God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1840: War girl

The first thousand eight hundred and forty chapters

But the result was not all foreseen, because the two confirmed that the end of the fire was out of control, the flames burned, and in the end, Tang Sinuo's clothes were burned to ashes again.

Also, it became a shelled egg, white and tender, and Qin Qi is behind her, from top to bottom, it is like a gourd, enough to lead to crime.

"This time it is not my business, you are too strong!" Qin Qi quickly said.

"I know, clothes!" Tang Sinuo was really shameful this time.

She was able to comfort herself before, after all, she was in a hurry, she did not change her way, so no matter what happened, she didn't have to worry about it.

It is different now, it is the continual confirmation of her own request, and the result becomes like this.

It feels like she wants Qin Qi to look like it.

Don Sinuo put on his clothes, his face was red, and he bit his teeth: "You forgot everything you just had."

Qin Qi rolled his eyes and said: "You are too strong, how can you forget it."

"You!" Tang Sinuo's face was a bit hotter.

"Cough, don't misunderstand, not because you are too perfect and too tempted to forget..."

"what did you say!"

"I don't mean that. I mean, I see more of the girl's nakedness. This is nothing to me."

"You stay in the mouth!"

"Don't be angry, you are definitely the most beautiful column."

"I, I, burn you!"

Tang Sinuo’s cheeks were red, and it was really unbearable. The flame of perpetual burning ignited in her hands, and it contained the power that had just been mastered.

Qin Qi shut up and said nothing.

Although it is all true, it is obviously more wrong, Qin Qi is better to shut up.

Tang Sinuo took a deep breath, and finally, he could only sigh for a long time, his eyes were a bit complicated, and said: "This thing, you can forget to forget, if you can’t forget it, don’t reveal it to anyone, so it’s for you and me. it is good."

It seems that Tang Sinuo is not just for his own reputation, she has other concerns.

However, for Qin Qi, it is enough to promise.

"You can rest assured, I will not say." Qin Qidao.

"Well," Don Sinno nodded, then said: "Thank you, if you are in front, I may, it is very difficult to recover."

"You misunderstood, just because the grass and leaves first attacked me, not that I am in front of you." Qin Qidao.

Wen Yan, Tang Sinuo looked at Qin Qi with some surprise.

Generally speaking, such favors will not be denied.

Tang Sinuo believes that if she is changed to someone else, especially a man, since she finds that she misunderstood, then she will be misunderstood.

After all, this is an opportunity to win her favor.

Qin Qi, it is a strange person.

Unablely, Tang Sinuo unexpectedly asked: "If you didn't attack you first, what would you do?"

Qin Qi shrugged and replied without thinking, "I will block it for you."

Don Sinuo’s eyes flashed a bit, and I don’t know what it’s like in my heart. In short, it’s a little different, but I can’t say what it is.

She pointed to the outside and said: "The guns and leaves seem to have not continued to attack."

Poor transfer topics.

However, if Tang Sinuo knows, Qin Qi can give the answer directly, just because Qin Qi knows that this spear can't save his life, and he doesn't know what to think.

After all, if it is a deadly attack, Qin Qi will definitely not block her.

At least it is now.

Since Tang Sinuo said that the grass leaves, Qin Qi naturally did not pay attention.

The previous spears obviously also consumed too much power from the grass blades, and even if they were provided with constant power behind them, it would take time to recover.

"Looking at this opportunity, we will find out the source of that power, and then cut off the power supply of the grass blades." Qin Qidao.

Don Sinno nodded and has recovered his usual appearance.

This flashing is the result of Qin Qi’s sword, but apart from the first part of the mountain, the position behind it is not because of Qin Qi’s sword, but because of it.

There is a red glow, reflected on the rock wall, revealing a cold silence.

Qin Qi and Tang Sinuo are both shaking forces and protecting the whole body. Tang Sinuo is especially serious, and she will never let herself fall into the shackles just now.

The two walked deeper into the cave, not down, but up.

In this way, it will be closer to the woman in the red dress.

Qin Qi’s heart was slightly tight, and the speed at his feet could not help but speed up a lot.

The cave is not artificially excavated, but it is not representative. It is a natural shape, because even this mountain has only appeared later.

Qin Qi constantly went up and saw that the surrounding rock walls were gradually changing, from the initial rock to the way the grass petals were stacked.

It feels like this is the whole mountain. It is not the accumulation of earth and rock, but the stacking of grass petals.

It’s just that the position of the foot of the mountain is too old, so it looks no different from the rock.

This is not surprising, why is there such a mountain here?

"Human bones, poisonous grass, poisonous flowers, ghost vines?" Qin Qi actually found a variety of strange flowers that appeared in the flower sea before.

This made Qin Qi feel a little surprised.

It seems that this place is indeed related to the flower sea before, but I don't know these strange words, is it Qin Qi who they met.

The cave was rugged, and it took a long time for Qin Qi and Tang Sinuo to come to the top. Here, there were finally some different things.

The dangers in Qin Qi's anticipation did not appear, and there were no more powerful strange flowers waiting here. All the way to prevent, there is no need to be general.

However, the feeling of danger in the heart has not been reduced by even one point.

The cave was rugged, and it took a long time for Qin Qi and Tang Sinuo to come to the top. Here, there were finally some different things.

The dangers in Qin Qi's anticipation did not appear, and there were no more powerful strange flowers waiting here. All the way to prevent, there is no need to be general.

However, the feeling of danger in the heart has not been reduced by even one point.

Here, it is a relatively large space, surrounded by square walls, with red flames burning, but extremely cold, but a kind of cold fire.

Its fluctuations are no different from the flames on the grass blades. Here, it is clearly the source of their strength.

In the central position of this space, a obviously more red ice flame burns more brilliantly, looks like a solid, and is like a magnificent gem!

Qin Qi wanted to go forward and grabbed the cold fire.

But the next moment, a figure appeared before the flame.

It was the woman in red.

Sure enough, as I saw in the mountains, the face is not the red war woman and who is it!

How can she be here?

Is this really her?

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