The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-six chapters

"Leave here and say." Qin Qi does not want to say too much here, even if it is just a spiritual voice.

The flower fairy was originally frightened and desperate. She was ready to commit suicide once she had the opportunity. She would never be a slave and be abused by anyone else.

But this person seems different in front of him, he has another purpose.

The flower fairy is still on alert, but for the time being there is no intention of suicide.

Jiang Qingyu has already paid for the money, and the 90 million yuan yuan he has recovered has made her feel at ease.

With such a little money, what is the use of getting it back?

However, Jiang Liangyu did not lose his family to do not want to take it back. He looked at Qin Qi with disdain. "Now, if you wish, happy, isn't you sleeping tonight?"

"You are a little girl, what is the thought in the small head!" Qin Qi is speechless.

"Hey, big metamorphosis!" Jiang whispered, not very friendly to the flower fairy.

Since the money has already been paid, the flower fairy is already Qin Qi, then Qin Qi did not intend to stay here, and they will go out with them.

Jiang whispered as soon as he went out, he was hungry, but he had no choice but to find the best restaurant in the big dream country. He ordered a big table and made a meal.

"Not good, Qin Hao, I have given you so much money, one hundred million, you do not know to repay me!" Jiang whispered dissatisfaction.

"It's ten million, and obviously only three million is enough." Qin Qi rolled his eyes.

"I don't care, anyway, I took out 100 million, and you dare to say that I am your slave girl, this account is not counted yet!" Jiang whispered rogue.

Qin Qi can only promise that she will eat a big meal at night.

Qin Qi, who took the flower fairy into a room, and then laid the law, the body strength is even more shocking, covering themselves and the flower fairy to prevent snooping.

"What is your name?" Qin Qi asked.



"Flower, I am called flower."


Qin Qi coughed, and then said: "Flower girl, the world of flowers, is there a rebellion?"

Hearing this, the eyes of the flower suddenly showed a look of resentment.

"Dream diamonds bring war, let our homes be broken, a large number of people are taken away, as slaves to sell, we of course have to resist!" Huali excited.

"What is the current situation?" Qin Qidao.

"What do you ask for?" Hua Rui looked at Qin Qi with vigilance.

"You just have to say what you know, this is not a secret that cannot be revealed, isn't it?" Qin Qi laughed.

The stamens hesitated, and said: "The situation is developing in a good direction. Although our strength is not enough to compete with the army of the dream diamond, it can put tremendous pressure on them."

"And we have united, with new leaders, we will be able to continue to expand the results in the future, and finally regain our homeland!"

Her eyes are full of hope.

New leader?

"Leader, is that rumored peach blossom demon?" Qin Qi's light flashed slightly.

"Yes." The flower nodded, after all, this is not a secret.

"That peach flower demon is a man or a woman, what is the name?" Qin Qi quickly said.

The flower core is closed.

"Don't forget, I saved you from the fate of the slaves." Qin Qi said lightly.

The flower core bite the tooth and said: "The peach is a woman. She told us to call him a peach, but we will call her a peach, we respect her!"


The Qin Qi breath suddenly changed, and the mood was ups and downs.

When he heard the words of the peach blossom demon, he couldn't help but wonder if there would be such a possibility, so he would buy the flower.

And now, the peach demon is really called peach.

It won't be, she is really her!

"Can you simulate the appearance of the peach demon?" Qin Qi could not help but ask.

"What do you want to do!" The flower was suddenly alert.

Peach is their new hope, even if she is dead, it is impossible to disclose it to outsiders.

Although she did not know whether this would pose a threat to the peach blossom, she did not want to take any risks.

"If I said, that peach may be my friend?" Qin Qi smiled.


"So, tell me what she looks like, if it is really her, then the fate of your family will change!" Qin Qidao.

The stamens were somewhat tangled, but they finally agreed.

After all, it’s just a mock look. It’s not a big secret. The dream diamond has already mastered the many information of Tao’s, and sooner or later it will leak out.

When the flowering body is full of prosperous, it gathers into a figure, and the figure gradually becomes clear. This is what Taoer looks like.

Qin Qi’s hole was shrinking.

It’s really a peach.

The peach demon that I saw at the emperor's academy.

That kind of insatiable change, has been waiting for the peach blossom of the dean of the emperor.

Unfortunately, nothing has been waiting.

In the chaos of ancient times, Qin Qi saw the few lines left by the president Liu Baiyi. He had cut off the love with Tao, and pursued a higher realm.

The wait of the peaches will never wait for the return of Liu Baiyi.

Qin Qi has never seen Liu Baiyi, but he knows that Liu Baiyi has the existence of a natural selection. Unfortunately, until the end, the Tianyuan world was shattered and he did not appear.

Perhaps, he entered some secrets and could not return.

Now, maybe in any place in the heavens and the world, it may have become a supreme.

Qin Qi did not know, and did not intend to understand.

Just as Qin Qi came back from the ancient days of chaos, with a peach to see the peaches, when Tao said, in Qin Qi's view, Liu Baiyi is just a coward.

Because the teacher training, because of the vulgarity, only because the people in the college can not be combined with the demon, and finally married Acacia, lost the peach.

Some people may appreciate his contribution, and his abandonment, but in Qin Qi's view, it is still a coward.

Taoer learned that she was waiting for hope. In the end, she still did not leave the Tianzi Academy, or sat on the peach tree and waited slowly.

Nowadays, the world of Tianyuan is gone, and Tao, has it broken?

Qin Qi spit out a breath.

He doesn't know how peaches will appear in the world of flowers.

She should be taken away with the Zhongzhou Terran, and taken away by the Emperor.

But these problems can be solved naturally when I see peaches. Now, what Qin Qi has to do is to see peaches.

Now that she knows that the person who led the rebellion in the world of flowers is Tao, then Qin Qi said that she would not look at her in danger.

The selection of the constituency this time is just an opportunity.

If you want to go to Blue Star, the person can't be a leader. This is only the first step. Qin Qi also knows that he can't worry, so this world of flowers can just complement the gap.

With the use of world wars, the realm of Qin Qi should be able to take it to the next level!

Immediately, Qin Qi continued to ask about the current situation in the world of flowers and flowers.

The stamens hesitated and repeated, and there was not much reservation in the end, except for some secrets that could not be said, and roughly what she knew.

Although this dream diamond has completed the rule of the world of flowers, it is limited, and it is impossible to go deep into every corner of the world of flowers.

So he planned several important towns as a node to control the entire world of flowers.

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