God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1786: Record of a period of time

a period of the first thousand seven hundred and eighty-six chapters recorded

"The world of the great planet, I feel that it is not much smaller than the outside world. Is this still the planet?" Jiang Wenyu exclaimed.

In the impression, the world of the planet is very small, and even some lakes that are not as good as the outside world.

Even if it is big, it is at most the size of Qianhuzhou.

But this is too big.

"This..." Qin Qi swallowed his mouth.

I never expected to see these stars.

Is this the earth?

Or is this the earth?

Qin Qi did not know that this was completely beyond the limits of his imagination.

"Qin Xi, the mountain on this planet is so strange, it is like a dragon, all over the planet!" Jiang whispered.

Qin Qi looks slightly changed.

Indeed, in this outer space, there are countless huge mountains stretching in this generally blue planet, even in outer space.

These mountains are vigorous and powerful, such as dragons on the earth.

This is not just on land, but in the sea, it is also faintly able to discern a silhouette, numerous mountains on the bottom of the sea, extending towards the mainland.

They are like dragons, but they are also roots, all over the world, but they are also gathering in the same place.

There, it is an unimaginable mountain, a gathering place for the global mountains.

"That mountain ranges, it seems to be the leader!" Jiang whispered, exceptionally surprised.

She feels a majestic, a great, a crushing world, a kind of ancient and modern!

Indescribable feelings, only know, worship, worship.

“Is this Kunlun?” Qin Qi’s heart vibrates. This mountain is exactly the same as the mountain that I have seen before!

This mountain comes from the earth?

No, I am still not sure if this is the earth!

But if this mountain is really the Kunlun, then where the dragon head gathers, is it not the land of China?

Qin Qi took a deep breath and wanted to enter this blue world.

However, they were blocked and they could not enter.

"Different Kunlun, what is this?" Qin Qi bite his teeth.

"Now is not the time to say, you can find the answer yourself, but once you find the answer, then you have to face those people." Yi Kunlun did not say.

"Those people?" Qin Qi eyes picked up.

"Yes, those people, those who have created countless test sites such as the Tianyuan world." Yi Kunlun answered.

Qin Qi was in a tight heart and couldn't help but feel cold in his heart.

"But then, this planet, like the blue star in the sky, seems to be somewhat similar!" Jiang whispered.

The size of the two may not be at one level, but it gives a feeling, but it is very similar.

"Who knows." Qin Qi shrugged.

"Hey, here can't get in, forget it, let's go somewhere else!" Jiang whispered.

Such a big starry sky, but nothing, she still wants to find something to do!

Qin Qi did not answer.

He looked at the stalwart mountains that connected the world, sat down and began to feel carefully.

If this is the original look of Kunlun, then the body of Qin Qi, for his Kunlun heart, will be helpful to his strength.

This is the biggest chance in this meteorite.

Jiang whispered his mouth high, and she was the daughter of the black king, the first class of the world, who dared to look at her face?

Qin Qi is good, and she does not care about her.

Now I am sitting down and thinking about what I am going to realize?

This metamorphosis, will not really sleep her here for a few years, wait for her to grow up?

Jiang whispered a while, but in this strange world, she couldn't get out of it, and she could only stay asleep.

However, Jiang Liangyu is not an ordinary person. As a daughter of the Black King, her talent is extremely powerful. She is on the sidelines and bored, and she begins to look at the rolling mountains and the gathering of the dragon head.

Gradually, she also began to have a sentiment.

The starry sky among the meteorites does not seem to have the concept of time. Qin Qi and Jiang Qingyu have entered a state of mystery and mystery, which seems to be integrated with the huge mountain range.

Qin Qi is the body of the dragon vein, and the heart of gold is the heart of Kunlun. The anti-Kunlun in the hands can not be related to this mountain. It is not difficult to understand.

This Jiang whisper can even deeply understand, even if it does not reach the level of Qin Qi, it is enough to be amazing.

Her talent is even higher than Qin Qi imagined.

However, as they deepened their understanding, the huge planet in front of them began to fade.

Immediately, the surrounding stars, the Big Dipper, and the Milky Way galaxy gradually disappeared. This starry sky became nothingness.

This book is a period of time recorded in this meteorite. It is not a real thing. Qin Qi, they are aware of it, consume the power to maintain this small period of time, and disappear is inevitable.

Until this starry sky completely disappeared, Qin Qi and Jiang Qingyu stopped.

Behind them, each has a shadow of Kunlun, the king of the mountain king, the ancestors of Wanshan, slowly suppressed, unparalleled.

However, Qin Qi obviously has to be more solid and a little fit, and it can fully exert its strength.

The Jiang whisper is just a little rudimentary, but if it is integrated into the attack, it will have an unimaginable power.

"It's so powerful, what a mountain it is, just mimicking its shape, it's already terrible!" Jiang whispered.

She has not mastered the essence.

Qin Qi, already mastered the part, this is the biggest difference between them.

"Let's go, it seems that there is nothing here." Qin Qidao.

"Hey, are you not going to stay here?" Jiang whispered.

"If you want to, you can." Qin Qi snorted.

"I don't want to, don't want to go out!" Jiang whispered.

She still wants to go out quickly, and then report the peace with the dragon.

Here, the communication jade can not be used.

The battle made the sacral bones of the comet stalking out of the air. This time, without spending much time, I encountered a stone shell here.

This is the real interior space of the meteorite. Only the starry sky is just a record of the years.

Going out from the meteorite, Jiang Xiaoyu used the communication jade to send a few messages, specifically indicating that he was very good and didn't need to come to her.

Obviously, Jiang Qingyu also considered for Qin Qi, for fear that the strong will come, which is unfavorable to Qin Qi.

The reason why she dares to do this is that she can now use the secret treasure at will. As long as she leaves the meteorite, Qin Qi wants to hurt her. It is almost impossible.

And this way with Qin Qi, it can be considered to be fun, unprecedented, she does not want to go back.

"Ah, sleepy, I have to sleep." Jiang whispered.

"If you are not afraid that I will sell you, just sleep." Qin Qidao.

"Hey, there are people who dare to buy!" Jiang whispered twice, hit a few yawns, and even fell asleep.

This is the first time she has been able to sleep outside the chair since she was sensible, and, so relaxed, she can sleep without being disturbed by nightmares.

Qin Qi looked back and saw that the two Kunluns appeared in faintness and had some connection with each other.

That is the power of his power and Jiang whisper.

The reason why Jiang Qingyu can sleep, I am afraid it is precisely because of the strength of the two.

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