God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1824: Abandon coordinates

The first thousand eight hundred and twenty-four chapters scrapped coordinates

"Who is it!" Long Lao screamed, no longer hiding, and rushed out.

He knew that I was afraid that the man who was on the silver treasure ship once again took the shot and isolated his power to prevent him from blocking the Jiang whisper.

It’s just that he doesn’t have time to think about anything more. After following Jiang’s whisper, he’s going into the world of flowers.

But unexpectedly, there was no success.

The gates blocked him out.

"Dream days, what do you do!" Long Lao suddenly yelled.

That dragon force rises to the sky, without disguise, if there is still some respect for the dreamy world, the young people around, I am afraid that it will directly explode and die.

Obviously, the dragon always thinks that the dream is a stalk, otherwise he can't pass the border.

"Dragon old, you are yelling at me, I dare to do so." Fantasy days also appeared instantly, his face changed again and again, and there was sweat on his forehead.

Long old bite his teeth, just now it is a bit irrational. At this moment, I thought that the dreamy day had eaten the bear and the leopard, and dared to do this kind of thing.

After all, this is no different from finding death.

"Dream days, this gate is for you, you better give me an explanation!" Long Lao shouted, tried again through the gates, but still blocked.

Fantasy Tianxin is also anxious, knowing that something unexpected happened.

At this moment, he did not dare to have any scorn, and quickly took the lead.

This gate was built by him personally, and it is impossible for him to reject it.

But the fact is, even if he is, he can't control the gate at the moment, and even want to cross the gate.

Jiemen, has lost control.

"Who is it, there is such a skill!" Dreamy day, a heart is constantly sinking.

This is really too unexpected. Even if it is a strong diamond, it is difficult to keep calm.

"Someone has modified the rules above the boundaries, the existence of the diamond level, I am afraid that it will not pass." Fantasy days carefully detected and found the key.

No wonder he and the dragon are not able to pass.

"You, speed into the world of flowers, we must protect the safety of the Miss, otherwise, you will die all the time!" Long Lao Yin sullen face, facing the cold voice of Jiang Xiaoyu.

The nine maids all looked at each other and should "huran" and then hurried into the gates.

This time, there was no hindrance. They successfully passed the boundary gate and entered the world of flowers.

"You also go in, unite the defenders of the world of flowers, must protect the safety of the little girl!" Fantasy Tian Shen, commanding these newcomers into the world of flowers.

And these new people, the heart of the glimpse, the continuous impact makes them feel at a loss, the powerful diamond pressure, let them breathe.

At this moment, the dream of the world, can not do any thinking, like a puppet, into the gate.

This is the pressure of diamonds. For ordinary practitioners, it is impossible to stop and can crush the soul.

At the same time, Dreamy Day crushed a jade card, and then several powerful breaths came directly to the hall.

These are all masters of the dreamy hands, guarding the country in the dream, is the national pillar, easy to move.

But now, there is no way for Dreamworld, and a brief account of it makes them enter the world of flowers.

If the first legion in his hands is guarded in another world, at this moment he even wants to send it into the world of flowers.

However, he will start to arrange immediately.

There is no way now. If you take this opportunity, you will give up the offensive in another world and completely stabilize the world of flowers.

Dreamy days can't help but smile, and don't know what action the Black King will have next.

Will you take this opportunity to send people into the world of flowers?

At that time, I am afraid that it is the nest.

However, the dream sky can't stop it. After all, Jiang Lanyu has entered the world of flowers, and some people deliberately contributed to this matter. The black king cannot be held accountable.

"Damn, what's going on, the coordinates have changed!" Fantasy Tianxin thought a lot, but suddenly changed his look.

The world coordinates in the gates began to change.

"You, go in!" Fantasy day grabbed a person and threw it into the gate.

But the light of the gate flashed, but the person bounced off.

This is not the closure of the gate, but the world coordinates in it has shifted, it is already a waste coordinate, and it is impossible to reach the world of flowers.

"How is this possible!" The dreamy gods changed dramatically.

Losing the coordinates of the world, he completely lost control of the world of flowers, and even could not give in after the follow-up, and no news can be passed back.

Fantasy Day quickly shakes the power and wants to prevent the world coordinates from being rewritten, but unfortunately it is too late.

"The world coordinates of the flower world have been scrapped?" Long old face is ugly.

The face of Dreamy Day is even more ugly, and it looks like water.

World coordinates are not so easy to control. This involves extremely high law power, and it takes a lot of energy to completely formulate the world coordinates.

Even some diamond powerhouses, even if they enter the world in person, cannot make coordinates corresponding to the world.

Therefore, among the diamond-level exploration ships under the black king, there are strong people who can make world coordinates all the year round. This is an extremely important part of exploring the world.

Aside from these, it’s not a bit of a role for Dreamworld to do its best.

At least the world coordinates in the gates have not changed completely, and a large part remains intact.

As a result, repairs are not impossible, and they are much more convenient than re-creating one.

“How long does it take to recover?” Long Lao asked straightforwardly. It is already here, and he has no intention of saying a nonsense.

"Two months!"

"It's too slow, I will immediately squat, and send people to help you fix the world coordinates." Long old cold channel.

Fantasy days, the look changed, but in the end, I can only nod.

In this way, the world coordinates that he had mastered by one person will be earned by the black king. When the world is full of flowers, he really does not know that he has nothing to do with him.

But even if you know this, Dreamworld can't stop it.

Long Lao has already sent a letter back. I believe that the Black King will respond immediately, and he will sit here and not leave, so as not to happen again.

"Long Lao, the space before the fluctuations, you should also be aware of this, is this the person who suddenly appeared?" Dreamy eyebrows.

Where the gates stood, this temple was one of the main places of the dreamy sky, but it was unexpectedly broken into.

This kind of space ability is difficult, is it a white diamond?

"There is indeed this strength during the day, but she will not do this, and she should be a guest at the Black Palace at the moment." Long Lao shook his head, but his look became very complicated.

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