God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1805: Nine-day palace

The first thousand eight hundred and five five chapters

Qin Qi reminded that all the talents recovered from the shock of Fang Cai, and also understood that now is not a time to relax, today's system is too bad for them.

In the past rules, if you successfully promoted gold, and luck is good enough, there is still the possibility of passing the selection.

Now, there is almost no chance.

However, it is always impossible to give up this way. Nowadays, all the medicines are taken, and the injury is restored as soon as possible.

Qin Qi did not care for them.

The current state of Wenyang Yue is not good at all.

Although Qin Qi helped her temporarily stabilize the power of chaos in the body, it is only a temporary one. If these forces are not sorted out, they will become more and more violent.

Until Qin Qi could not suppress it.

However, Qin Qi can't help too much, and can only rely on Wen Yangyue himself.

"Hey!" Wenyang month snorted, all the cold sweat, the body began to tremble, has been unable to support.

If she is not determined, she is already shredded, but this is not the way.

"Different Kunlun, is there any way to help her?" Qin Qi asked.

He didn't want to look at Wenyang's death in this way. After all, this girl, he really admired it.

"She was interrupted for her first promotion, and the next promotion was ten times more difficult, and she chose to force promotion, and the difficulty became even greater."

"In this case, I want to break the situation, only to die."

Qin Qi frowned, said: "What do you want to do?"

"I originally had four methods. In addition to the rich database before, there are six methods. The most hopeful one should be the nine-day palace."

"Nine-day palace?"

"The law of the nine-day palace is based on the strength of its own strength, constantly smashing the towers to suppress the irreconcilable power, and finally, to control!"


Qin Qi saw the information of the nine-day palace, and couldn't help but be shocked.

Isn't this equal to firecrackers?

In a small space, once the gunpowder is ignited, it will explode with terrible power, and once the material wrapped in gunpowder is not strong enough, it will burst.

Like firecrackers burst.

Only the sturdy wrapping material can suppress the gunpowder that has been ignited.

This nine-day palace shackles is the principle that the violent power of Wenyangyue is sealed in the palace, and it is constantly stamped to save his life.

However, it is still extremely dangerous.

After all, it seems that only the palliative is not a cure, and the Wenyang month is to use the power. Once it is used, it is necessary to open the mouth of the palace.

This increases the number of variables, and if one is not properly controlled, I am afraid it will be blown up.

At that time, I was afraid that it would be a return to the sky.

After all, the more power that is blocked by the palace, the more it will be suppressed, the more amazing the rebound will be.

However, the benefits of such a sinister approach are enormous.

As long as it can be controlled, then the power that Wenyang can exert is dozens of times more than usual, which is an explosion of growth.

Wenyang Yue is obviously almost unable to hold on, and one second is harder.

Qin Qi also had no choice. At the moment, the spirit of the gods was shocked, and the law of the nine-day palace was introduced into the mind of Wen Yangyue.

Since this is a dead end, it is impossible to break the dead end with a dead end.

Can only hope that the text of the month, can complete this miracle!

Wenyang month brows wrinkled, even if Qin Qi helped suppress the power, but it is also the limit.

She thought she had no hope.

Unexpectedly, there was a message in my mind that gave her new hope.

Even if you are embarrassed, there is always a road.

She began to follow the Famen, in the body, stamped "Palace"!

Wen Yangyue’s affairs can only rely on her own. Qin Qi can only do so much.

Next, he began to clean up the battlefield. Those people were seriously injured and temporarily recovered. However, Qin Qi took away all their space rings and ruined their hopes.

Dreamland’s Guards will keep their lives alive, but they will only maintain their status and will not heal them.

So unless other teams lend a helping hand, it is a foregone conclusion.

And the battles in other parts of the monastery are also the same, and injuries are likely to be the beginning of the elimination.

It’s a good team of six teams, a total of sixty people. There are indeed a lot of treasures on the body. The useless Qin Qi swallowed it directly, leaving only some medicinal herbs that helped him.

While consuming these treasures of heaven and earth, Qin Qi once again lighted a star, and has reached the realm of four-star gold III.

It seems that in the future, there is still a lot of search, it is, the bandit, Qin Qi is unable to take off.

Distributing some healing remedies, Liu Yefei, their recovery speed is faster, but even if they recover, but want to get a ranking in this selection, it is still difficult.

Their realm is all too low.

At least all the gold is available.

Qin Qi waited for them to recover, waiting for Wenyang to create a miracle, while also discussing with Yi Kunlun, consult all the data, and want to find a way.

The rules of the dream drill, a team needs at least five people to enter the top layer of the nightmare tower, can be counted as effective results.

In other words, Qin Qi should at least pull up a team of five people, their realm must not be low.

With the medicinal materials at hand, refining the medicinal materials that are used to promote gold, it is more important, and it can play the limits of Liu Yefei and others.

As long as it can enter the gold, Qin Qi's pressure will be smaller.

Moreover, different Kunlun has a strong battlefield of many types of defense, can teach them, as long as they can protect themselves, then Qin Qi can also open a way!

"If it is not enough, go to the river and whisper the thigh!" Qin Qi bite his teeth and has already decided.

After all, even Kunlun has a better way, but it is too conspicuous, but it is not appropriate.

When Qin Qi began to refine Dan, others were stepping up to recover the injury, as well as Wenyang Yue, always on the verge of losing control, and always struggling hard.

Time, a little passing, the situation in this monastery has gradually become clear.

The three major factions, each united, are constantly cutting off the enemy's power, and the most lost of them is the academic school.

Whether it is a family or a sect, they are not willing to see the academy strong, so once they meet the school, they will take the lead and even have a short-term alliance.

The academy is now a dog of a family, and can only escape everywhere, so as not to be wiped out by a net.

On the other hand, Qin Qi became a pure land. Qin Qi was there. As long as it was not an upstream team, it was solved without being close, and then it was looted.

In this process, Qin Qi also refines a lot of medicinal herbs, and they have already given them to Liu Yefei.

Five people were chosen, Qin Qi naturally chose, and three of them, including Xingshan and Liu Yefei, are enough.

While You Jingshan, Shi Yue and Wei Zinan, there is still a certain gap between the three people and Jinsheng. Qin Qi can only help them, but at the crucial moment, if things are not possible, they will give up.

As for Jing Xiaomeng and Zhao Wuying, Qin Qi did not care.

After all, as long as five people are fine.

"Oh, I want to be promoted!" Qin Qi was thinking about something else, but suddenly found that the power of Xing Shan began to climb!

He has already arrived at the five-star silver I, plus the cooperation of various auxiliary drugs, the first to be promoted, in anticipation.

What I want to see now is what kind of golden heart he can condense with the help of the heart of Dan!

Where is his limit?

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