God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1825: Don Sinno

The first eight hundred and twenty-five chapters of Tang Sinuo

At that time, the figure appeared, directly rushing out of the void, and entered the gate.

Although the incident was sudden, since Lianjiang’s whispered words have responded, he will not be aware of the diamonds.

The identity of the figure is that the old man can't help but sink down.

This incident is obviously far more complicated than it seems on the surface. In the end, who is doing the pusher, the dragon can't make a judgment.

However, the ability to do such a thing must be the same level of existence.

Judging from this point alone, there are already three kings coming in!

Such a shackle, a mishandling, can lead to unimaginable consequences, not to mention the sensitive point in time.

"Is it difficult to do it, really related to the day?" Although Long Lao has directly ruled out this possibility, but at the moment, he could not help but doubt.

After all, although it is said to be a guest in the Black Palace during the day, the more accurate statement is to be a guest in the Jinglian Temple.

"Dream days, the only thing you can do now is to cooperate fully. Otherwise, you will be ruined!" Long Lao took a deep breath and didn't want anything else.

Dreamy face is ugly, but there is no answer.

Long Lao knows that the dream is dissatisfied with the heart, and the moment it screams, telling the true identity of the dream sky.

Knowing this, the dream sky suddenly widened his eyes.

In this way, Dream Day also knows that Long Lao said that he has no second way to go except to do it.

This incident may not be able to disturb the heavens and the earth on the bright side, but in the dark, it has inevitably caused huge waves.

However, these things have no relationship with Qin Qi for the time being.

He entered the world of flowers.

And compassion is destroying the world coordinates in the boundary.

Even if the dreams of the Black King help, at most, the repair time can only be compressed to one month.

This month, Qin Qi will not have to face the threat of diamond level!

"Here, is the world of flowers?" Qin Qi walked out of the boundary door, and what he saw was an endless colorful flower sea.

In the air, there is a scent of flowers and pollen, and many of them can become media. Accelerating practice is really magical.

This is the speciality of the world of flowers. The flowers here can have the ability that the outside world can't imagine. It is also one of the greatest sources of wealth after Dreamworld has mastered the world of flowers.

Of course, this piece of flower is under the control of the country of dreams, in order to let the people who have just entered the world of flowers and flowers feel the shock brought by the world of flowers.

The people around me couldn't help but sigh the beauty and beauty of this flower sea, but Qin Qi, but only had time to sneak a glance, and quickly took his eyes back.

Immediately, stare at the side.

There is a girl next to him.

A very beautiful girl, complements this world of flowers.

But even this beautiful flower sea can only add a little color to this girl. After all, if she is a scene, she is afraid that it is many times more beautiful than this flower sea.

Such a beautiful woman is really rare. Even if Qin Qi is used to the beauty, she still can't help but sway.

In the impression, compared with her, only the Empress Dowager and Yi Xiaoying.

Such as Situ Jing, Xiao Bai or the sea listen, Catherine, etc., although it is also the best, but have to say, it is indeed a little worse.

Such a beautiful woman completely obscured the bustling beauty, and everyone naturally noticed this very quickly. How surprised, how could suddenly come out like this one.

So beautiful, only seen in this life, and the innate extravagance is not something that the power of the dream can cultivate.

If you don't compare strength, the dreamy day stands in front of this woman, which is also a little short and can't be compared.

"You..." Qin Qi looked at the girl in front of her eyes and finally settled on her pair of delicate hands.

Without the slightest flaws, such as green onions, with a hint of ruddy in the tender colors, it seems that there is a flame burning in the fat ball, exactly the same as seen in the image at the time.

"No!" Qin Qi's expression suddenly became stiff.

Thinking of the very casual answer, Qin Qi couldn't help but hold his forehead and didn't know what face to face.

Your sister, Lao Tzu is just talking about it.

And you flee and escape, why do you flee to Laozi.

Qin Qi has all the information of the monopoly building, and since Tang Sinuo has not concealed his life, Qin Qi will not know her specific identity?

Missy, you do this, it will be dead!

"Tang Si Nuo?" Qin Qi asked, tearing his mouth.

"It's me, are you Qin?" Tang Sinuo replied that there is a slight twist in the generosity, but the noble temperament between words is undoubted.

In front of her, ordinary people, etc., did not even have the courage to look straight.

Of course, this does not include Qin Qi.

"It is me." Qin Qi sighed.

After a simple question and answer, I didn’t know what to say, and I was surprised.

Tang Sinuo’s eyes flashed and felt a little impulsive. He couldn’t help but bite his lip and said: “You let me escape.”

"I didn't let you escape to me!" Qin Qi wanted to cry.

There have been many problems with the whispering of the river. It may be that the situation will be out of control. Now it is good, and this noble woman is not to be provoked.

After all, this is not a little girl like Jiang Lanyu, but a girl who wants to put it in!

"In this way, is it not more convenient for us to explore the avenues with each other?" Tang Sinuo said.

OK, Qin Qi served, and did not want to manage Tang Sinuo in the end to use what method to send directly to him, anyway, it is estimated to be related to communication jade.

For the sake of the present, let it be left to it.

When Qin Qilian rolled his eyes, Tang Sinuo looked at Qin Qi with a lot of curiosity. The beautiful eyes reflected the appearance of Qin Qi.

She has never seen Qin Qi before, and she is naturally curious about Qin Qi. Now I have to say that I have to say that some are unexpected.

The strength is weak.

Moreover, the value of the face is low.

Of course, people like Don Sinuo are not going to take people by appearance, but they are even more strange in their hearts. They want to know what kind of person Qin Qi is.

"Oh, don't look at it, haven't seen a man hungry for food, right?" But it was an extraordinarily unpleasant voice, with irony.

The source of the sound is somewhat low, so Qin Qi and Tang Sinuo are looking down.

"How come you come in!" Qin Qi is even speechless.

Jiang whispered, and actually ran in.

How can Long Lao allow this kind of thing?

Moreover, Long Lao did not follow up?

Qin Qi could not help but be a bit strange.

"You are?" Tang Sinuo was strangely watching Jiang whisper.

Such a lovely little girl, she is also the first time to see, but the hostility shown by Jiang Liangyu makes her somewhat inexplicable.

When Jiang Wenyu heard Tang Sinuo’s words, his eyes suddenly became louder, and the mood that was already not beautiful was even worse.

The other party has never heard of her.


Jiang whispered the little tiger teeth, and now he plans to talk to Tang Sinuo.

Even Lian Ben’s lady doesn’t know, just like you, it’s also a good idea to be a noble woman.

"Why are you coming in, hurry back, don't pull me into the water!" But it was Qin Qi who saw the words of Jiang whispering, and quickly said.

Jiang whispered a cold voice, squinting at Qin Qi.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Qin Qi was somewhat guilty.

"I pull you into the water?" Jiang whispered a look at Tang Sinuo, ironically said: "Who is pulling who is not necessarily!"

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