God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1776: little girl

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-six chapter little girl

Qin Qi successfully entered the ranks of gold, and at the same time condensed the ranks of the eight hundredth of the Dragon. It is indeed like a frenzy, sweeping everyone's heart.

In addition to envy, Liu Yefei and so on, are also more and more determined in their hearts, they must also go all out to gather the heart of gold!

"Yin, I really didn't think that you can have such achievements. The future is bound to be unlimited. I represent the Five-finger College, congratulations!" The Dean of the Wuzhi Academy came over.

The high-level of these colleges was in another compartment area, and now they heard the news and they were shaking.

It was a tutor, but at the same time, it was like a relief.

The ten-party dragon heart is hard to come by, which is enough to explain the potential of Qin Qi, but he believes that Zhao Wuying can surpass eight hundred!

It is the dean of the Wuzhi Academy, a bit of a sage, so close, what is the trouble?

Qin Qi is also awkward, and the other party’s enthusiasm is obviously problematic.

"Thank you, Dean Zhang." Qin Qixing courtesy.

"Yin Yin this time, when you have a good realm, there is a loose and tight way to practice." Zhang Xing dean laughed.

"The dean said very much."

"The old man here, some herbs, Yin Xian has nothing to do in the past few days, but it is possible to refine and refine, while helping to get acquainted with the golden gas." Dean Zhang Xing said, handing a space ring to Qin Qi .

"Yin Yin has already noticed that this golden gas is more powerful than silver gas, and it is more difficult to control. The selection of the world is just around the corner, and Yin Xian should be able to integrate it as soon as possible." Dean Zhang Xing laughed.

Qin Qi's eyebrows pick one, this old guy, it is such a thought.

I just want him to help refine the medicine.

However, Zhang Xing’s statement is true. Refining medicinal herbs has extremely high control requirements for strength. It can indeed make Qin Qi familiar with the power of gold in the fastest speed.

Originally, Qin Qi relied on the system and did not have to go through this process. However, his golden gas is different. It is composed of countless dragons. It is indeed difficult to control precisely.

This proposal is not bad.

"Zhang Dean, you also know that I have just been promoted, this power is difficult to control, so the refining can not be lost." Qin Qi laughed.

Zhang Xing’s eyes shook and he laughed. He said, “Where is Yin Xian’s words, this is for you to practice. It’s the key to being familiar with the golden gas. If you are dying, it will be broken.”

"Okay, thank you, Dean Zhang." Qin Qi promised.

The other dean saw this, but it was Zhang Xingyu in the heart, let Qin Qi become familiar with the power is fake, it is true to want to get the remedy!

And now, they suddenly realized that Qin Qi is not a cultivation genius, but also an alchemyist with platinum-level alchemy!

In the past, there was no medicinal material, but it was impossible to refine the remedy of medicinal herbs. Now it can be solved!

After all, Platinum-level alchemists, by virtue of them, simply can't get on the line, can't ask for refining, and can only sell the medicine.

The next few deans are starting to plan and see what medicines are on hand to make Qin Qi refine.

Some have said that some have not, Qin Qi will return to the cabin.

The deans, however, are going to prepare medicines.

The transmission array used to transport the human body is too energy-intensive and cannot be lightly activated, but it is still not a problem to transfer a little medicine.

"President, what medicine did you give Qin brother?" Liu Yefei and Zhang Xing walked in one place and couldn't help but curiously ask.

"Most of them are medicinal materials for practicing hands, and the remuneration needed for alchemy. The rest is the materials needed to cross Jindan." Zhang Xing spit out a sigh of relief and looked at Liu Yefei.

"Dan Jindan!" Liu Yefei was shocked.

Du Jindan is also an remedy for the breakthrough of the golden level. Although it is not as efficient as the golden dan, it is also priceless.

It is extremely difficult to get the medicines you need.

Liu Yefei knows that there is no complete set of Dujindan medicinal materials in the inventory of the Wuzhi Academy. Obviously this time it was collected by the college, and the price paid is inevitable.

"President, I will not let you down!" Liu Yefei has never been more serious.

"Hey, know it, go, go back to practice, I believe that Qin Hao understands what I mean and will go all out." Zhang Xingdao, looking at Liu Yefei's look, was a little more satisfied.

They are five-finger colleges, but they pin their hopes on Liu Yefei.

Zhang Xing took the lead, and other deans also understood that this was an unprecedented opportunity. In the past, they were not incapable of getting those medicines, but they were suffering from no one to refine.

Now, since Qin Qi can shoot, even if it is a double price, you should also get the medicine together!

People spread out, but the news was passed out, and the appearance of the ten-party dragon heart was enough to spur the whole situation of Qianhuzhou.

Especially the children of the family and the sects will feel the pressure.

"How do you feel that you are not right?"

In the upper part of the cabin where Qin Qi lives, the area closest to the top deck of the treasure ship, there are a number of different compartments than the general one.

This place is the most advanced cabin of the silver treasure ship. Generally speaking, it is not open to the public. Only guests with enough heavyweights are eligible to stay.

In normal times, even if it is empty, it will not let people come in, and the most money will be useless.

At the moment, one of the most luxurious cabins is home to two people.

One is a white-haired old man standing on the edge of a chair. He is plain and meticulous.

There is no slight fluctuation in the old man's body. If he is not visible to the naked eye, he will only use it as air.

On the side of the old man, it is a little girl sitting in a luxurious and exaggerated wide chair. Even the top decoration of this silver treasure ship is not worthy of this chair.

The jewels, spar and wood used above are all top treasures. If they are thrown out, each one will be robbed, and the platinum powerhouse will be crazy!

This is obviously not the original chair in the cabin, it was brought out by this little girl.

In front of the little girl, there is a projection of the array, which is just the picture that happened in the cabin area below.

"Dragon old, what do you think?" The little girl looked up at the old man around her.

She was extremely delicate and lovely, and looked up. The fat face of the toot couldn't help but want to lick it. It was as tender as it could be.

The **** and white eyes, flashing and flashing, are even brighter, like the most precious gem.

Such a little girl has already been so ugly before she has grown up. If she grows up, it is definitely the existence of a nation.

Long Lao stood aside and heard the little girl's problem. First, he was slightly swayed, and then the voice did not fluctuate. "It seems that it is not a ten-party dragon."

"Yeah, I feel a little different. Although it is similar to the Ten Dragons, it is still somewhat different. I feel that it is stronger!" The little girl got affirmation and was excited.

This is a dragon master, and his words should be more accurate than her!


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