God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1785: Meteorite interior

The first seven hundred and eighty-five chapters of the meteorite interior

The layout of this room is very simple, there are only two futons, one coffee table, and the rest, the floor-to-ceiling windows that pierce the entire wall are the most conspicuous!

Here, you can directly see the outside, the ups and downs of the mountains and seas.

A man, sitting on the futon at the moment, looking at the scenery outside, if you look from the back, looking at his back, there are indeed some points that will be the top, and the hope of the world!

This person is the owner of the Monopoly, and the most proud student of the Black King.

"Landlor!" someone called out.

Although he was in a hurry, he did not dare to pass, waiting outside with respect and respect.

"Come in." The owner of the building looked faint.

Immediately, there were a few people coming in, and these people, all of them are extraordinary, but the high-level backbone of the monopoly building, the title of elders!

“What happened?” The singer of the landlord whispered, his voice had some magic, and the people were calmed down.

"The landlord, there was a force that invaded the intelligence network of my monolithic building." An elder sinks.

“How is the result?” asked the owner of the monopoly, he only care about the results.

After all, this kind of thing, I don’t know how many times it happened, the single-minded building is getting stronger and stronger, naturally attracting people’s hatred, and people who want to steal intelligence are even more ignorant.

"The power is extremely special. All the banquet buildings are completely banned, and they still can't stop. The other party may... may have got all the information of the singular building." The elder trembled and chilled.

He is very clear about what a big deal this is.

And several other elders are also afraid to speak, waiting for the ruling of the monopoly.

The owner of the singularity of the land heard that the sacred light of the sacred sky was soaring, and the pressure of the leaked leaks almost made the group of elders breathless.

But soon, the hope of the landlord converges.

He is just a faint saying: "Know it, go on."

It is said that all the elders are shocked by the look. Such a big event, the establishment of the Monojou Building has never happened, and it can almost cause a major earthquake.

Looking at the landlord, is it so casual?

"The landlord, this..." The elders were upset and wanted to give the decision to the landlord alone, rather than simply "I know."

After all, they don't know how to do it.

The owner of the landlord smiled and smiled a little. "Since the other party can do this kind of thing, then, do you think we have the strength to do anything?"


"The prohibition of this monopoly building was made by the teacher himself. Later, it used nearly a thousand strong people to carry out uninterrupted blessings. Even if it was me, I could not imagine how it existed. Through these prohibitions, intelligence piracy can be carried out. take!"

"So, this thing has not happened, you go down and do things." The hope of the landlord faint.

Listening to this, the elders nodded and retired.

When the elders left, the owner of the building stood in front of the window, his fingers volleyed, and the lines of the road appeared, very messy, and they looked dizzy.

The landlord alone will not be dizzy. He is connected with the core array of the monopoly building. This array connects the entire intelligence system of the monopoly building, and the minute details are also recorded.

He is using the landlord's authority to use the array method to backtrack and find the source of that power.

"Even all the traces have been wiped off!" Looking at the landlord's eyebrows, the thief, looked a bit higher.

"However, if you can do this kind of thing, you must not start with a certain branch of the monopoly building. I am afraid that it is an invasion from the monopoly building."

"This, but it can be eliminated one by one." The hope of the landlord flashed.

The monopoly building is precious and unusual, and the number is very limited.

"It seems that I have to see the teacher, but the teacher is now afraid that it will be too bad." The owner of the building sighed.

I don't know the naughty and sick little girl, but I found it now.

I don't know if this will affect the big things of the day.


"Is this the interior of the meteorite?" Jiang whispered his eyes and was incredible.

Where is this a meteorite, it is simply a piece of Xinghai.

"What is this, the universe where the heavens are in the world?" Jiang whispered surprised.

Qin Qi and Jiang Qingyu ride in the skeleton of the comet of the comet, and travel to this piece of Xinghai, looking around in all directions, all star-shaped.

It is just that Qin Qi is different from Jiang Qingyu. Although he is also amazed in his heart, he does not know why. In the face of this starry sky, there is a familiar taste.

"Qin Wei, you see there is a river there." Jiang whispered at the foot.

"How can there be a river in the sky?" Qin Qidao, looking down.

Immediately, he widened his eyes.

In this starry sky, there really is a river.

A river made up of stars.

This is, Galaxy?

Qin Qi looked shocked and looked at the star river incredulously.

This is too much like the Milky Way. When I was on Earth, I saw the picture of the outer space. This river is like this.

Qin Qi is difficult to calm down.

Is the star field where the earth is located in this rock?

Qin Qi took a deep breath and shook his light. At the moment, he smashed the skeleton of the comet and rushed to the star river.

If this is the Milky Way, is there a solar system?

Is there an earth in the solar system?

Qin Qi is eager to know.

"Qin Hao, do you know this place?" Jiang whispered curiously.

"I think there is something there." Qin Qi replied vaguely.

The comet is very fast, and it goes straight to the colorful river.

Here, after all, it is somewhat different from the real universe. Qin Qi quickly rushed into the depths of the Milky Way. The distance in the impression of the light years did not appear here.

It's too fast, it seems that all distances have been shortened.

"Qin Wei, look at the seven stars, it's bright, and it looks like a spoon." Jiang whispered at the distant stars in the sky, seven bright stars.

They are very special. Compared with the surrounding stars, they are like standing out. It is hard to think about it.

Qin Qi, the heart has missed a half beat.

That is the Big Dipper!

The Big Dipper is now, what about the blue planet?

Qin Qi, they passed through the Big Dipper, and saw a huge bright star, which coincided with the "spoon handle" of the Big Dipper.

This is the North Star.

The North Star is very large. When it is close, it will cover the entire vision of Qin Qi, and Qin Qi is the scene that he is eagerly awaiting to see through the Polaris.

Is that blue planet, is it there?

Then, Qin Qi really saw it.

But it is quite different from what I imagined.

The North Star slowly descended behind, and the picture in front of Qin Qi was so unimaginable!

This is how a planet, huge and infinite, is in this innocent universe, there is still a sense of grandeur!

Around it, there are even countless stars floating like sesame on top of the pie.

This is not the earth that Qin Qi knows. It is really too many times.

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