God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1798: Bailian Yinjia

The first thousand seven hundred ninety-eight chapters

Qin Qi regained his calmness and converges his breath.

The flower is on the side, looking at Qin Qi pale, his eyes are full of taboos.

Obviously Qin Qi’s strength exceeded her expectations.

However, since Qin Qi has such capabilities, if he really helps them, it is indeed a big reinforcement.

"From today on, you will be a beggar by me. For the time being, don't want to go back to the world of war and fight hard."

"When I get the chance to enter the world of flowers, I will naturally take you over, understand?" Qin Qi Shen.

The flower core took a deep breath and nodded: "If you talk, then you can do whatever I do!"

"The first thing to do, I will get the qualification to enter the world of flowers as soon as possible." Qin Qi spit out a sigh of relief, and the emotions in his heart have been completely obscured.

For the rebellion of the flower world, the dream drill should also be somewhat anxious, but this time it was dragged here by Jiang Qingyu, and did not dare to leave.

For the time being, I am afraid that I can only take a defensive in the world of flowers.

Unless he dispatches two other legions into the world of flowers, as a result, the situation he opened in another world will be lost.

As a matter of urgency, the Dream Diamond will send more power into the world of flowers to suppress them.

The upcoming selection of the world will also be a new force.

In Qin Qi's view, the dream diamonds will send them into the world of flowers, more than 90%.

After understanding this, Qin Qi took the flower back to the river whisper.

Jiang whispered a sullen look, and the table of wine in front of him did not move at all. Instead, he was eating his own pastries.

This product, the mouth is very good, for others is already a fine food, she simply can not see.

"Hey, you have been too long, why are you doing?" Jiang whispered to see Qin Qi coming back, suddenly mad.

"I will participate in the selection of the next, what do you do?" Qin Qi ignored her and asked.

"The choice of the world, what, fun?" Jiang whispered curious.

In her capacity, I don't know if this is normal.

"It is a contest." Qin Qidao.

"Do you fight, I want to go, who to fight with?" I did not expect Jiang Genyu to be interested.

"This, isn't it?"

"What's wrong, I didn't take my identity, fight fair, who can say anything!"

Qin Qi’s eyes shook.

He is worried about Jiang Ganyu, but Jiang’s opponent.

Among all the contestants, who really can stand the Jiang whisper?

A secret treasure goes down and suppresses everything.

Whoever touched her, it really fell eight years of blood.

"If you can get a place, then join in." Qin Qi, regardless of her, go at his own pace.

Let the flowers have a good meal, Qin Qi left the restaurant and came to the area specially arranged for the players to live.

This is a huge courtyard in the northern part of the capital city. It has complete facilities and a huge military field. The selection of the two sides will be held here.

Usually this place is relatively deserted, not many people, but the selection is approaching, young Junjie from all over the country, and now almost all have gathered here.

A vibrant scene.

Qin Qi took the two women and went in. This combination, indeed, some spirits, especially the two women, is really too special.

Jiang whispered nothing, the light and soft little Loli, cute and beautiful.

The flower, the same beautiful, like an elf, the pair of wings behind, it is even more unbearable to see a few more eyes.

"Boy, which state of your country, come to the selection and bring two maids, is it too arrogant?" Just entering this area, someone found fault.

The selection of the world, everyone is an opponent, so some people want to find out the details of others before the selection.

Of course, there are also some reasons why you want to stand up and show your strength!

So the reason is not important. Finding is the purpose.

Around the entrance, many contestants are looking at this side and are ready to watch the show.

"It’s coming again, Yin Gao, this guy, today is the first few, this is too much trouble." Someone shook his head and smiled, but his eyes were full of banter.

"There is no way, who makes the family a child of the Yinlian family, and the arrogance is also appropriate."

"That is the guy who is going to be unlucky. Although Yin Gao is annoying, the strength is still there."

"Who is that kid, don't say it, I think he is a bit uncomfortable, it looks ugly, and there are two pretty maids who are not like words. Isn't that looking for a fight?"

"It is also said that even if Yin Gao does not shoot, I want to teach the lesson!"

Qin Qi faintly looked at Yin Gao, who stopped the way. The realm of the two-star gold III was lower than he is now, and it was not enough to fear.

Looking around this entrance, gathered here, the guys who are watching this side are all family and sectarians.

Is this for the academic school?

Presumably, this factor is indeed among them. After all, the academics have become more powerful in recent years, which has already attracted dissatisfaction from the sects and the family. Now it is deliberately martyrdom, and it is also reasonable.

However, the other party should not think of it, kicked the iron plate.

It’s just that Qin Qi is waiting to be done, but Jiang’s whispering can’t help it.

In Yunu Zhai, Qin Qi was said to be a female slave, she is already very upset, and now she is coming again!

She can endure Qin Qi, that is to think that it is interesting to follow Qin Qi, and of course she will be polite.

The daughter of Black King, as long as the heart does not want, who can give her anger?

"Hey, what did you say, say who the maid is, you give this lady a clear explanation!" Jiang whispered, pointing at Yin Gao.

Yin Gao stunned, and then snorted, saying: "Kid, take care of your next person, no rules, no death, don't blame me."

In this place, everyone is a contestant, Yin Gao does not dare to kill, but a little girl slave, but it is not to mention.

"I am mad at me, today Miss is dirty with my own hands, personally teach you!" Jiang whispered a small fist, and Yin Gao was stunned.

"Ha ha ha!" Yin Gao laughed, and the nearby contestants could not help but laugh.

What can you do with such a little girl?

But then again, it is indeed pretty and lovely.

Yin Gao decided to grab the Jiang whisper directly.

Anyway, Jiang Qingyu offended him, and he did not dare to treat him.

It’s just that this thought has just appeared, and then it’s a “beep”.

Yin Gao suddenly disappeared.

In the original place, a hole was left.

Yin Gao, was directly smashed in?

It was like a fist in the house, and it was just a wave in the distance.

I do not know how many people have stunned the chin.

Qin Qi's eyebrows picked and picked, can only say that Yin Gao was crazy.

Jiang’s experience in these few days has allowed her to grow a lot, and she does not know what to do as she did when she first encountered Qin Qi.

Moreover, this is Yin Gao standing there to let Jiang whisper.

Will that be polite?

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