, have more advantages than Hengsha Tower.

Although it is still a little worse, it is not bad, Hengshata does not dare to take a nap.

The Qin Qi they are riding is the silver-level flying treasure ship provided by the monopoly building.

The silver treasure ship is a treasure ship that is responsible for sailing between states. It can barely be counted as a treasure ship for long-distance navigation.

Qin Qi, this time, they are going to take the silver treasure ship to the Qianhu State Government, and then transfer to the golden treasure ship to go to the destination, the big dream country.

As for the shipping between the country and the country, it is the responsibility of the platinum ship.

It is said that there are diamond treasure ships on it. This kind of treasure ship is extremely horrible. As long as it has accurate coordinates, it can even sail between the world!

Of course, this is mostly used to find a new world and explore the use of the heavens. After all, if there are coordinates, the boundary gate is the best choice.

However, although there are many types of treasure ships in the Monojou Building, the diamond treasure ships can travel to the sky, but the silver treasure ships can not be underestimated.

Even the silver treasure ship is designed by hundreds of forgemakers. It is extremely fast and very stable and durable. It is the most reliable treasure ship.

When Qin Qi entered the nearby human city with the people, when he came to the treasure ship, he couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

Here, there is already a silver treasure ship moored here, it feels like a small town suspended in the sky, huge shadows, sheltering the sun!

The outer part of the treasure ship, built by the hollow Nanmu, is covered with natural void lines. With this material, the treasure ship can be suspended in the air, which can save more psionic energy.

Qin Qi glanced a few times and found that there are hundreds of similar eye-catching areas on the treasure ship. These positions should be the location of the power output of the treasure ship, which is very flexible.

Of course, these are not surprising. In the eyes of Qin Qi’s actor, it’s not a big deal.

However, the way in which the different boundaries apply to materials is different from that of Tianyuan.

Tianyuan is used to creating by himself, and he is more willing to resort to natural things.

Just like this treasure ship, although it is not without artificial lines, most of them are only supplements to the natural lines, and the main body is still natural.

This approach aims to bring the power of natural lines to the limit.

The deeper understanding is that the outside world believes that natural is the strongest.

Qin Qi slightly frowns, and can't distinguish between good and bad, but the practice of the outside world, the patience of the treasure is bound to be stronger, this is undoubted.

However, the outside world seems to like to use natural things.

For example, many magical powers are generally derived from the source of the animal bones. At most, they are optimized to make them more suitable for human beings.

"Because the world is strong, so don't go too far, just use the ready-made ones?" Qin Qi whispered in his heart, but it was just an idea, and he could not make an accurate judgment.

Qin Qi did not board the ship for the first time, but waited in the surrounding courtyard. After all, such a huge treasure ship could not be opened for them, and the passenger capacity was very large.

Everything must be in accordance with the timetable of the monopoly building.

At this time, the major colleges have also collected the dragon treasures and sent them to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi is naturally unceremonious and accepts all.

Chuan Yue College was sent by Zhao Yuying personally by the tutor, but it was Qin Qi’s accident and some vigilance.

However, this old predecessor who has won the Medal of Honor of the Hunting King Academy is indeed not an ordinary person. Although the price is that the Sichuan Yue College will also suffer from a while, he does not mention it.

On the contrary, I would like to thank Qin Qi for bringing them out with Zhao Wuying, and then encouraging Qin Qi, hoping that he will perform well in the selection of the circles and win glory for the school.

In this regard, Qin Qi also responded politely. Since the other party did not make any bad moves, Qin Qi naturally did not want to cause trouble.

After all, how the instructor is a strong platinum player, he can't afford it for the time being.

After a while, as the bell rings, the silver treasure ship is about to set sail.

It takes about two days to go to the Qianhu State Government. This is not because the treasure ship is too slow, just because the Qianhu State is too big.

These times are very important for the students, and they must speed up the speed and increase their combat power.

The silver treasure ship is huge, and the internal structure is also very reasonable. Although tens of thousands of people are installed in one breath, it is still good to be able to do two cabins for two people.

Qin Qi was the first time to see the silver treasure ship, and naturally curious, but also could not help but sigh.

This treasure ship is indeed a flying town. It has all the facilities, not only the basic requirements of eating, cultivation, and accommodation.

As long as there is money, casinos, brothels, and wine cellars are also open.

For many people, this is the place to live. If there is not much pursuit, there will be nothing to go out in a lifetime.

Following an old driver like Liu Yefei, Qin Qi refused his invitation to drink wine on the broth, and walked to the cabin that he had arranged with pity.

"Qin brother is not a Qin brother, can actually maintain a normal heart for such a woman, even drink wine does not drink, admire!" Liu Yefei could not help but admire.

After all, women who are pity, this is indeed something that ordinary people can afford, that is, they have been together for a long time, but the eyes of compassion are mostly dodging.

Of course, this does not blame them, human nature.

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