God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1797: Old news

The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven chapters of the old news

These important towns are all important places in the world of flowers, and their existence completely divides the power of the indigenous world.

In the past, indigenous rebellions also occurred from time to time, but it was because of the existence of these several important towns, and the fact that the aliens were stronger and could only be suppressed.

In this way, the world of flowers has been generally stabilized, and the dream diamond has begun to fully absorb blood, constantly squeezing the resources of the world of flowers.

However, this time, the balance has been broken, and one of the major towns has been miraculously broken, resulting in a joint trend among the indigenous peoples.

Afterwards, the troops of the Dream Diamond quickly responded, preparing to gather forces to encircle and counterattack the occupied town.

But the indigenous people directly ruined the town.

This can upset the dream of the diamond, and the indigenous people take the opportunity to unite, the situation, it is in a deadlock.

Now that the world of flowers has been in full swing, it has seriously affected the capture of resources. The dreamless diamonds are helpless. Only the second army can be transferred from another world battlefield.

I want to suppress the rebellion in the world of flowers.

Dream Diamond has a total of three regular corps, each of which is composed of circles, the strength is extremely horrible, and the first legion can even fight the diamond!

Although this second legion is second, it is enough to deal with the world of flowers.

The original dream diamond was full of confidence, and it was believed that the rebellion would soon be suppressed, but unexpectedly, the teacher was unfavorable, and the whole half of the legion was lost by the peach.

Under this circumstance, it is really chaotic. The indigenous morale of the flower world has become a giant beast that devours the world. It is almost impossible to take it in one breath.

Of course, this is also the reason why the dream diamond was dragged by itself.

Before he wanted to capture the fruit of the dreamy fox, the result was that the chicken was not eclipsed, the fruit was not obtained, and he was injured.

And then, it was Jiang’s whisper.

This is a big event that affects the head of others. Even if the world of flowers is completely lost, he will never dare to leave the big dream country.

"You were captured in that battle?" Qin Qidao.

"Hey, those outsiders who attacked the areas where our ordinary people lived, forced us to rescue, if not such a mean means, I will not be caught!"

"It seems that you want to go back to the world of flowers to fight?" Qin Qidao.

"Of course, I certainly want to go back and fight with the people!" Huarui quickly said, then looked at Qin Qi, "Would you like to let me go?"

"I will find a way." Qin Qi laughed.

"Really!" The flower was suddenly excited.

She wants to go back to the battle!

"However, you have to tell me the truth." Qin Qidao.

"What do you mean?" The look of the flower has changed.

"I told you that I am a friend with Tao, so I know her, she is strong, and she will become stronger after she has left the world."

"But at this time, she is absolutely impossible to be strong enough to attack a big town!"

"And, Peach is not good at commanding, she can't lead you to fight with the Legion, and it is even more impossible to swallow half of the Legion!"

Qin Qi Shen channel.

He has no obstacles in the world in detail, and peach blossom can become a generation of strong.

She may be able to lead a group of people to carry out the rebellion, but she absolutely can not command the battle at the legion level.

Qin Qi has been waiting in the battlefield. It is very clear that if there is no absolute crushing on the single realm, it is only the Legion that can compete against the Legion.

It is not an easy task to command a legion.

Qin Qi himself is not good at this.

The face of the flower has changed. She now believes that Qin Qi really knows peach.

"You are right, on our side, it is not just a peach." Huarui said.

"Speak clearly!" Qin Qi shouted.

"In fact, the peach master suddenly appeared in the world of flowers, she fell from a crack in space, with a very heavy person." The flower slowly.

The flower is very careful, and almost everything I know is said.

The peach is a peach blossom demon, which coincides with the power of the flower world and was quickly accepted by the indigenous people.

Indigenous help the peaches settle down and take care of the wounded.

Later, the indigenous people taught the power system of the peach blossom world, and they were surprised to find that the peaches were even more favored by the world than they were.

The realm can be said to be a thousand miles!

This shocked all the indigenous people. They thought that the peaches were the old days to help them. Finally, they even handed the holy things of the world of flowers to the hands of the peaches!

They believe that Taoer can help them recover their homes!

Peach was benefited by this, and decided to help the indigenous against the dream diamond, and the injured person who appeared with the peach played a decisive role.

Her understanding of the war transcended all the indigenous peoples in the bustling world. After understanding the power gap, she developed a crazy plan for the strange attack.

That is almost impossible to accomplish.

But in the end, under her wisdom, under the leadership of Tao, the town was beaten by them.

And then, it is miraculous to kill the second fantasy army!

"Without the leadership of the peach master, we will not have such a victory, but without the planning and command of the grown-up, we cannot win!"

"So the patriarch is right. The two adults are sent to help us. If they are there, we will win!" Huali excitedly called.

"What a serious person, what is it like?" Qin Qi took a deep breath and he had a bad feeling.

"The adult is very seriously injured. Even if the elders healed her, they could only be temporarily stabilized and not see better." Huarui worried: "I have never seen the adult, she is very weak, except for the peach family. Few people can see her."

"But I once heard the peach whisper and said that she is a red lotus. This may be the name of the adult." Hua Ruidao.

Just hearing these two words, Qin Qi suddenly stood up and his eyes became extremely sharp.

red lotus?

Your Royal Highness, is it you?

Qin Qi breathed heavily and couldn't help but tremble.

His Majesty the Warrior is one of the most respected people in his life. He absolutely does not allow any accidents in His Royal Highness.

"Are they not taken away by the Emperor, why are Tao and His Royal Highness lost in the world of flowers?"

“Is there an accident in the middle?”

"Damn, that color announces them, what happened to them, is there an accident?"

Qin Qi was upset and his body was constantly raging and violent.

He wants to go to the world of flowers as soon as possible. If that is really the heroine of the war, then Qin Qi will lift everything and cure him.

Moreover, he wants to know what happened after Zhongzhou left.

The selection of the circles, Qin Qi originally wanted to be the pedal to the Blue Star, even if it fails, you can find another opportunity, but now, you must become a leader.

"But they are all right, otherwise, dream days, you will be buried!" Qin Qi cold channel.

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