The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters ran away.

"How can there be such a strong talent, even if it is me, it is not an opponent." Qin Qi is also somewhat depressed, and the talent of this dead girl is too high.

However, talent is only a part of it. It is really a life-and-death battle. Ten rivers are not the opponents of Qin Qi.

Qin Qi did not take care of her again, sent a message to Wenyang Yue, told her that she would go directly to the big dream country, do not need to worry.

Different Kunlun masters have all the information of the monopoly building, and there are also detailed maps of the different worlds. According to the map, the direction is set, and Qin Qi will no longer take care of the stars.

He also has to look at a lot of things.

For example, the blue star in the sky.

For the blue star, there are not many records of the Monojou Building, but it is more detailed than what Liu Yefei has mastered.

The reason why the planet attracted many strong people from different circles is not because of the opportunity to become a king.

Of course, it is not that the news is fake. There may be real power of becoming king.

But more, because the star may be related to a person.

And that person is the strongest world in the world of the heavens - the leader of the Tao.

That star, perhaps the secret that exists so powerful.

Therefore, the blue star is not just a chance to become a king. The kings even want to get the power to surpass the strongest king from there.

Going close, the first person in the world!

Qin Qi then consulted the intelligence of the Tao.

Combined with the original database of different Kunlun, Qin Qi could not help but look.

The Taoist world is only the world that the Emperor went to.

After the Tianyuan world was torn apart, Zhongzhou is probably going to the Taoist world with the power of the Emperor!

As long as you go to that world, Qin Qi will be able to reunite with his family!

In addition to the opening of the road, the Buddha world, the devil world, the demon world, all have records, all of which are ranked in the top world of the world, even more than the outside world.

However, they are all in the top ten.

Among the top ten worlds, apart from the open and the unfinished world, which is stronger than the other worlds, the rest of the world, although strong or weak, is limited.

"When I return from the blue planet, the second step is to go to the Tao!" Qin Qi exhaled and decided.

All the way to the big dream country, the speed of the comet will be faster than the golden treasure ship, Qin Qi will be the first step, arrived there.

In this process, Qin Qi began to deepen his understanding of Kunlun and further strengthen his Kunlun heart.


The abyss of the mountains and seas, this side has become a ruin, the abyss turned into a large pit, filled with countless gravel.

But at the moment, these gravel began to rise and float above the sky.

This scene is truly amazing, covering the sky, as if it has become a subterranean world, a dark.

It seems that it is a piece of land that is really amazing.

Long Lao and the dream diamond teamed up, and the black king has already arrived, and this area has been lifted up. Every step is fast and stable, for fear of accidents and injuries to Jiang.

Although they did not notice the breath of Jiang’s whispers, they must be careful.

The earth and mountains and rivers cut by the blue-colored Jianguang were all lifted off, and they were re-formed into the abyss, but there is no mountain or sea.

The dragon stepped out and came to the bottom of the abyss. He carefully explored the situation around him, but he found nothing.

His face is a little hard to look at, his eyes are full of worry.

"Don't worry about the dragon, there is news from there. The soul light of the lady is not extinguished. It should be alive now." A diamond like the black tower is strong.

He is the black king sitting down, the black Yao drill, the physical strength of the crown is unconventional, no one can stop.

The black Yao drill and the monologue of the landlord, a total of black king sitting down the double Jie, is the absolute pillar of the black king's forces.

In contrast, Long Lao is no longer the strongest of the peak, no matter strength or status, can not resist.

"Where is that lady now?" Long old girl frowns.

The soul lamp can only show that Jiang Ganyu is still alive, but he is not sure about his status, which is still worrying.

"The magnetic hole in this area has been eliminated. The sensory jade and other sensory treasures can be reused. I believe that the location of the lady will soon be able to come." Black Yao's drill.

"Hopefully." Long Lao sighed and immediately flashed a chill in his eyes. "The two men of Qing Wang, they invaded me from the mysterious world, and there was no news. If no one cooperates, I will It is not believed!"

"The black scales are already looking for it. I dare to enter the world and dare to shoot the young lady. I have to ask him to come back!" Black Yao's drill is mad and cold, cold and cold.

"This, is it related to that incident? If so, it must be there..." What Long was about to say, but was stopped by the black Yao drill.

"Dragon old, cautious!"

The dragon is smashing, can only bite his teeth, no longer say anything.

However, at this time, his communication jade received a piece of information.

This is from the river whisper!

When the dragon was in the middle of the heart, he quickly checked the contents, and suddenly he was relieved, but then he was worried.

"Why, but the news of the lady?" The black Yao drilled quickly.

The dragon nodded and looked a little intriguing. He handed the communication jade to the black Yao diamond and let him see it.

The black Yao drill looked two or three times and could not help but be a little surprised.

"Miss, is this, eloquent with people?" Black Yao's diamonds endured a smile.

"What nonsense!" Long Lao screamed, black face: "Miss is fun, this time to seize the opportunity, can be free, not coming back is also expected."

"Just, the kid doesn't know if it is credible, and the safety of the lady is hard to preserve." Long Lao sighed.

The black Yao drill exchanged the communication jade to Long Lao, and he smiled and said: "There are countless treasures in the hands of the young lady. How can the general be dangerous? If the person is not stupid, after knowing the identity of the lady, it is impossible to do something to the lady."

Long old heard, but the corner of his mouth was pulled.

That goods, but in public, hit the **** of Jiang whisper.

Jiang whispered the news back. There is a mark on Jiang’s own words. It is impossible to have a fake, and Jiang lingyu is proficient in many wonderful methods. If it is really unpredictable or coerced, it must be passed through this message.

Since these are all there are no, I am afraid, Jiang Ganyu is indeed innocent, just simply not willing to come back.

"Dragon is old, it is imperative, but it is two aspects. There is no need to say more about the green king. The other one is the mysterious man who sealed all the secret treasures of the lady."

"I am afraid you still need to pay attention to this." The black Yao’s diamonds flashed.

Long Lao nodded and said: "Since that person can do this kind of thing, if you want the life of the lady, then the lady is not fortunate."

"Yes, according to Long Lao's description, the person may just want to let the boy named Qin Xiao hold the lady, so that you can kill the mouse."

"And since that person did not shoot in the end, presumably, it will not be bad for the young lady." Black Yao's drill.

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