God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1812: Black eat black

The first thousand eight hundred and twenty two chapters black eat black

The maid named "Eleven" came over and took Du Yuwen's space ring.

In this scene, everyone is seen in one fell swoop.

The selection of this circle, when it became so dangerous, there is still the risk of being robbed.

"Don't be too much, this is the selection of the world, what are you doing!" Du Yucheng couldn't help but yell, his face was ugly.

Robbery, this is a mixed work, they are distinguished, why have you thought about this kind of thing?

Moreover, this is the selection of the world, not a war outside the wilderness.


It was a maid who directly touched Du Yuwen on the ground and then took the space ring away.

This action, in one go, is obviously trained by Jiang Guangyu along the way.

"Haha, let you nonsense!" Jiang whispered, then praised: "Twelve, do a good job!"

This little girl is serious, she really intends to **** everyone's space ring!

Huai'an and his face were ugly, but now the pro-weapons of the dream diamond have not come out, obviously recognize this practice.

However, it is impossible for them to hand over the space ring. It is here, but they are in the lives of their own lives.

"War!" Huai'an is drinking, and the golden gas is raging out. It is indeed terrible.

Samsung Gold I, this is the strong strength of Huai'an, it is indeed ranked in the top position of the same age, proud of the crowd, compared with the average young person, can be said to be in another fault.

Huai An Yi shot, the other few also broke out instantly, the strongest few people, are ranked in the gold I, at this moment, the real power is amazing.

"Give me a rush!" Jiang whispered his eyes and suddenly lit up.

The other side has no resistance, it is really boring, and it is the fun of robbery!

Jiang whispered up the sleeves, and looked at it like this, already gone on the road of the female bandits.

The war is on the verge.

Huai'an intended them, relying on a whole team, the mutual attributes are similar, and the tacit understanding naturally does not need to be said. At this moment, the power of the outbreak, Jiang Xiaoyu must also pay attention to them.

However, compared to the black maids trained by Jiang Wang, they are still too tender.

Nine waitresses shot at the same time, even if the hand is only a brick, not a weapon, but the power is also amazing, one shot, it has already seen extraordinary.

Fighting literacy, they are too much beyond Huai’an.

The melee was opened, Qin Qi flashed, and the body sank into the shadows.

Diamond level magic, night shadow.

"I shoot, I shoot, I shoot again!" Jiang whispered his hand, and it was a pleasure.

She let the maids suppress the realm, but they can't do this kind of thing. The secret treasure is more powerful than one. These people can't hurt her at all.

"Small eight, stop the door, don't let them go in, hit fast, first flip and say!" Jiang light language or also conducted a command.

But she didn't know that the shadow of the ground was constantly flipping, and a thief hand appeared, taking the space ring from the guys who were photographed.

At this moment, Qin Qi did not leave his hand at all, and completely concealed his breath. With the Kunlun heart, this magical power of the Great Wilderness Night Dragon was used by him to the extreme.

Even Jiang Wenyu, it is difficult to find him.

Especially Jiang Ganyu is now excited.

Jiang whispered to them, although there were only ten people, but the power that broke out was really strong, such as Huai’an, and so on. The real explosion was enough to suppress these maids.

But in fact, it can't be suppressed, the combat literacy is too different, and their attack can't work at all. On the contrary, if the maids take the shot, they will certainly succeed.

Can't beat!

Although the number is dominant, it does not beat.

They also thought about organizing and counterattacking, but as long as they have this intention, they will be ruthlessly disrupted, and they will not be able to form effective combat.

"Retreat, enter the nightmare tower and say!" Min Minsi shouted, led the red wolf sect, straight into the nightmare tower.

They go all out and just want to break out. Even if a maid is at the door, it is impossible to stop.

What's more, Huai'an intended that they have made the same choice.

Of course, blindly retreating, it is bound to be beaten by more people. These top teams have at least one-third of the members, and the losses are heavy.

Especially Lujia, has been abolished and directly eliminated.

This is really unexpected. Although they are deadlocked here, the final winners must be them, but they did not expect to kill a Jiang whisper.

As early as this is known, they will definitely enter and say, what is the order, and ultimately there is a choice.

"Miss, slaves do things badly, but also ask the lady to punish." A maid half-squatted down, she could not hold the door.

"This does not blame you, after all, I let you suppress the realm, and it is so fun!" Jiang whispered indiscreetly, and then pointed to the humanity on the ground: "Hurry up to clean up the spoils, then enter the tower!"

Jiang whispered in style and was very happy.

In fact, these spoils, she can not see at all, just enjoy the joy of harvest.

But soon, this joy disappeared.

"Miss, the space ring on them all disappeared!" Eleven faces changed slightly, and the eyes flashed a sigh of anger, and immediately she stepped her foot to the ground.

A platinum atmosphere, slammed open, and several shadows in the ground were hard to hide and were shaken out.

"Good courage!" Thirteen cold, through this shadow, has tracked where Qin Qi is.

Dare to pull your teeth, the courage is not small!

These things, they actually do not look up, but if they are irritated by the river, they will never forgive!

So the current level of platinum will break out.

"Stop!" Jiang whispered a word, "Tell you, to suppress the realm!"

"Yes!" The thirteen waitresses should be busy, naturally, in the words of Jiang whisper.

"Big bad guys, even black and black, mad at me!" Jiang whispered although the maids did not let out their own fighting power, but the heart is hating teeth itching, the little tiger teeth are constantly grinding, the whole person is angry .

"Go, let's go and shoot that guy!" Jiang light tone does not hit a place, you must find Qin Qi to discuss a statement.

Qin Qi is in the distance, seeing this situation, how dare to stay, directly teleported away.

This little girl is estimated to be mad at him. He thought it was a good harvest, but he didn't want to be blackened by Qin Qi. There is nothing more irritating than this.

For the current Jiang Guangyu, this is even more irritating than Qin Qi’s public ass.

The bricks and bricks of the group are in a state of arrogance. They must be knocked out by Qin Qi, and Qin Qi has disappeared.

There is a small map, Qin Qi is confident that it can not be found by Jiang Qingyu. gfbmmjD6vtLSaDjNAMr7x+cAJfrxmldLwH/ZzyO8z5GisJlPbdeDIGJfyq9N6ALntkPrNLIFSkmT6M4KHQWJrA==

Qin Qi suddenly came back and let them be surprised by Wen Yangyue. On their side, they have basically ended the battle. Although they are wounded, they each have a lot to gain.

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