God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1779: hostage

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine hostages

At this moment, she was covered with a dark black light curtain. The rune above was flashing and sturdy. Qin Qi was a sharp sword and only had to be blocked.

The little girl is looking at him with surprise.

On her body, there was a faint black mist that helped her to remove all the power of the counterattack.

Although her face was slightly pale, it was not because of the trauma, but it was just too unexpected.

Qin Qi couldn't help but be shocked, but he wouldn't stop because the other party was just a child. After all, the other's ability is extremely strong enough to threaten him.

When Qin Qi almost did not stop, the second sword went forward again, invincible a sword!

Above this sword, with the strongest killing sword, Qin Qi intends to directly attack the opponent's defense.

The little girl's face was a bit white, she was spoiled, although the strength is not weak, but how to see this killing, it is like a **** wave.

"court death!"

However, it was a low drink. Qin Qi’s sword suddenly stopped, and was bound by an invisible force.

An old man, even Qin Qi did not know how he appeared, and stood abruptly in front of the little girl.

Immediately, he shot a palm, and there was a faint sound of the dragon, shaking his heart.

Qin Qi’s heart was screaming, and the strength of the other side far exceeded his imagination, giving him a sense of threat that he was on the verge of death.

However, Qin Qi is Qin Qi in the end. He has experienced too many lives and deaths. Even if the other party is stronger, he will not be shocked and will react in an instant.

I saw that the shadow under his feet rose in vain, replacing his original position, and he himself, while pulling the distance in an instant, shot several short swords.

Night Shadow!

However, this avatar was immediately shattered. The means of the dragon is not Qin Qi able to compete.

"The magical night of the big wilderness tour dragon?" Long Lao was slightly surprised, did not expect Qin Qi to have such magical powers.

But even so, in front of him is only a small skill.

It is not that the night shadow is not strong, but that Qin Qi is too weak.

Qin Qi’s heart sinks and he does not know how such a strong person will target him, but now he wants to be unhelpful. He wants to reverse the situation and there is only one chance.

His figure suddenly disappeared in place.


The short sword that Qin Qi had just shot, there are several handles is the shadow sword. Qin Qi was ready to make a surprise attack at the beginning.

"Void movement?" Long Laoguang was soaring. I didn't expect a kid of the golden level to use the void to make a teleport.

However, the void is just the same, he can use it as well.

At the moment, Long Lao clenched his fist and went straight to the air around him. The void suddenly broke open, and the law of the void became disordered.

However, Qin Qi’s means obviously exceeded the imagination of Long Lao, and he completed three teleports in an instant. His position has already bullied the little girl.

"Looking for death!" Long Lao was finally angry, and the pressure on his body fluctuated and was unstoppable.

As long as it is swept, it is the end of a pool of blood.

However, Long Lao finally stopped, and did not kill.

Because of the night scene constructed by Qin Qi, the little girl has been shrouded in.

Among the shadows, Qin Qi’s advantage was too great. He succeeded in rushing to the old age, and drilled out from the shadow of the little girl to hold her.

The old heart of the dragon is already shocked, not because of Qin Qi’s ability, but because of his reaction speed.

If you don't want to talk about him, every step is so precise, step by step, can hold the little girl under his eyes, which is really terrible.

After all, their strength gap is too big.

"It seems that I am indeed old." Long Lao laughed at himself, but the light was cold looking at Qin Qi, just like watching a dead person.

Qin Qi swallowed a mouthful of water, but the sense of danger did not fade, but it was even stronger.

The little girl was stunned by Qin Qi, her face was full of surprises, but there was no fear.

She is very clear that she will not have something.

Some of her body is a secret treasure, Qin Qi seems to hold her, but in fact it can not hurt her.

The reason why Long Lao did not immediately attack Qin Qi was just to prevent that.

It is not a last resort, the dragon always does not allow the little girl to suffer even a little bit of injury.

After all, in his eyes, the little girl’s injury, Qin Qi is can not afford to lose.

If not, Qin Qi has already returned to the sky.

Such a movement, naturally attracted the attention of many people, the strong have come, the dean have arrived, and seeing this scene, are shocked.

"In the next five-finger college dean Zhang Xing, dare to ask where Qin Qin offended the predecessors, actually led the seniors to kill this?" Zhang Xing first said.

However, Long Lao did not answer at all, but glanced at him indifferently.

In the next moment, Zhang Xing went straight to the ground and fell into a cold sweat. It was already weak!

"Hey, the order of platinum, but not even the gold kid, but also with the length of a hospital?" Long old disdain, simply do not look at these people.

Everyone was stunned. When I saw Zhang Xing, no one dared to take the lead again. It was a tutor, and he was trembling.

However, I did not plan for Qin Qi’s early appearance.

"Hey, look at yourself a bit of skill, even provoke such a presence, this time, see how you still live!" Jing Xiaomeng said.

She didn't know what the other party was, but when Zhang Xing was glanced at it, he directly fell down, and he could judge how the other party was shocked.

"It's a pity that I can't beat him by myself." Zhao Wuying said lightly.

The cause of the conflict is no longer important. The situation in front of us is already dead, and no one can solve it.

"Is this old thing still alive? Unfortunately, it was already the peak period of the year. Now, fearing that it is weaker is more serious. This is the case in this life." Pity also walked out of the cabin and looked at the distance.

She was very surprised and would see the old man of the year here.

"So, this little girl is their daughter?" The pitiful light flashed a few times, and at first it was not calm, but it quickly recovered.

She is very interested in the current situation, and even if she can, she is willing to go against the original intention and help Qin Qi.

After all, she has the idea of ​​letting this little girl suffer.

"Let the lady open, leave your whole body." Long Lao looked at Qin Qi, indifferent.

Qin Qi knows that the other party is not joking, and that the other party definitely has this strength. It is impossible to make such a mistake for the second time.

Moreover, although he caught the little girl, he was completely uncertain about whether he could hurt her.

But now, Qin Qi has no choice, the little girl is her only rely on.

"Now beg for mercy, swear to be your servant, you can let go of you!" The little girl leaned back on the small head, hands on her hips, very sultry.

She is completely unaware of being a prisoner.

"Small girl, don't forget that you are in my hands." Qin Qi snorted, the power surged, and the little girl was completely in control.

Although it is estimated that this is of little significance, Qin Qi can only seize this life-saving straw as much as he can.

"Cut, what's in your hand, what else can you do with me?" The little girl was not afraid, she was scared by Qin Qi's response before.

Speaking of fear, she is really not afraid of it.

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