God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1868: Arming

The first thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight chapters of arming

Qin Qi resisted and smiled and said: "I will eat it later, but this time, do you have any gains?"

After dreaming of the enchanting silver ring snake, Mengli has been sleeping.

I thought I could wake up soon, but I didn't expect it to sleep.

"I don't know, but it seems to have changed a lot!" Meng Lixiao smiled, a pair of big eyes flickering, especially demon.

Qin Qi looked at the vertical pupil, and there was a feeling that the soul was sucked in.

However, Qin Qi’s heart is determined, and even more will kill the will, and for a while, it will get rid of this interference.

It’s just that he’s almost all the way. For others, I’m afraid that it’s the power that can’t be resisted, and even the existence of the Platinum ranks will be affected.

Qin Qi’s heart is slightly moving, this should be the kind of power that is unique to the enchanting silver ring snake.

Did not tell the truth was actually inherited by the dream glass.

What is it to eat, is it really not a rumor?

Only if you inherit the power of the enchanting silver ring snake, but it should not be so powerful, single-handedly, the dream glass can be stronger than the enchanting silver ring snake.

"The blood power has increased so much!" Qin Qi explored and found that the blood concentration of Mengli has been greatly enhanced.

This is unexpected, and Qin Qi is also convinced that the egg that devours a enchanting silver ring snake can achieve this level.

Mengli should have evolved unexpectedly in his sleep, otherwise he would not sleep for so long.

"Before that..." Qin Qi thought of something, and the light suddenly flashed.

Previously, in the big dreams and thousands of lakes, Dream Day once came, killing a dreamy fox that is hitting the realm of diamonds. In the end, the origin of the dream fox blasted out.

One of them happened to be swallowed by Mengli.

At that time, the origins of the fantasy foxes were almost all fake, used to confuse dreamy days, and did not want to be everything.

It is impossible for Qin Qi to know whether the dream glass is swallowed or not.

It seems that now, the origin of the dream fox is actually obtained by the dream glass?

That would be great!

Fantasy Sky Fox is already able to break through the existence of diamond ranks, and is much more powerful than Wu Xianxi. Mengli gets its origin and has great potential!

"Dream, now you are doing well. After you go out, I will ask you to eat a big one!" Qin Qi smiled and his eyes twitched.

The origin of the dream fox is not enough. If you can swallow the origin of the dream sky, then the dream glass can be more powerful?

At that time, Dream Glass is a great master who can become a force of fantasy.

Of course, this is just an idea now. Whether it can challenge the dream diamond is still unknown.

"Qin Hao, what do you want me to do, I must be no problem!" Mengli excitedly said.

Qin Qi looked at the alien warriors on the ground and smiled.

In his body, there are countless soul chains appearing, very subtle, and then plunged into the body of the alien warrior, he will turn these warriors into shackles, and then return to the heavens!

Of course, with his personal strength, problems may arise and be recognized.

But now that I have the enchanting dream glass, after adding dreams, I can make up for this short board.

Peach has gathered troops on the other side, and will soon step on the blood and rush to the town.

And Qin Qi, if they can clear the road to attack the city, it is bound to increase the winning rate.

The plan has been decided, Qin Qi is not prepared to delay, with the dream glass into the army, then the regiment went to the long snake fortifications, and took the treasure ship back to the town.

The head of the Luo Lijun was in front of him, and there was no abnormality in his life. Various military transmission signals, Qin Qi has also searched out from the soul, enough to be mixed into the town of Haotian.

All the way, unimpeded.

After Qin Qi left Dolan, Wu Xianxi convened all the top management inside the town.

The atmosphere of the Chamber of the Chambers is extremely heavy.

Wu Xianxi sat in the first place, surrounded by the Second Army Corps Division, Shao Jun, and the remaining army leaders, as well as the strong players in the platinum realm, were all listed.

They also just rushed over. They thought it was the mobilization of the decisive battle. They thought about why they were so anxious, and waited until Fang Yiyi and Li Zizhen made more territories.

However, after knowing the purpose of the call, all of them were ugly, almost unbelievable, and could not help but talk loudly.

Until the sound is getting smaller, the talents accept this fact and know that things are really happening.

The troops that Fang Jingyi and Li Zizhen took were completely annihilated.

That is why the Kingdom of Dreams invested nearly half of the military power in the world of flowers, and it was completely destroyed between the two.

In the past battles of nearly a thousand years, including the beginning of the world of flowers and blossoms, there has never been such a terrible battle.

"This, how to explain to the Dream Temple!" Someone has a pale face.

"Hey!" But Wu Xianxi snorted.

"Now, you still want to explain how to explain to your Highness. Do you not think that we can hold this big town?" Wu Xianxi was cold and cold.

It’s a shock to everyone.

"Why, isn't the indigenous people dare to attack?"

"How dare not, the indigenous side, there are two women who do not know the details, the strength is extremely terrible, especially the woman who uses the flame, enough to rival several legions!"

"With these benefits, plus the original strength of the indigenous people, the town of Tiantian may not be able to keep it!" Si Shaojun said.

"How can this be good!" Many people are cold in their hearts.

They never thought that the indigenous people could really attack this big town.

In their view, even if the whole army was annihilated before, at least the town should be safe.

Seeing these people's appearances, Wu Xianxi is even more angry in his heart. If it is a moment of war, there can be no more losses. He has already killed himself.

"People haven't attacked yet. You are afraid of yourself. Can I wait for people from different circles to be worse than these low-lying indigenous people?" Wu Xianxi angered, and the powerful pressure fluctuated.

Feel the anger of Wu Xianxi, everyone is a change of face, no longer dare to speak.

"What should I do now, what is the trend in the indigenous side?" asked the head of the army with courage.

As officers, they are much more calm than the world.

"Indigenous people have completed the assembly of the power of the family, but only from that direction, I don't know yet." Some officers replied.

The power of the family!

It seems that the indigenous people really intend to end everything with this war.

"They have recognized that the gates are temporarily unable to open, and it is clear that this is the only chance, so it is bound to die!" Someone spoke.

"Then we are fully defensive, I believe that taking the town as a circle, we should be able to block them and support the reopening!" Someone suggested.

"The defense is naturally to defend, but can not take the town as a circle, pass on orders, the rest of the major towns, all the strength of the callback, alone in the four towns!" Wu Xianxi Shen Sheng.

The four towns of Haotian are the four major towns with the core of Haotian Town as the core.

The other three important towns are located in the three sides of the town, and the remaining one is a natural barrier that kills blood.

When this statement comes out, everyone is shocked.

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