God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1780: Assassination

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty chapters of assassination

"You and I have no enmity, why is it so compelling?" Qin Qi bite his teeth.

"Miss Ben does things, I don't need to explain to you at all. Now you have only one way to go and swear to be my servant, otherwise you will die!" the little girl groaned.

Although she is young, she is quite arrogant!

Qin Qi’s eyes trembled, and there was no way for a moment.

Is it really necessary to succumb to this savage gimmick?

Qin Qi is a shameless person, but he does not like to be soft.

"It seems that you want to die and fulfill you." Long Lao has lost patience and he will shoot.

Qin Qi’s power surged and rushed to the little girl. It was just the little girl’s body. The dark black light curtain rose again and blocked his power.

I could not hurt her at all.

"Hey!" The little girl smugly stunned.

It was just then that the power on her body suddenly disappeared.

"Miss!" Dragon boss was shocked.

At the moment of his voice, Qin Qi noticed this and quickly responded.

He grabbed the little girl and placed it on his lap. He hit it hard against the little butt.

"Little girl, who is not good, have to come to provoke Xiaoye, today let you know the power of Xiaoye!" Qin Qi excused, playing it called a crisp.

The little girl was stunned and even forgot the pain.

Pity in the distance, almost did not spray out.

She never imagined that Qin Qi was so hooligan, she would be like this little girl.

As a little girl, I am afraid that I have never been treated like this in my life!

Fortunately, no one here knows the identity of the little girl. Otherwise, it is definitely a super earthquake. I am afraid that the dream diamond will be implicated.

"Looking for death!" Dragon is furious and no longer has the possibility to stay.

"You don't want to mess up, or I will continue to fight, you can kill me, when is the face of your lady, where is it?" Qin Qi called, and he still has to fight.

The dragon is very angry, but he doesn't dare to start.

How a little girl's privileged identity is being assaulted by people, it is absolutely unbearable.

And the fart is still a small matter, the protection of the little girl has disappeared, which means that Qin Qi even threatens the life of the little girl.

The dragon is self-satisfied with him. Even in this situation, the little girl can be kept, but the little girl may still be injured or humiliated.

This time, he is also a rodent.

What makes him jealous is how the protection of the little girl suddenly disappears. I must know that the secret treasure of the little girl is not the same, but now it has not responded.

On this silver treasure ship, I am afraid there is still a strong!

This is what Long Lao is most worried about. The most important thing is that with his ability, he can't even sense the existence of the other party.

Isn’t their whereabouts noticed by someone?

Compared with the old one, Qin Qi is not a threat.

"You, you dare to hit me!" The little girl finally slowed down, and her face was shy and shouted.

"What's wrong with you, when you are young, you dare to be so arrogant. I will teach you well today!" Qin Qi said, and it was a slap in the face.

The little girl screamed, and tears were already spinning in her big eyes.

Her powder is tender and tender, and I can't help but fight, not to mention the parts, pain, and annoyance.

On the little girl, a lot of black gas spread out, and her nephew, like ink stains, gave off a sense of danger.

When Qin Qi saw it, he was heavily beaten.

Under the crowd, the girl was beaten up by the people, and the little girl was completely crying by Qin Qi. She had never experienced such things, and her body was directly smashed, and she cried.

Those who are onlookers are also twitching at the moment, and many of them are despising Qin Qi. It is simply a rogue, so it is such a lovely little girl.

The dragon is murderous, and he really wants to shoot the dead Qin Qi.

"Do you know if you are afraid?" Qin Qi hit a few times. Seeing the little girl with pears and rain, it is not good to continue.

"You are dead!" The little girl licked her delicate hands with her hands, and said with a crying voice.

"It seems that you still have no long-term memory." Qin Qi smiled.

The little girl had a small face and looked at Qin Qi in horror.

"You can rest assured that I won't hit you, but I recorded the picture just in the communication jade, and I can spread it all over the world if I want to!"

Qin Qi exposed the evil face and scared the little girl. "When, see how you marry."

"You are a big bad guy, a big hooligan!" The little girl was shocked.

This guy in front of you must be a demon!

Now the little girl regrets it. She knew that she would not slip out of the house. She would rather face the group of eight women and not face the Qin Devil.

"You quickly remove the image. I promised that you can't let it go?" The little girl was soft and flat.

"You can let me go, will the old guy be willing?" Qin Qidao.

"If I say something, Long Lao will listen!" cried the little girl.

Qin Qi did not believe it, but he did not dare to take risks.

The situation is so deadlocked.

But very quickly, this confrontation was broken and it was a very unexpected way to break.

At a certain moment, the compassion and the dragon and the old almost simultaneously sensed something, and the eyes suddenly changed.

"Miss carefully!" Long old shouted.

Qin Qi is a bit worried, he can do nothing.

But right away, he noticed that it was wrong, and there was a terrible sword!

If you are outside, you can clearly see that there is a horrible Jianguang in the sky, and almost instantly, it has already arrived at the silver treasure ship!

It is impossible to dodge at all.

The power of this sword is even more unparalleled. It is not yet approaching. Many of the repairers have already penetrated the spirit of the sword and the body burst directly.

"Bang" a loud noise.

The silver treasure ship was directly opened by a large hole and almost fell apart.

"No thoughts!"

The dragon was one of the old ones, and he came to the sword light, and then a dragon rushed out, and the dragon was so vast that he blocked the sword.

This power is absolutely diamond-level.

What is going on, what the situation is!

Qin Qi also smashed, and things completely exceeded expectations.

However, the dragon is indeed strong, and there is no such thing as a dragon, but it is extremely fierce. Even if the sword light is shocking, it is also blocked by the dragon.

But immediately, Jianguang reappeared, and the fierceness was abnormal. The dragon was also very dignified, and the dragon power was even stronger, and it was straightforward!

The collision of the two big diamonds is simply a fight of gods.

It is impossible for Qin Qi to participate in it, and the presence of platinum and other people will shake the power at this moment, but they can only retreat and save the people around them.

Qin Qi took a deep breath and, on the safe side, he shot several swords of swords and landed on the ground.

In case the treasure ship was knocked down, Qin Qi could escape.

Pity in the crowd, she naturally has nothing to panic, but look at this, the other party is probably for the little girl.

If this is the case, it is inevitable that it will only be a few long-range attacks by Jianguang.

That should only be to contain the dragon.

Qin Qi did not dare to let the little girl, he can only hold the little girl, go to the side of Wenyang month.

"This is for you, take it when you condense the heart of gold." Qin Qi handed over a few hearts to Wen Yangyue, mainly worried that they would be scattered in this way, and then there would be no chance.

Wenyang received the medicinal herbs in the month, and his complex look and sudden changes have really made people feel uneasy.

But Qin Qi couldn't say anything, and his heart slammed into a warning, and an extremely dangerous feeling shrouded the whole body.

Then, it was the roar of Long Lao.

An invisible sword, directly stabbed out from the void, without warning, to pierce Qin Qi and the little girl together!

"No shadow!" Pity is shining, this is the follow-up arrangement of the other party, almost impossible to embankment.

It was only abrupt, but the sword was stabbed. Qin Qi took the little girl and disappeared in the first place.

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