The first thousand eight hundred and forty-three chapters of the night

Qin Qi knows that the other party is very strong and can't see the depth, so this time, there must be no reservations.

When you shoot, you have to use your full strength.

In the face of Kunlun, Qin Qi body, Kunlun heart began to shine, the large mountains of the mountains behind the scenes emerged, spectacular, written in the mountains, like the heavens and the dragons gathered in the first place.

Sky Market!

Qin Qi did not care about it, and directly pulled out the strongest sword.

"Kunlun!" The red woman exclaimed.

Beauty is so big that even her, it is difficult to calm down the mood at this moment.

"It was Kunlun. I only said that you might have something I care about, but I didn't expect that you could get this power!"

The woman in red is obviously very shocked, but looking at her expression is not as simple as horror. I am afraid that she has been associated with Kunlun and has a long history.

However, Qin Qi has no time to manage these. Since he has used the cards as soon as he comes up and wants to end the battle as soon as possible, Qin Qi certainly does not want to give the other party a chance.

On the counter-Kunlun, countless dragons came together, and the Tianxu became more and more emotional with the light of Kunlun's heart. One of the peaks of the dragon's head began to sound the sound of dragons.

This sword, the crown of the world, has the power to annihilate everything!

The look of the woman in the red dress disappeared, and the flower was completely bloomed. Ten petals were different, but they were blood and fire.

This is the power to kill blood.

The sword light is falling, the blood flower is also a rotation, and the entanglement collision in an instant, I do not know how many roads are annihilating and stirring.

However, at this moment, Qin Qi is already unreserved. The Kunlun heart and the Tianxu market, which have never been used in the outside world, are exerted to the greatest extent. Under such power, even if it is bloody, it cannot resist. .

After all, Qin Qi came out of the comet that day, the sky market is stronger, this world can be called the strongest force, even if the realm is second, you can also reverse the **** Buddha!

Shenshan reversed, crushed down, the woman's face changed constantly, and her eyes showed a hatred.

"How about Kunlun, the old guy is to look after his own way, and must focus on this, give up his own strength, will be eternal backward, and can never surpass that person!"

"And I will only go to my own path, keep moving forward, even if the road twists and turns, still have to go to the end!"

"Kunlun, can you overturn this night?"

The woman in the red dress shouted, and after the ten-blooded blood flower, the night of the blood was deeper.

The night is shrouded and the day will never come.

This is the night!

This is no longer a **** force, but a woman in the red dress.

The mountains are so vast that they can shatter everything in the world.

But the night was thick, but it seemed to lock the heavens and the earth, and Shenshan could not break free.

The battle between the two has fallen into a deadlock, and they are unparalleled tactics.

Qin Qi gritted his teeth, Kunlun heart was brighter, the power of the dragon road continued to meet with Kunlun, and the geographical veins of this area, along with the pulse road, began to accompany him.

Kunlun is the ancestor of Wanshan, the ancestor of the Dragon Veins, where the pulse is, and there is the infinite power of Kunlun.


Qin Qi reversed the handle and stood out against the night.

The mountain is full, breaking all obstacles, and the night is getting deeper, but it can't resist the majesty of Kunlun.

Kunlun opened the sky and broke the **** night!

"Oh, I didn't expect you to have such a fit to Kunlun. What do you have to do with that person?" The woman in red is a bit ugly and unwilling.

"Even if you are not connected, your sword is not related to that person!"

"But your strength is different from that person. It is a reversal of Kunlun, interesting!"

"These doubts, after you are caught by me, some time is slowly talking!" Qin Qi shouted, Tianxu once again suppressed.

"The big words are not awkward!" The woman in red was cold and shouted, "Night is not!"

The night that was scattered by Kunlun, once again, obviously want to beat the woman in red, this is not enough.

The night of Qin Qi swept through and strangled everything, but the figure of Qin Qi was flickering and dying. Under this **** night, the power of night shadows also received a substantial blessing.

"Do you want to get an axe in the class?" The woman in red was cold.

"How can it be, just borrow your strength and make some changes!" Under Qin Qi, the dark shadow is like his own reflection.

Immediately, the reverse Kunlun once again pulled out, condensing all the power in the body!

Sky Market!

This time, because of the help of the night shadow, it is already a reversal of the two Kunlun!


The night of the **** color was once again opened, and the woman in red snorted and her face was slightly pale.

Her strength is still above Qin Qi, but the power contained in Qin Qi's sword front is too strong, but the qualitative difference.

"Oh, this is not the last, there is always one day, my way, enough to overtake your mountain!" The woman in red angered.

However, Qin Qi knows that she is not talking to herself.

"You can't wait that day." Qin Qi is cold and cold. Since he has the upper hand, how can he let go of the opportunity?

"Little guy, don't be too much, even if I am weak now, but you can't kill me!" The red woman chilled, and the **** night wrapped her up.

After the red woman gave up the attack, Qin Qi’s attack could not hit her.

Qin Qi snorted, but his face was pale.

This consumption has exceeded expectations, and while he is giving pressure to the other side, the other party is not idle, and he is almost at the tipping point.

At the moment, more than half of it is hard.

"Between you and me, it is not a deadly enemy. I don't want to recover the power. It's so wasted!" The woman in red was cold and cold.

Qin Qi’s heart suddenly broke out, and the other party did not seem to do his best. Or, has he seen his falsehood?

However, Qin Qi will not express his position, just looking at each other.

"Before parting, I advise you to say a word, you will reverse your Kunlun, you will have your life!" The woman in red faint.

"I want too much for my life, but I am still alive."

"Haha, I hope that you can still be so mad at the time!" The woman in red laughed, her eyes flashed a little hesitant, and then considered whether to shoot Qin Qi.

But in the end, I gave up.

She really does not want to take time and effort to recover.

Her power has been lost too much, and I am afraid that she is already self-contained. If she wants to find it, it is tantamount to fighting with her own self. If she continues to be weak, she is afraid that she will never recover.

Moreover, she is not sure whether Qin Qi is also hidden.

"I can let you go, but before that, tell me, who is your face, who belongs to it?" Qin Qi Shen Sheng.

"Interesting, you really saw this face!" The woman in red light flashed slightly, then smiled: "This face is me!"


"Yes, I was like this."

"In addition, I can also tell you my name, I am called the night!"

What is the night like? Night is not yet!

This is, forever night.

Qin Qi was in a tight heart and did not go to the night to leave.

Because of her appearance, it is the look of the Empress of the Night.

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