God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1804: Sweep the audience

The first thousand eight hundred and four chapters swept the audience

Pity and frown.

She is also seriously injured now.

Of course, this is just a superficial phenomenon. These little guys don't really hurt her.

She only exerts the strength that she should have in the relative realm. There are not many, and she will not deliberately not take the shot, but it is impossible to forcibly reverse the situation.

Failure or not, for her, does not make any sense.

But at the moment, she is also a little moved.

Wen Yangyue’s persistence made her look.

In doing so, it is undoubtedly extremely risky. Failure can be said to be ninety-nine, and there is almost no hope of success.

Promoting gold is not so chaotic.

Sure enough, under the huge threat, Wenyang’s own strength has been difficult to maintain, and it has begun to become scattered. Not to mention promotion, I am afraid that it is normal to directly abolish itself.

Not dead, even lucky.

Obsession is strong, and sometimes, it is powerless.

"Is it really okay?" Wenyang’s monthly blockade of Jianguang, the power of his body has completely lost control.

This time, not only the selection of the world is over, but even her own life may stay here.

She is not afraid of death, just, not reconciled!

"It's a pity that a big beauty is so fragrant." The siege contestants sighed.

However, it is only here, they will not be pity at this time.

Liu Yefei and so on, although they are all savvy, want to save the following central moon, but unfortunately, they have been self-sufficient and even less able to provide help.

For the Qianhuzhou Academy, the selection of the circles is over.

Wen Yangyue is pale, she does everything she can, but she can't suppress the power of complete confusion in the body, but she has not given up, as long as she has not died, there may be hope.

And hope, it really came!

Suddenly, the power on her body began to stabilize.

Although it is not completely stable, it is no longer moving towards a collapse.

"Why must you do this, die, but nothing." A voice sounded.

It is from Qin Qi.

Wen Yangyue is still amazed, how can the body's strength tend to be stable, after all, she is very clear that she has no ability to do this kind of thing.

However, when he heard the sound, Wen Yangyue understood that Qin Qi was finally arrived.

"Is it rushed, oh, scared me, I thought I was eliminated!" Liu Yefei took a breath, Qin Qi arrived, and naturally it was safe.

Seeing that Qin Qi appeared in the Wenyang month, the academic school in Qianhuzhou was relieved.

There is Qin Qi, and the current crisis is certainly solvable.

It’s such a sigh of relief, though I don’t know where the bottom gas comes from.

To know the current situation, it seems that their understanding of Qin Qi is also difficult to reverse.

After all, Zhao Wuying has also successfully promoted the ranks of gold. The heart of gold is the heart of the 599th. It is incomparable with his gods and the arm of the gods.

Compared with Qin Qi and the ten-party dragon heart, I am afraid it will be slightly better than half.

However, Zhao Wuying, but he could not change anything at all. He even gave up and was not ready to fight again.

Qin Qi, can you really reverse?

Zhao Wuying’s flash of light flashed. He didn’t expect Qin Qi to come at this time. However, even if Qin Qi was, how to face the siege of the six teams could not do anything.

He has a hundred-armed heart that is still invincible. If Qin Qi is slightly stronger than him, he will not be able to go anywhere!

"Oh? Another one to die." The siege contestant snorted, and for the sudden appearance of Qin Qi, although slightly surprised, it quickly became cold.

One more person, but it’s just a net, just right.

"But those people, how suddenly they become relieved, are still careful."

"Afraid of what, we are so many people, is it still afraid that he will not be a success?"

"Don't talk nonsense, get out of the way, no need to waste so much time here!"

At the moment, the siege contestants continue to shoot, apparently intending to end the battle immediately, Qin Qi's appearance can not change their pace.

Immediately, it is a sound of dragons!

Qin Qi body, the vortex dragon air spread, with Qin Qi a punch.

This punch, the fist front is spiral, after the shot, the positive and negative alternate, the power is received and released, the effect is also extraordinary.

Along the way, those entrants were torn into it, and then they were thrown away by flying. They couldn’t bear it for a moment, and they had already cleared a path.

Those people, lying on the ground, could not stand up.

Just a punch, it is so terrible.

"How can it be!"

"who are you!"

It is a pity that Qin Qi will not answer them at all, and he will continue to punch out and open the bow. It is almost a sweeping trend.

Even the existence of Gold III is not the enemy of Qin Qi.

The picture is simply violent, only the dragons are whistling, and the human body is flying.

Two breaths, the crisis has been completely lifted, and Liu Yefei and others, as in the dream, can not believe their eyes.

More than half a month has disappeared, Qin Qi, actually has reached this level, it is simply incredible.

"This is too fast." Pity is also shocked.

She knows that Qin Qi's promotion is extremely special, but it is only the order of silver, and it must be slowed down when it comes to gold.

Unexpectedly, it was faster.

At this moment, the realm has arrived at Samsung Gold III. These speeds are enough to stand out from the crowd. Those who have a lot of resources are afraid to surpass them.

"This is over?" Liu Yefei felt unreal.

"Overbearing!" Xing Shan whispered, but it was too slow to come.

"Although I believe that Qin brother can solve this game, but I did not think that it is so straightforward." You Jingshan and so on, have been amazed, and naturally admire Qin Qi.

"How is this possible, how can he be strong to this extent!" Zhao Wuying is difficult to accept.

He finally came to the golden level, I thought it had already surpassed Qin Qi, even if it was not as good as it was, because Qin Qi first entered the gold.

He will be able to come up later.

But now it is only discovered that the gap between them is getting bigger and bigger, and there is almost no possibility of catching up.

Not as good.

Really bad.

Even if it is a heart of a hundred arms, it is not the opponent of Qin Qi.

"Don't I have no chance anymore, no, I can definitely surpass him!" Zhao Wuying's pupils trembled constantly, and the dawn became more and more haze.

Jing Xiaomeng, who has been seriously injured and lost his strength, has no words to speak about the power of Qin Qi.

There is no courage to sing against it.

As for the other academic team, they are all completely shocked and can't speak.

"You are going to recover from the injury. This selection has a long way to go." Qin Qi gathered up the besieged, but his look was not much easier.

He can indeed sweep these guys, but these guys, there is not much chance of success through the selection.

They are just pieces for cleaning.

The true top team, now Qin Qi, will feel the pressure, let alone the whole team, it is even more difficult to compare.

Therefore, we must improve our strength as soon as possible. It is not Qin Qi himself, but all of them.

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