God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1775: Ranked eighth

The first seven hundred and seventy-five chapters ranked eighth

Although there was speculation, but it was really affirmed, I couldn’t help but feel the shock.

Judging from the fluctuations just now, Qin Qi’s heart of gold is obviously extraordinary. At this moment, the strength of Qin Qi is afraid that it has reached the point where they can’t imagine.

"It is a brother of Qin, this speed and strength, admirable!" Xing Shandao, his eyes are more determined.

He must be like Qin Qi, enter the golden level!

"Qin Hao, congratulations, I will work hard, when we will together, we will glory for Haoyue!" Wenyang Yue excited, the heart is full of motivation.

"Sister Xue said." Qin Qidao.

He has no intention of fighting for the moon, but since he can even complete the wish of the Wenyang month, it is impossible.

"Qin brother, what kind of gold heart you are condensing, let us talk about it, let me help you look at the rankings!" Liu Yefei excitedly said.

In the outside world, after condensing the heart of gold, the most exciting thing is to look at the gold heart list and see how many rankings.

"How to check?" Qin Qi asked.

"Qin brother, you don't even know this, it seems that you used to be a seclusion in the world." Liu Yefeidao, then took out a colorless spar.

"This is the refining of Hengshata, the heart spar used to detect the heart of gold. Just send the power of the heart of the gold into it, you can find the corresponding ranking of the gold heart list." Liu Yefei introduced .

The list of gold hearts contains the heart of gold condensed by the existence of all practices of the practice of the aliens. It is said that the total number has reached the level of tens of billions. So massive, apart from the first batch, who remembers the latter?

Therefore, the heart spar used for testing came into being.

"I think, the movement that Qin Xiong made only, how can it be the first 10,000!" You Jingshan looked forward to the road.

"Before 10,000? Look down, don't forget that these cabins are not built with ordinary materials, even if the effect of insulating power is not as good as the empty Nanmu, but it is not bad!"

"There is a compartment barrier, but the power is not small. If it is not, is it not shocking to the sky?" Xing Shan analyzed.

"Shake in the sky? You think that Qin Brothers' condensed gold heart can be ranked in the first thousand?" Liu Yefei exclaimed.

"The heart of the first thousand gold, it can be awesome, the whole thousand lakes state, we are in the upper and lower three generations, it seems that there are not a few, one hand can count!" Shi Yue exclaimed.

"Oh, don't guess, check it out, what the **** is going on!" Wei Zinan looked forward to it, and it seemed that he was more excited than he had condensed the heart of gold.

Qin Qi looked at the eager eyes of these guys, but also a burst of laughter.

His Kunlun heart has not been included in the gold heart list.

And this heart spar is obviously also a tool for Hengshata to collect intelligence. Qin Qi does not want to expose the existence of Kunlun heart.

Since he is going to participate in the selection of the congregation, he is destined to have a high-light moment. The eyes that are gathered on him are bound to have more eyes. Instead of being investigated constantly, it is better to give an answer.

"Reassure, just this heart spar, I can still do it by isolating it." The answer of the different Kunlun, let Qin Qi breathe a sigh of relief.

"You simulate a new golden heart, and you can inherit the power of Kunlun's heart." Qin Qidao.

Sometimes, different Kunlun is still very reliable. I believe that after the different Kunluns thoroughly understand the details of the outside world, it will be even more powerful!

When the different Kunluns simulated the new heart of gold, Qin Qi took over the heart spar in the hands of Liu Yefei and took the power into it.

In the heart spar, a little bit of light particles appear to form a number, but it is constantly changing. The only certainty is that the number is getting smaller.

Obviously, Qin Qi’s gold heart ranking is also rising!

"Into the 10,000!" You Jingshan exclaimed, eyes staring at the beating number.

The same is true of other people, almost holding their breath, for fear of affecting the detection of heart spar.

"One thousand, really into a thousand, so strong!" Liu Yefei shouted, very excited.

In the end, the number is fixed at nine hundred, which is just an integer.

"What is the name of the 800th gold heart?" Xing Shan asked quickly.

"Don't worry, Laozi is checking!" Liu Yefei called. He had already pulled out a piece of jade butterfly. After injecting the psionic power, an image was transmitted.

The content inside is a list, it is the gold heart list.

"The hundredth, five hundred ... eight hundred, it is it!" Liu Yefei lifted the jade butterfly so that everyone can see it.

"Ten Fang Longxin!"

"The ten square dragon heart can accommodate ten different dragon roads at the same time, which is extremely powerful. In the heart of the dragon gold, it belongs to the middle and upper ranks!"

"The first ten-party dragon heart appeared four million years ago, and that is also the strongest one of the ten-party dragon heart holders. The title is the ten-party dragon drill, and the peak strength is the diamond I!"

Liu Yefei read all the contents recorded in the list.

There is not much content, but for the list of trillions of moves, this introduction can already be demonstrated by the invincible strength of Hengsha Tower.

"It is really powerful. I am the strongest gold heart in Qianhu Prefecture. It seems that it is only 872. Qin brother can be said to have created history!"

"Haha, cool, this way, Qin brother is the first in Qianhuzhou. I want to see this time, the guys of the family sects, what do you fight with us!"

Qin Qi did not expect Yi Kunlun to simulate such a golden heart, but it is not bad, it is a perfect camouflage.

However, these guys are so excited to see the ninth hundredth of the Dragons in the rankings. If you see the true Kunlun heart, don’t you faint?

"Hey, he was succeeded in condensing the heart of gold. Is it really only that he has been suppressed?" Jing Xiaomeng gritted his teeth and hated him.

"No, the seniors have said that he is confident that he can advance to the ranks of gold before the selection of the world. At that time, the seniors are at the same level as Qin."

"As long as the gold heart of the seniors is stronger than the Qin Fang's ten-party dragon heart, Qin Hao will be stepped on by the seniors!" Jing Xiaomeng's heart firmly.

The ninth hundredth place of the Dragon Heart is indeed very powerful, but it is not impossible to transcend the sister, and Zhao Wuying, there is indeed the possibility of transcendence!

"Congratulations to Qin brother." Zhao Wuying also came over and smiled.

"Fortunately, I believe that you are not far from the golden level." Qin Qi replied.

"Take your good words." Zhao Wuying smiled.

He is laughing, and in fact, he is laughing.

After he noticed the volatility, he guessed that Qin Qi broke through the realm, and his heart suddenly sank.

One is that Qin Qi actually ran to him, stepping into the golden step first, and second, he worried that Qin Qi’s golden heart was too strong.

If so, he really has no hope of catching up.

But now I know that Qin Qi’s gold heart ranks eighth, which is indeed a good result, and is the first in Qianhu Prefecture.

But in fact, Zhao Wuying knows that among the family and the sects, there are young masters of secret snow, and their gold heart rankings must be above eight hundred!

He has always been aiming at those people, and for this reason, he has paid a lot for him.

He is confident that he has fallen behind in breaking through this matter, but once he has gathered the heart of gold, he will certainly be able to surpass eight hundred!

In the end, it is still strong.

The strength is in the pure and how, the ranking is already here, and his Zhao Wuying is destined to catch up.

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