God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1799: Brick in hand

The first thousand seven hundred ninety-nine chapter bricks in hand

Jiang whispered a small fist and looked proud. He smiled and said: "The feeling of swearing is really cool. How did I not find it before?"

It looks like it is like discovering the New World.

When Qin Qi listened, it was a cold in his heart.

This will not cultivate some special hobbies in Jiang Qingyu?


Yin Gao was directly hit by the river whisper, and it was really shocking to everyone, but Yin Gao was not simple, but he could climb out.

But the miserable look is really embarrassing.

"Damn, how dare you dare..." Yin Gao hearted in the fire, he thought he looked down on the other side. At this moment, the golden gas has already flowed out, and it is impossible to give another chance.

Moreover, he will not suffer from this!

But before the words were finished, Jiang Xiaoyu’s small fist flashed black, and Yin Gao’s chest collapsed directly into the chest. The rest of the words were swallowed back.

Watching Yin Gao fly out like a cannonball, smashing the walls along the way, everyone can't help but swallow.

What is the situation, this little girl is too perverted.

However, the next heavy hand, the people of the Bailian Yin family, it is impossible to forget it.

Sure enough, the people of Bailian Yinjia came and took the lead, which is the leader of the younger generation of Bailian Yinjiao - Yin Zhu!

They dug out Yin Gao from the wall and treated them urgently. Immediately, a pair of cold eyes turned to Qin Qi.

"Yin Gao, are you playing?" Yin Zhu cold channel.

This Yin Zhu, the strength is very extraordinary, has actually reached the level of a star gold II!

Although it is not comparable to Du Yucheng who was met before, Du Yucheng is already a top figure of the younger generation, and it is not a shame.

And compared to the vast majority of contestants, Yin Zhu is already a high figure, the qualifications of the world, almost nailed!

"Yin Zhu is prepared to do it directly. He is the most outstanding descendant of the Yin family, and he has the heart of the 747th gold medal list!"

"You look at his golden gas, the strength of the gold system is very strong, like the fine gold quintessence, the intensity is amazing, this alone, it is not comparable to the average gold repairer!"

"And, he has been promoted to Gold II, which is another level with Gold III, which leads Yin Bamboo to be angry, I am afraid it is not easy to clean up!"

The people nearby are talking about it, but no one has planned to intervene.

As soon as they came, they also wanted to see the students of Yin Zhu’s teaching school.

Second, if you can hurt Yin Zhu, let him not play his full strength when the players are selected, it is good news for other contestants.

"It’s what Miss Ben is playing, how?" Jiang whispered and his eyes brightened.

The first time I tried to beat people, I was so excited and excited in Jiang’s heart. It was just when I was addicted, the other person actually came to the door.


Seeing Jiang Guangyu's eyes, Yin Zhu was uncomfortable and felt like he was stared at by a beast.

"A female slave, dare to make a second!" Yin Zhu looked a sharp look, the heart of alchemy slammed, and the powerful golden gasification made a huge golden rifle.

Long guns refer to the river whisper, even if there is a distance, but the sharp, but can clearly feel.

"Using weapons, despicable, Qin Lan, what do I use?" Jiang whispered so, but it looked excited to Qin Qi.

She is obviously not beaten, but wants to try the way of fighting with each other, so that Qin Qi can help with the type of weapon.

Her secret treasures, one goes down, the impact is not so good?

Qin Qi’s mouth was pulled and she took a brick to her.

"This is a fight artifact, use it to shoot people, mighty!" Qin Qidao.

Jiang whispered his mouth and looked at Qin Qi with a suspicious look.

"Forget it, bricks are bricks." Jiang whispered.

"Who are you looking at?"

"I Yin Zhu, can you despise these people?" Yin Zhu angered, the long gun suddenly disappeared in place, turned into Jin Hui, straight out.

Hundred Alchemy Guns!

A shot, the surrounding voids are slightly distorted, it seems to be crushed down, showing the power of this gun.

"Is this the smelting gun of the Bailian Yin family? It is really amazing!"

"Bailian gold gun plus the heart of alchemy, this power, will not kill the little girl and the kid, this is a big event!"

"Take him, what happens is also the thing of Yin family."


A loud noise, the gunman with Jinhui, pierced into the ground, the strength of the road swept, all the surrounding floor tiles were flung out and turned into pieces.

In one go, the speed is so hard to react.

A shot wearing a pair?

It can be seen that Qin Qi and Jiang Qingyu were hit by this gun, penetrated the body and nailed to the ground.

Yin Zhu frowned, and he didn't expect the other party to be so weak, even one could not avoid it.

If it is dead, it will be a little troublesome.

"I thought I could beat Yin Gao, it should be a bit of strength, **** it, look at them." Yin Zhu has some regrets and should stay a little bit.

"How is this slab used, used to shoot? Where is it?" But it was a slightly tender voice that sounded behind Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu was a stiff, and the pupil couldn't help but shrink.

The little girl who was penetrated by the golden gun slowly disappeared. It was just a shadow.

Qin Qi, who was also penetrated, turned into a shadow and sank into a shadow on the ground. Qin Qi himself was actually standing on the side and was not hit.

This gun, in fact, has no results?

"Forget it, just shoot it!" Jiang whispered to make a decision.

In the heart of Yin Zhu’s heart, he is not an ordinary person. At the crucial moment, the whole body strength has skyrocketed, and even secret techniques have been used, and the bonus is in the body!

The explosive power in an instant is enough to reach the level of the two-star gold II, and several layers of alchemy shields appear, guarded by Yin Zhu.

At the same time, the 100-barrel golden gun has been condensed out, aiming at the river whisper, ready to pour down.

Yin Zhu’s response is indeed amazing and amazing.

Then, the sound of "啪" was shot on the ground by Jiang Liangyu, and the back of the brain was scooped up. It is estimated that it will be awake for a while.

Seeing this scene, Qin Qi can not help but shake his eyes, this little girl, shot a good.

"Wow, it's so interesting, this brick is too interesting!" Jiang whispered, but excited.

Qin Qi is even more guilty, he will not inadvertently cultivate a little demon.

All of a sudden, the whole scene was shaken.

Yin Zhu responded beautifully. Everyone thought that he could fight back and take the initiative again, but the such abrupt bricks were photographed, but they were all unable to speak for a while.

It’s like eating a meal and it’s uncomfortable.

This brick, the artifact is not made, how can I shoot it like this, turn Yin Zhu to turn it over!

Yin Zhu’s defense, there is no effect at all.

Yin Zhu, who has the heart of alchemy, lost his consciousness.

"We are the people of Bailian Yinjia. You do this, do you know the consequences?" The rest of the Yin family couldn't help but scream, but the heart was a cold.

"This brick is so cool to use, but still not skilled..." Jiang whispered, just to see the Yin family yelling at her.

At the moment, the slamming of the bricks went up.

Then, it was a scream. After a while, the Yin family was lying on the ground and lost consciousness.

The people on the crowd have been shocked at the moment and can’t speak at all.

This matter is subversive, making them messy.

Who is this little girl, holding a brick and a person, it is too horrifying, and it is so happy.

It’s just a little devil!

Moreover, the Yin family have been photographed. This time, the selection of the circles, the Bailian Yin family ended up in this way?

Really, I can't speak.

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