God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1811: Robbery

The first thousand eight hundred and eleven chapters of the robbery

Qin Qi stood on the roof of the distant place and looked at the situation here. The mind naturally had the thought of watching the drama.

These people are too conceited. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this. After all, who can think that this violent little **** the opposite side will be the only daughter of the Black King?

"Big man, mother-in-law, not as ugly!" Jiang whispered.

Qin Qi did not expect that this will be named, I do not know whether to cry or laugh.

"Little girl, don't take a inch, this is not the place where you have a family!" Du Yuwen felt no light on the face, his eyes slightly smashed, and a subtle fire was beating.

That is the magic of Du family, sputum inflammation!

As long as the line of sight is in place, things can be ignited and it is extremely difficult to defend.

"Hey, even the means of attack are all mother-in-law!" Jiang whispered a cold voice, and the two scorpions also changed, and the dark ink rose.

Du Yuwen’s pupils shrank, and the picture he saw with his naked eyes suddenly changed. The people around him disappeared and they were all empty.

Then, a black warrior drilled out of the ground, wearing a armor, giving people a kind of chill.

"What is going on!" Du Yuwen was shaking in his heart.

His sputum inflammation did not succeed, but was dragged into the illusion?

Du Yuwen snorted, can this illusion stop him?

As the strongest descendant of Du's family, how to deal with the illusion is naturally clear to the chest, and when the mind is moving, the surrounding area begins to burn with raging fire.

He will burn all this and get rid of the illusion.

Du Yuwen sneered a sneer, and as a result, he would not have anything to do with this brick-and-mortar group!

Then, the black warrior swarmed and turned him to the ground.

Du Yuwen's eyes widened. His power was useless and could not break the environment.

Qin Qi shook his head, how strong the illusion of Jiang linguistic construction, he is very clear, he can break open, relying on the strong and powerful killing sword.

This kind of sword meaning is a natural gram for the illusion or other spiritual power.

Du Yuwen suddenly froze, and the people next to him were shocked.

While paying attention to Du Yuwen's eyes, everyone suddenly felt guilty and knew that he had fallen into a illusion.

The little girl in front of me has this ability.

"Looking for death!" Du Yucheng suddenly gave a cold drink, and there was a fire fan in his hand.

The other Du family, also shaking the power, the golden gas suddenly burst out, no one is the gold IV.

This is the strength of the Du family, not comparable to the general state team.

It’s just that they want to do it, no, exactly, when they are about to shoot, the nine maids behind Jiang’s words move instantly.

They are extremely fast, mastering a magical power similar to shrinking the ground, and they have already been bullied.

Although all of them are beautiful young women, it is enchanting, but the coldness of the body is enough to make people shudder!

The bricks are lifted up and placed on the back of each Du family, ready to be photographed.

The scene was static for a moment, and the people of Du Jia did not dare to move.

What they face, although it is just a very ordinary brick, is taken from the ruins of the house, it is not a treasure.

But the strong sense of crisis in my heart does not lie.

Those who can become gold repairers will not be weak, let alone reach the golden level at a young age, and there is still a sense of danger.

The bricks are on the top, absolutely fatal danger!

Huai'an and so on can't help but retreat, unconsciously swallowing his mouth, what are the conditions of these women, too strong!

"This is scared, it's useless, I am... oh, girls, the realm is not as high as you!" Jiang whispered and shook his head.

These guys were directly scared by a brick and they didn't dare to resist.

But in fact, this can not blame the Du family, mainly because the maids suppressed the realm, but the momentum emitted during the battle did not change much.

These maids are carefully selected by the black king for Jiang whispers. From the 10,000 people selected from different places, they can only survive about ten.

Such a person, even a woman, is not a child of the Du family, and can compete.

The momentum suppression is enough.

Jiang Liangyu simply did not care about these, squatting on the bricks, and then took Du Yuwen on the ground.

Du Yuwen stood up twice and passed out.

Directly, you will lose your combat capability!

Everyone is sucking up a cold air, this little girl, the shot is really not merciless, let people feel the same feelings!

"You, come over, just that you laughed at my taste, right?" Jiang whispered to Tu Gang.

Rao is a two-meter-long head of Tu Gang. His body is huge and sturdy. His muscles are stacked one on top of the other, full of explosive power.

But in front of Jiang’s whisper, he suddenly stumbled.

"I, no, I don't mean that." Tu Gang instantly stunned.

Everyone couldn't help but scorn, but I thought about it. If I changed them, I would have to worry about it.

After all, Du Yuwen, with the same realm of their existence, was so photographed!

"Oh, then what do you think of my bricks..."

"Weiwu domineering!"

"My taste..."

"Which is the best taste in the world, who can match you?"

This picture is really eye-popping. Is this still a violent character on weekdays, and will it be a big hit?

It was like a cat.

"I still know the truth." Jiang whispered twice, then looked at the killing.

She is the most vengeful, that is, killing her heart and taking the lead to yell with her, how could she just forget it?

Killing the heart was stared at by Jiang, and the heart suddenly became tight, but she did not have the same choice as Tu Gang.

There was no hesitation at all, and the killing of love directly rushed into the nightmare tower, and the disciples of the Bipolar sect followed, and all rushed in.

"Oh, I ran away!" Jiang whispered a thigh, very angry.

But this reminds her.

"Several of you, stop the entrance!" Jiang whispered.

"Yes!" The nine maids flashed, blocking the door, and the bricks of the hand, no one dared to be strong.

"What do you mean?" Huai'an said.

The Jiang whispers are stronger, and they are still okay for the first and second teams. But this move is offensive to all of them. Huai’an does not believe it. Jiang Liangyu can still compete with all of them!

"Less nonsense, if you want to go in, leave the space ring, don't even think about it!" Jiang whispered with bricks pointing at the crowd, the live cockroaches!

"And, eleven, you came over and took his ring." Jiang whispered the kicking Du Yuwen.

Everyone is speechless and no one speaks.


They were robbed by a beautiful girl who was so unspeakable, and with seven beautiful women.

Qin Qi squinted, he felt that he was dead, and if the black king knew that his daughter had become such a virtue, he would never finish it with him!

For the present, it is the right way to escape to the world of flowers! gfbmmjD6vtLSaDjNAMr7x+cAJfrxmldLwH/ZzyO8z5GisJlPbdeDIGJfyq9N6ALntkPrNLIFSkmT6M4KHQWJrA==

However, Jiang Huiyu’s harvest is probably awful, Qin Qi thought, whether or not to take a share.

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