The first thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine chapters are ashamed

At the time, Tang Sinuo left home and used the power of a very strong void. In order not to be biased, she not only had no space treasures.

Even just wearing an ordinary dress.

Before the war, although it cost a lot, she did not suffer any injuries, but now, it is a heavy injury.

This dress is naturally more unbearable.

Qin Qi shattered the spear, and even the clothes with Tang Sinuo cracked open, like a flying butterfly.

"I am going!" Qin Qi couldn't help but miss a beat.

In fact, Tang Sinuo is beautiful, but Qin Qi has no extra thoughts on her.

However, that being said, though, a woman like a fairy is naked in front of her eyes. How can she not look at it?

Unless it is not a man.

No, even a woman can't help but look at the past. After all, this is a flawless body. Adding one point is fat, and one point is thin, just like art.

Qin Qi is willing to look away, this moment, can not do.

The eyes swept to the key parts, Qin Qi's body of blood can not help but some slightly boiled, the wound, but also directly squirted before and after the two blood columns.

Fortunately, Qin Qi all the way to kill the grass leaves, the realm has come to the level of the two-star Platinum IV, although the injury is heavy, but still affordable.

The flesh and blood squirm in the body quickly blocked the wound.

Tang Sinuo felt a cold, pale face suddenly appeared a touch of pink, Rao is a noble woman above nine days, the reaction at this moment is not much different from the woman of the vulgar.

After a scream, he quickly hugged his chest and tightened his legs.

It’s just this scene. For men, I’m afraid it’s more tempting than completely naked. The wounds that were transparent before and after Qin Qi cracked again, and the blood splattered again, dripping Tang Sinuo’s face.

Tang Sinuo looked at the blood of his body and couldn't help but scream at Qin Qi.

"Not yet turned!" Tang Sinuo gritted his teeth.

She is not an ordinary woman, so she will not be in a mess.

"Oh, good." Qin Qi was a little embarrassed, but still looked at him more, and then turned around.

Tang Sinuo could not help but be anxious, and the skin of the skin was faintly peachy, but this time, it was affecting the injury, his face suddenly turned white, and could not help but spit out a blood.

"When you put on your clothes, I will heal you first." Qin Qi noticed this and quickly took out his clothes and let Don Sinuo put on it.

Tang Sinuo also knows how his state is, can only wear clothes quickly, and whether or not there is a large piece of skin exposed, he quickly starts to run the power and recover the injury.

Her identity is honorable, she has a lot of secrets, and there is no cure for the magical powers.

However, in the case of a very poor state of the situation, the effect is not too good.

She is not like Qin Qi, the physical strength can not be compared with Qin Qi.

Qin Qi, who couldn’t take care of anything, walked behind her, and the palm of his hand was attached to the wound of Tang Sinuo’s heart. The large sacred light suddenly ignited and began to repair his injury.

The healing power of the sacred is enough to control the damage of Donsino and recover at a faster rate.

Tang Sinuo felt that Qin Qi’s palm was pressed against his back, and there was a warm feeling that went straight into his heart. About, this wound is near the heart.

Immediately, this warm feeling passed through the wound and penetrated into her limbs, which made her a lot easier.

"This is the power of the sacred, and the quality is extremely high!" Tang Sinuo's ear roots are still red, after all, just dressed in anxious, there is still a piece of bare back.

Qin Qi's hand is almost attached to her skin.

This made her unconsciously swayed slightly, and some did not adapt.

After all, there is no opposite **** with her.

"How can you master so much power?" Tang Sinuo could not help but ask.

How much is also to eliminate some of the current embarrassment.

"Good luck is good." Qin Qidao said that it is equal to not saying.

In this way, Tang Sinuo naturally did not ask much, but she is a talented generation after all. From the sacred power of Qin Qi, she felt the unique idea that Qin Qi provided when she discussed the fire with her. .

Although it is the power of different attributes, the idea is similar, and it feels like it is completely different from the power of the alien system.

Isn't this Qin Qin, not an alien?

However, despite this conjecture, Don Sinuo has no other feelings about this.

After all, the existence of other worlds is not an intolerable heresy for the outside world that has been on the right track on the road to the war.

And now in the outside world, there are many different living things in the world, it is not a strange thing at all.

However, Qin Qi is more special.

"Before, we can only communicate through the jade, it will inevitably be not detailed enough. Now that it is already the case, it is better to take care of it and prove it!" Tang Sinuo said.

This Tang Sinuo, for the determination to improve the fire, really let Qin Qi can not help but admire.

However, it is indeed possible, and it can't delay treatment anyway.

At the moment, Qin Qi through the power of the sacred, in the treatment of the simulation of various fire characteristics, these were mentioned in the previous discussion, but still to be confirmed.

Because the place of the testimony is in the body of Don Sinuo, she senses every change, which is not the effect that can be achieved through communication.

Only a moment later, Tang Sinuo’s eyes were bright and there was already a harvest.

Sure enough, this method can make her grow faster.

Judging from the power feedback from Tang Sinuo, Qin Qi knew that she had gained something and had to feel that her talent was strong and she was really shocked.

At the moment, Qin Qi can only make a response, start to change, and together prove that the road to be taken by Tang Sinuo will be further improved.

Time is not too much, but for the real enchanting genius, it is enough, not to mention the existence of both people, the efficiency is even more horrible!

"I am recovering, the last step, try it!" Tang Sinuo said, the injury has recovered, and the fire that has been confirmed has also reached a critical point.

"The opportunity is not big, but also need to accumulate." Qin Qi said.

"Only by seeing it with my own eyes and personally feeling, I can complete the accumulation faster." Tang Sinuo obviously wants to try.

In this case, Qin Qi will satisfy her. Anyway, it is only an attempt, and there will be no problem.

"Then I started." Qin Qi took a deep breath and continued to confirm.

Tang Sinuo also concentrates on making changes through confirmation and wants to guide the fire to go further!

However, it did not accumulate enough, and the results were foreseen and did not succeed.

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