God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1852: Wang Ting's danger

The first thousand eight hundred and fifty-two chapters of Wang Ting's danger

"What happened, did Wang Ting really have a problem?" Nobel’s heart was astonished. This space transmission only has the possibility of a problem on his side. How can Wang Ting have something?

In this world of flowers, space transmission relies entirely on the power of space konjac, and the mother plant of space konjac is in the king's court. Once the transmission is turned on, the konjac will bloom and realize the transmission.

Now, the mother plant of the space konjac does not respond, it must not be able to flower, even the mother plant has been isolated, and even killed.

Wang Ting lost contact!

"Adult, there is no response to the leaf, and Wang Ting may have a big problem!" An adjutant hurriedly told me.

"Damn, is it still a step late!" Novo believes now that Qin Qi said it.

"Where is Wang Ting?" It is Qin Qi, Shen Sheng.

"Only a rough position can be delineated." Connaughter calmed down.

"Tell me about the characteristics of Wang Ting's movement." Qin Qi said directly.

Novo did not know if Qin Qi could rush to Wang Ting, but at this moment, there is only this law. All he knows has informed Qin Qi.

"You will rectify here now, Wang Ting, I will deal with it." Qin Qidao, then, the whole person disappeared directly, and has already flew away.

"So speed!" Novo was shocked.

This speed, I am not sure if I can catch up.

"The son, everything will please you!" Huarui can only wait for a result here.

Qin Qi flies quickly, and the speed is fast, which directly realizes the shuttle.

After all, the space of the flower world is still not as strong as the outside world. With Qin Qi’s current strength, it is not difficult to shuttle the void.

All the way, Qin Qi flew away from where Wang Ting was, and the small map was fully opened. He was ready to find the place where Wang Ting is now according to the certain rules of Wang Ting's walking.

Yes, Wang Ting of the bustling world is able to move on its own.

Because the entire royal court is built on a huge incomparable **** wood, the roots of the **** wood must penetrate the earth, and you can walk freely between the mountains and rivers.

Moreover, Shenmu is psychic, connected with the world, and naturally has a protective color, which can hide Wang Ting.

Even the presence of platinum II and I is not necessarily perceptible.

At this moment, the walking god, but stopped in a mountain, no longer walk.

"Space Konjac automatically goes to sleep, how can this happen!"

"Why did Shenmu stop walking, knowing that it would be more than half a day to stop in a place, and the chores from the outside world can lock us!"

"What happened in the end, no stranger, he is the head of the Hundred Flowers Army, where is the time!"

Among the flowers, Wang Ting, the old flowers are all angry.

The six of them are the top-level power of the world of flowers. Before Tao and Honglian did not enter the world of flowers, they all accumulated strength in the dark.

Of course, it is only because they can't compete with the country of dreams.

The flowers and old six rushed out of their own palaces, releasing the breath to deal with the unexpected. They knew very well that there must be a big event, otherwise the gods could not stop.

The mist between the clouds, the giant wood and the sky, the powerful breath surging, highlighting the power of the six flowers.

"Elders, the roots of the gods must be entangled in the magic light meadow, can't move!" The stranger finally came over and his face was ugly.

The magical meadows are extremely difficult, and their roots must be able to entangle everything in the past.

But the gods are psychic, and in line with the will of the flower world, it is impossible to set foot in the area where the magic light meadow is located.

"How is this possible? The polished meadow is far away from the restricted area of ​​life in the north. The territory has long been controlled by the outside world. So far, there has been no recovery. How can there be a magic light meadow here?" .

And if this happens, then it must be that the outside world began to act on Wang Ting.

"So, the space konjac and the rumor leaf are also destroyed?"

The aliens invaded to this extent, infiltrating Wang Ting, and they had not noticed it before.

"About this matter, there are already practical information here, please elders!" Unfamiliar, and put a piece of jade leaf up.

Among the jade leaves, information can be recorded.

There is no doubt that there is a lot of flowers, and they are gathered together to find out the details.

Time is at a critical juncture. Understanding the situation is a top priority. Otherwise, it will be dark and will only make the situation more uncontrollable.

It’s just that when they look at the jade leaf, they are flashing a touch of cool color in the eyes of the stranger, killing the machine, and the war grass in the hands is straight, and it is using the strength!

As the head of the Hundred Flowers Army, the most talented person, the original realm strength and the old flower six old are not much different.

What's more, the current rumors are even stronger!

And the sneak attack at this moment is indeed too unexpected. The old six flowers did not react at all, and they were directly penetrated into the chest by the war grass.

As the most powerful war weapon of the grass fairy, the war grasshopper can almost penetrate everything, and the handle in the hands of a stranger is the best one.

The defense of the old six flowers can't work at all.

With one hit, the grotesque no longer hides his own look, and the twists and turns are twisted. There is no pure sense of the grass fairy.

"No, how dare you do this!" The old six-year-old screamed, and did not expect that a stranger would do such a thing.

"All this is what you do!" And they are now reacting, and Wang Ting's many problems are unruly.

There is no anger at the moment, except for an elder who has fallen in a pool of blood, the other five are all bursting with a powerful force.

Unfamiliar sneer, hurried back, a few grass swords condensed in the void, and immediately came out.

"Damn, this guy has become so powerful!" The old six-year-old heart was shocked, and this sword light was several times stronger than what they had known before.

In a short period of time, how do you grow up to this point?

However, this is above the gods, but their home, and they are still teamed up with five people.

With a stranger, you can't go all over the sky!

"Nothing, you dare to betray the royal court, betray the world, today you will die!" The flower six bosses shouted, the power extended, the gods are shining.

"Hey, a group of decadent people, I don't know the practice, I would rather believe in people from different worlds than to believe in me. If so, let me add myself!"

"It turns out that you are for the holy things!"

"Yes, only me, is the perfect owner of the holy things, and you, even handed it over to the outsiders!"

"Nothing, you are crazy, you are not a sacred object!"

"It’s ridiculous, you old guys, have you lived these years? I don’t understand the truth that my family is different. The holy things fall into the hands of others, and they are self-seeking!"

"And what I am doing today is to spend the world for me, to smear your cancer!"

He is the king of the flower world!

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