The first thousand eight hundred and forty-one chapters meet

The same appearance, just this look, there is no familiarity, there is a bright red flame in the scorpion burning, revealing ice cold.

Not only for the flesh, but also for the soul, it is also cold and murderous.

"She shouldn't be the one standing on the top of the mountain, just a force to split up." Tang Sinuo sighed, and the flames of the whole body were raging and ready for the war.

Qin Qi looks slightly differently. After all, he can't be as calm as Tang Sinuo at the moment, but he didn't find it.

Is this the guardian of the source of power?

It is no wonder that there is such a strange feeling.

So, is the top of the mountain, is it really the heroine?


The woman in red found the intruder, and there was no nonsense, a low drink, and the murderousness accompanied by the cold fire suddenly swept out and killed Qin Qi and Tang Sinuo.

"Burn the void!" Tang Sinuo is in the right color, his hands are across his body, and countless handprints are shot in an instant.

This is a matchup of the fire system, and it is still a very rare cold fire. Through the battle, it is sure to let Tang Sinuo realize more, she naturally wants to fight.

In front of Tang Sinuo, a fireball condensed out, and the fire was almost in essence, just like the magma flowing in it, the temperature is high, and everything around it will be burned out.

"Oh la la!"

The cold fire of the woman in red was affected, and was pushed away by the high temperature and the waves, forming a wave.

It seems that Tang Sinuo's flame is more powerful.

However, the woman in red is not a good match. I saw her, the power of bright red continued to surge, and it was a little more solid. The cold fire also began to skyrocket.

Cold cremation is a fire belt, surrounded by a circle, just like a dragon, and behind it is a **** sea, but it is a general killing.

The bright red flames bite up, and the fireball of Tang Sinuo could not withstand it.

The breath of ancient power!

The flash of the Qin Qi dynasty flashed, and I realized that there was a hint of ancient power. It was a unique blush of the Red War, but it has been sublimated too much.

No matter what, even if this is not a warrior, it must be irrelevant to the warrior.

Qin Qi did not take the shot at the moment, this is a confrontation between two women who play with fire.

The strength of the woman in red is obviously more than that of Tang Sinuo. It is already in the platinum level. However, although Tang Sinuo is in a worse state, at the moment, it is only a little downwind.

And looking at her like that, obviously does not want Qin Qi to intervene.

Even the possibility of spreading Qin Qi.


Tang Sinuo's eyes flashed, and the fireball exploded directly. The fire wave swept through the perimeter and everything that was touched was ignited.

However, the bright red fire was strong enough to withstand the eternal fire of Tang Sinuo, and the pillars of flames rose from all sides, turned into cages, forcibly shocking Tang Sinuo's flame.

"Would you like to be so embarrassed!" Qin Qi squeezed a sweat, he was next to it, and was almost swayed by the flames of fire.

Fortunately, the woman in red is responding in time, and this is innocent.

Just like this, how do you feel that the red woman is a group with him?

"The other party is very strong, I need to go all out, you should avoid it first." Tang Sinuo said, the thin red lips slightly picked up, and there was a bit of mischievous pleasure.

Obviously, even if she is as noble as her, she has the same small temper as an ordinary woman. This is to punish Qin Qi for the previous incident.

But no success is all right.

In this case, Tang Sinuo will naturally not do anything extraordinary, she needs to go all out to deal with the red woman, let Qin Qi retreat, but also want to thoroughly expand the boxing.

Her strength is better than before, and just before she came to the bottleneck, she needed such a battle to prove herself!

The fire is raging, the cold fire is roaring, and the battle is getting more and more fierce.

However, Tang Sinuo, who is at a disadvantage in the realm, can persist even with the tenth place of perpetual burning, but it will not be able to withstand it for a long time.

And this point, Tang Sinuo himself is very clear.

So she took a step.

She feels that it is time.

On her body, there are tiny pieces of platinum that appear in the flames, and the power of the flames also begins to grow.

She is ready to set foot in platinum.

For Tang Sinuo, it is not difficult to set foot on platinum, but she is too demanding and has not been willing to enter the platinum stage.

Now, she finally made up her mind to enter the ranks of platinum.

This battle will be her motivation, to lay a solid foundation for her, to achieve the most perfect platinum!


The flames continued to explode, and Tang Sinuo continued to be suppressed, bottoming out, and the bright red cold fire was pushed out constantly. The cage that the fire column was condensed also could not resist.

The shattered gold appears in the flames, and Tang Sinuo is like a queen who is in charge of the flame.

Forever burning, burning, her ability is constantly sublimating.

The woman who sublimated to the red dress also felt struggling.

Sublimed to, clothes, and disappeared.

Tang Sinuo breathed a stagnation, the flames swayed, and was almost affected.

It’s just that it’s the key at the moment. It’s really impossible for her to take the time to do more things. Even if the clothes are gone, they must continue to fight.

"It's a pity that the opposite is not a real person, or it will be burned, then it is fun." Qin Qi squinted and couldn't help it.

"You shut up and go somewhere else!" Tang Sinuo gritted his teeth.

"Do you really have no problem?" Qin Qi asked, looking at it without hesitation.

"I can do it myself!"

Qin Qi nodded and nailed a sword to the ground. His body shape flashed and he had left the cave.

Don Sinno’s situation is not optimistic, but if he can really promote platinum in this situation, then the situation may be reversed.

Now, Qin Qi can only believe that she can do it.

Compared with Tang Sinuo, Qin Qi is more concerned about the woman above the mountain.

So now I am going to the top of the mountain.

Qin Qi left without saying anything, very simple, so that Tang Sinuo could not help but be a bit strange.

She didn't quite understand what kind of person Qin Qi was. She was also staring at her like a satyr, but she was very quiet and didn't have any attachment.

Only at this moment is not concerned about this time.

Qin Qi is gone, she does not have to worry about anything, and she is fully committed to the battle.

The finely divided platinum is gradually connected into pieces, and finally, it burns.

The streamer behind the Qin Qi was moving, and a time of breathing came to the top of the mountain.

Here, it is different from what was expected before.

I thought it was a land of solitude, but it was a garden, and the flowers blossomed, the beauty was incomparable, just like a paradise.

Everything here can be incompatible with the surroundings.

There is a pavilion in the middle, the woman in red is sitting inside, drinking tea.

She saw Qin Qi appear, and there was no accidental color. She just smiled and said: "You come here, I am very surprised. Can you tell me what happened to you during this time?"

I will ask.

Is it really the heroine?

Qin Qi’s eyes groaned and went up. He sat down in front of the red woman and stared at the other side: “So can you answer me a question first?”

"My relationship with Honglian?" The red woman smiled.

Qin Qi’s hole couldn’t help but shrink, but did not speak, wait for the other party to say.

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