The first thousand eight hundred and fifty-three chapters

"Unreasonable, he has become a demon, kill him!" Fanhua Liu old cold and shout, they must use powerful power to kill the grotesque.

"Haha, you shouldn't think that I will be alone to find you in trouble?" The grotesque is a sneer.

Immediately, several space konjac appeared around him, the petals were in full bloom, and a strong atmosphere came into being.

"The strong outside world!"

Unfamiliar, even led the strong outsiders to the court.

"Nothing, and the tiger is trying to hide, you are digging the grave!"

"Oh, you know the time, you are the world's best, today he can become the king of the world of flowers, how can he dig the grave!" The strong outsider appeared, hehe smiled.

"Hey, the king of the flower world? I see, it is the dog of your dream country!"

The eyes of the stranger shook a few times, and the eyes couldn’t help but twist, and there was a continual black air.

"It’s a failure to become a king, and it’s useless to say that it’s useless, or you’re going to die!” The cold voice, the war grass in the hands flashed through the cold.

"You, let's end the battle quickly. We have left a lot of local things to come here, and we always have to do something." The strong outsiders are faint.

Although the strongest Wu Xianxi was held back by Jiang Genyu, who did not know where to go, did not fall here.

But the people who came here are also the backbone members of the Kingdom of Dreams. They are extremely powerful, and each has the power to reciprocate or even surpass the meaning of the room.

They can't compare with the house, but they have stronger individual strength. At this moment, they have entered the interior of Wang Ting. It can be said that the wolf is in the flock!

"Kill!" There are no choices for the six flowers, only to fight.

Here is Wang Ting, it is already the last line. Once it falls, the resistance of the flower world will be completely disintegrated.

By then, the world of flowers will continue to be enslaved by the Kingdom of Dreams.


A heavy light curtain skyrocketed.

Shenmu spontaneously radiated power, attached to the Wang Ting guards such as Liu Hua Lao.

In the distance, there has been a rushing sound, and the Hundred Flowers Legion led by the rumor has been rebellious and is fighting with other guards of Wang Ting.

They shot and attacked, and instantly destroyed other legions. At this moment, they have already gained the upper hand!

"In the end, I am the king!"

He took the war grass and shot it.

The aliens are no longer delayed, and they are in the volatility of platinum. The realm of Platinum II and I is simply unbeatable and enough to crush everything.

If this is not the local flower world, but also above the **** wood, I am afraid that the Wang Tingqiang, such as the flowering six old, can not stop the strong attack of the outside world!


The sound of the explosion continued to vibrate, and Shenmu couldn’t help but mourn, and the power that was scattered between the leaves was shaken.

"Oh, you can't change the fate of being destroyed!" Li Zi is so cold, he is the strongest person in the world of this coming to the court, and the realm of a platinum Platinum I is enough to disappoint everyone.

I am afraid that no one is standing at this height, only the legendary ancient ancestor can have such power.

Therefore, even if it is home-based, the native of the world of flowers, it is impossible to resist Li Zizhen.

One shot repelled, a Wang Ting elder, Li Zi really snorted, carrying his hands, so he went to the highest position of Wang Ting.

He didn't seem to be interested in participating in the battles around him. In fact, he didn't need him to continue to shoot. The Wang Ting guard who had arrived in the prosperous six old men had already been crushed.

Being killed is only a matter of time.

What Li Zizhen wants to do now is to smother the sudden emergence of the world of flowers and the commander who can command the world of flowers to make an amazing counterattack.

This will be the first great achievement!

Moreover, it is said that the new queen is beautiful, and perhaps the dream diamond will give him the reward. Not to enjoy it, to be able to have a queen of the world is indeed a great glory.


Before the end of the palace, the guardian of the temple screamed, but it was composed of the flower fairy and the bathing demon. The strength was also strong, and it could form a battlefield. With the power of the palace, it was enough to break out the powerful power.

However, it is impossible to match the existence of Platinum I.

Li Zi really snorted, punched out, and platinum gasified into a mad dragon, crushing everything.

"Boom", the guardian soldiers were instantly defeated, all flew out, spit blood, and could not stand up.

Li Zizhen took back his arm and slowly walked into the temple. He was so violently swayed and sometimes turned out to be a tyrannosaur with a heavy earth force.

Ranked three hundred and seventy-six - Pure Land Dragon Heart, Li Zi really has its own capital.

"You are the new queen of the flower world?" Li Zizhen entered the hall and saw the woman sitting on the throne at a glance.

It is peach.

After she came to the world of flowers, she was chosen by the world sacred objects and became the queen. It is also inexplicable.

However, as a queen, it is possible to use a lot of resources. To help Honglian stabilize the injury, Taoer has no resignation, so it is difficult to sit on this position.

In his place, some things can't be avoided, and it becomes a glorious situation.

Peach can only lead the indigenous people against the scalp, against the kingdom of dreams.

Of course, the benefits she gets in this process are unimaginable.

The sacred object of this world is equivalent to the taboo artifact of the heavenly world.

And still the only one.

With the sacred objects, you have the capital to take charge of the world of flowers, and even use the sacred objects to spur the power of some of the world. Now the peaches, the realm and the realm in the Tianyuan world, are really much stronger.

However, in the end, it is soaring from the realm of not even bronze. If you have such a time, you can’t go against it.

According to the level of the alien world, it is only about one star platinum.

And this is still after the sacred object, there are more inductive feelings, this is the realm of forcible improvement, very illusory.

"I haven't been sitting in the throne yet. You attacked it so quickly. It's really not giving face!" Tao said with a chuckle.

The Queen's majesty she did not, she has always been contemptuous, when I took a small fist to Qin Qi chest, but very capricious.

"The Queen is joking, if you are willing to return, I think, under the dream of Heaven, will be treated with courtesy." Li Zi really laughed.

"How do you treat each other with courtesy? Are you treating each other in bed?" Tao said mocking.

"What is wrong with this?" Li Zi really laughed.

"Hey!" Peach snorted, it seems that the other party is indeed winning, no disguise, the momentum is very good!

"Ask you a question." Tao said suddenly.

"The Queen please speak." Li Zizhen was slightly owed, but the range of action was very exaggerated, and there was no ceremonial at all, but it was a mockery.

He is eating a peach.

This prosperous world will be completely disintegrated under the circumstances.

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