God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1842: Mysterious red woman

The first thousand eight hundred and forty two chapter mysterious red woman

The performance of the red woman is very strange.

Obviously, there are countless killings, but it feels like an ordinary woman.

Moreover, she did not show much hostility to Qin Qi, but instead poured a cup of tea to Qin Qi.

However, Qin Qi did not dare to slack off.

The woman in red looked at Qin Qi and smiled. "You seem to have a relationship with Honglian. It is not easy to reunite in this vast universe."

"Unfortunately, I am not a red lotus." The woman in red shook her head.

"Who are you?" Qin Qi did not change.

"I am... Oh, how to say it, it should be regarded as a kind of power, but it only borrows the appearance of Honglian. Why, don't like it, I can change one." The woman in red smiled slightly.

Qin Qi’s light flashed a bit and said: “You, is the chief culprit in letting them down into this world of flowers?”

The woman in red looked at Qin Qi and was quite surprised. She nodded and said, "It is true."

"What about the other people?" Qin Qi quickly shouted.

"Not so nervous, I was still very weak at the time, I couldn't compete with your emperor, so I just made a little damage."

"The two of them, just accidentally brought me out, really, just careless." The red woman giggled.

Qin Qi blinked and the light was getting cold.

"Since you are not the opponent of the Emperor, why do you want to shoot in Zhongzhou?" Qin Qi asked, this is the key.

"It can only be said that it is fate. I have been wandering in the universe for a long time, and that continent just passed by me."

"And, more naturally, there is something I want above, I naturally have to go and see." The red woman said.

"Then you got that thing?"

"Hey, the predecessors are the predecessors, which is even more powerful than what I have imagined. I just thought of getting something on his site. It is even dangerous to be alive." The woman in red shrugged.

Qin Qi could not understand what she was talking about.

The predecessor of her mouth is the Emperor of the People?

It doesn't seem to sound.

So who is Zhongzhou, and who is it?

Qin Qi thought of something, his face could not help but change.

Zhongzhou is a rule of the emperor.

However, if it is traced back to the source, not only Zhongzhou, but the entire Tianyuan world is just a test site codenamed "Tianyuan".

It was created by an unimaginable existence.

The meaning of the woman in red, who created the existence of the heavenly world, is her predecessor?

This is a bit horrible.

So what is she wanting to get?

Qin Qi did not understand, but apparently she would not disclose more if she asked.

"So, you will be in this place, take the temple, not careless, but seek asylum!" Qin Qi squinted.

"Why should I say it out? I borrowed her body and lived in the world, but I didn't kill her. It is already kind. Do you still want to hold on to this thing?" The woman in red does not The way of care.

"Yes, then I should thank you?" In the eyes of Qin Qi, there has been a killing.

"Good killing, but you want to take revenge, about to find the wrong opponent." The red woman put down the cup, the same murderous, the **** fog behind the sky, turned into a **** night.

She had been shot before, and Qin Qi and Tang Sinuo were seriously injured.

Under the night of the night, it is the **** sea of ​​the corpse, which is the figuration of the two people's horror killings, all terrible!

"Tell me, how is the situation under the Highness?" Qin Qi cold said, this sound has no temperature.

"If you don't show up, you may die, but now, you may be able to continue to live, depending on whether you can help her." The red woman said.

"However, I don't want to let you go a bit. I always feel that you have something that I care about."

"I plan to study it!"

The red woman fluttered in the red dress, and the surrounding garden courtyard disappeared instantly. Instead, there were countless strange and evil, and it was like a ghost.

"These are the original strengths in this restricted area. Although it is nothing, it has also restored me a lot. Do you want to give it a try?" The red woman smiled.

After she came to the world alive, she was separated from the warrior, but she was still weak and needed to replenish her strength.

The original existence of this **** bloody has become her best nutrient. Now, she has completely taken over the place and absorbed everything, so that I have the heart to chat with Qin Qi here.

Otherwise, her state is not enough to be so calm.

"That depends on whether you have this ability!" Qin Qi cold channel, this battle is inevitable.

But even if the other party is surprised, Qin Qi is not afraid, and will never let the other party better.

Injury to His Royal Highness, this account is always liquidated.

"Do you know if you try?" The woman in red smiled, her finger pointed at Qin Qi, and the strange flowers around her suddenly made a scream, all kinds of abilities, and they attacked Qin Qi.

Qin Qi was cold, and the killing of the sword directly rushed out. Jianguang swept through a circle, even if it was a powerful strange flower, it was all cut off.

"Oh, very powerful!" The woman in red is still smiling.

Qin Qi was burning with a dragon, and the light and cold looked at the woman in red. "Sorry, there is a ruthless invitation."

"Tell me."

"Trouble me and change my face."

The woman in red stunned and laughed. "Is this kind of thing in mind, but there is nothing, how about satisfying you?"

"I think about what it would be like to change."

"Like this, I haven't seen anyone in this face for a long time." The red woman smiled, not only the face, but the whole person is changing.

It became a completely different person.

Qin Qiyi rounded his eyes.

In the face of the enemy, he should not expose any look, but he still made a mistake because it was too shocking.

"What is your look?" The woman in red changed her eyes, her eyes slowly screamed, and smiled faintly: "It seems that your relationship with me is not small, there is more to study and study!"

Qin Qi’s hole has shrunk, and the red woman has launched an offensive.

Under the blood night she created, a strange flower is blooming, and a cold flame burns on it, not only in bright red, but in deeper blood.

The essence of killing blood and blood.

A petal stretched out, and the veins on it slowly lit up like a grimace, incomparably distorted.

"Smile, I want to stabilize the weak state, I can only find these ugly things, but I think it is also commensurate with me!" The red woman smiled, and immediately, countless ghosts rushed from the petals. come out.

"The devil is equipped with a beautiful woman, and it is indeed very impactful." Qin Qi holds the sword, and Jianguang rushes to the ground and will smash the ghost.

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