God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1777: Mixed with

The first seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters are mixed.

But then, her little face tangled and whispered: "But the heart spar should not go wrong, who is wrong?"

"Even if it is correct, it is at most 500 meters. Miss does not need to care." Long Lao is indifferent.

The little girl rolled her eyes and said with a flat voice: "This can't be seen, and it can't be managed. It's hard to find some fun and still not let me care. It's boring!"

"Miss out for a long time, it is time to go back." Long Lao's voice still has no fluctuations.

"I didn't come out for five days. Can this be called for a long time? Anyway, I won't go back!" The little girl shook her head.

"Miss is outside, my wife will be worried." Long Laodao.

"She will worry about me? Isn't she worried about the little fox?" The little girl snorted.

"Miss, don't be nonsense!"

The little girl pouted and immediately said: "There are so many eight women in the family, and bother to be annoyed. I am a few years old. Someone wants to find a family for me. I want to marry myself and marry me. Mei goods!"

"Miss, this kind of words can't be said anymore." Long Laodao.

"Where, I don't go back anyway, even if you take me back forcibly, I can sneak out for the first time and run out for the second time. You can do it yourself!" The little girl began to lose her temper.

The dragon is old and frowning, and finally he can sigh and say nothing.

"Well, I have to take a nap. You look at the ugly guy for me. When I wake up, I will go to him. I must know what he is condensing!" The little girl yawned, directly The group fell asleep on the chair.

Long Lao looked at the little girl's small body, the group was like a cat in the chair, the indifference in the eyes gradually turned soft, and finally sighed.

Because of premature birth, the little girl is weak from childhood, and it is difficult to fall asleep. As long as she closes her eyes, there will be nightmares, even those who are strong, can not be eliminated.

When I grow up, the symptoms are more obvious. It is almost impossible to sleep on my own. Only this specially built chair can make her sleep.

When Long Lao took a blanket and put it on the little girl, he continued to stand still. Of course, his perception continued to diverge and he was concerned about the situation of Qin Qi.

The ugly guy in the mouth of the little girl is naturally Qin Qi.

Qin Qi, at the moment is alchemy.

Although the initial entry into the gold, coupled with this golden gas is unusual, it is indeed difficult to control, but Qin Qi's adaptability is also extraordinary, with the hands-on medicinal herbs tried, it is almost able to accurately control.

After that, it is the improvement of the details, which is good for Qin Qi to understand himself.

"Dan Jindan, just want me to refine this, it should be prepared for Liu Yefei." Qin Qi looked at the Dan Fang, and naturally there are counts.

However, after Qin Qi took out the required medicinal materials and sensed the medicinal properties, it was slightly strange.

He felt that Dan was a bit problematic and had some unnecessary medicinal properties.

"Different Kunlun, in your database, is the formula of Du Jindan?" Qin Qi asked.

"There are three kinds of Danfang in the database, the oldest one, and the larger and larger in front of the eyes." Yi Kunlun replied.

"Show me." Qin Qi's heart moved slightly.

Viewing the Danfang provided by the different Kunlun, the record is very detailed, Qin Qi slightly compared, I know that Du Jindan in the inheritance of this endless years, there have been some misinformation, this Dan Fang, did not completely guide the drug.

"I will help you a handful." Qin Qi compared Dan Fang, and then became familiar with the medicinal properties, decided to change it, and all the excess medicinal properties of Jindan were thrown away, leaving only the beneficial properties for the impact of gold. .

For Liu Yefei who owns Xiaolongyuan, such a golden dragon is what he needs most now. Other medicines are just a icing on the cake.

The plan has been decided, Qin Qi began to refine, but because of the change of Dan Fang, so the refining process can not be divided into mistakes, even if Qin Qi, there is no small pressure.

In this way, Qin Qi is more likely to be familiar with all of his own strengths, without letting go of any details.

This is also helpful for the battles in the future.

In this way, Qin Qi used his heart to refine his life. After half a day, he finally succeeded. The flame dissipated, revealing one of the medicinal herbs, which exudes a golden glow.

This is the Jin Jin Dan after the Qin Qi reform, except for all other medicinal properties, only prepared for the promotion of gold.

The effect can be twice as large as the original one. The single contribution to the promotion of gold is probably still above the golden dan.

"In this way, it is still impossible to achieve gold, then there is no way." Qin Qiwei smiled and sent a message to Liu Yefei.

As for the medicinal materials removed from the Dan side, Qin Qi will not return.

These herbs are precious, and I will be able to find out what I am looking for.

Liu Yefei almost rushed in, and saw Qin Qi gave him a golden dragon, but also could not help but sigh.

This thing is to cross the Golden Dan?

I haven't eaten pork, but I have seen pigs running. Liu Yefei knows what it looks like.

"Qin brother, are you really refining according to Danfang?" Liu Yefei was suspicious.

"No, I changed it myself." Qin Qi laughed.

"No? Changed?" Liu Yefei's eyes wide open.

He can't believe it.

Can this be changed casually?

Even if Qin Qi is more powerful, these mature Dan Fang, can't change it?

"Qin brother, after this change, will the efficacy of the drug be reduced?" Liu Yefei asked euphemistically, feeling a bit of hard work.

"All aspects have been reduced..."

"Sure enough!" Liu Yefei can only accept his life.

"...and left the medicinal properties to help break through the gold. About, it has doubled." Qin Qidao.

"Is it twice down...etc., doubled?" Liu Yefei’s eyes lit up.

"Well, but there is no other medicine." Qin Qidao.

"There are no more, I want to break through the gold, Qin brother, Da En does not say thank you, I will be mixed with you in the future!" Liu Yefei excitedly said.

There is nothing dissatisfied with this.

Double the increase, if this still can't break through the gold, then he committed suicide.

"Thinking, go back to practice, I think other deans, should come to me." Qin Qi laughed.

"Qin Xiong, there is something wrong to say, but I still want to remind you." Liu Yefei hesitated.

"You said."

"Mu Xiu Yulin, the wind will destroy it!" Liu Yefei said: "I don't think that there are such advantages, but I am afraid that such an improved remedy will have too much impact!"

Although Liu Yefei is not an alchemy teacher, he also knows that such improvements will set off in the world of alchemists.

I am afraid that it is comparable to the 100-year-old gold heart.

Qin Qi heard the words, the heart fretting, it seems that Liu Yefei is really going to mix with him, considering the direction of the matter, but also taking him as the starting point.

"I will pay attention." Qin Qi nodded.

"The other is that this guy in Xingshan is more worthy of being a friend than me. If he is, he should have no problem and keep secrets." Liu Yefei said.

After saying this, Liu Yefei went back to practice, and Qin Qi also waited for other directors to visit.

There is only one purpose for them, that is, alchemy.

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