God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1869: Black in front of you

The first thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine chapters are in front of a black

In this way, isn't it necessary to give up all the territories except the Kaisi Tiansi Town?

That is not the only town that has invested a lot of resources to build, but also the ruling network centered on the town and the collection points of major resources.

These losses are very huge.

Is it really like this?

This is the accumulation of nearly a thousand years!

"Adult, is this really the case?" Someone couldn't help but say.

"Do you still don't understand? Put away your contempt before, this is a desperate war, it is so true to the flowering Wang Ting, even more so to me!"

"What we have to do is to hold on to the four towns of Haotian. No, as long as the last day is still in the middle of the town, everything can be solved. By then, this flower world is still ours!"

"So, at all costs, hold on to the sky!"

Wu Xianxi is almost guilty of guilty guilt.

He has already smelled the danger, and he must let everyone know that this danger is far beyond their imagination.

Only by mobilizing all the power can we hold everything and win.

"Adults rest assured, we will go back to mobilize, as soon as possible, rushed to the four towns of the four days to carry out the defense, by then, will be able to block the group of indigenous!" There are strong people in charge of other important towns.

In this case, no one can dare to neglect, after all, this is a matter of life and death!

The leader of the Second Army Corps, Shao Jun, changed slightly. This Wu Xianxi had indeed passed the gas with him beforehand, but he did not say that he even mobilized all the fighting forces to gather together.

But now it seems that things have indeed reached the last minute and must be done.

"Listing the idiot, haven't you come back yet? At this time, give up this seat!" Si Shaojun cold channel.

Wu Xianxi had an order that did not allow the troops to leave the town at will.

However, the application for patrol and blood-killing has provided many benefits, and the problem of killing **** blood has indeed caused problems. Almost all patrols have disappeared.

He also closed his eyes with one eye and let the column go.

After all, who can expect that the battle in Dolan will be so defeated!

Now, every point of combat power is extremely important, and the entire regular army led by Luo Li can not be lost naturally.

More importantly, if Wu Xianxi knows the departure of a whole legion, I am afraid it will be angered.

The adjutant saw that the sergeant Shao Jun was angry and couldn't help but feel tight. He said: "There was a newsletter that was sent back. Luo Li has already returned from the army and is applying for landing and landing."

"Because the list of adults is returning from the outside, it is necessary to conduct a war-level inspection!"

"When the level of inspection, it will take a long time, do not check, and quickly let the waste go to the wall to arm, give me the top line!" Secretary Shi Shaojun snorted.

The adjutant should be busy, and immediately passed on.

On the other hand, Qin Qi led the squadron to request to enter the landing field, but did not expect that the inspection here was very strict.

Even if there is the power of the dream glass, there is the possibility of being seen.

Qin Qi’s heart is so heavy that if he can’t hold it, it can only be directly caused, but the effect will obviously be much weaker.

What I didn't expect was that the inspections that were supposed to be carried out were suddenly cancelled, and Qin Qi also hurried to the wall to guard.

In the middle of the mind!

Qin Qi is somewhat inexplicable and does not know who is helping them.

Regardless of whether it was intentional or not, Qin Qi thanked him in the first place. When he was sent to hell, Qin Qi absolutely gave him a whole body!

When Qin Qi controlled the shackles, he rushed directly to the top of the tower, and in the face of the **** city gate, he fell into the control of Qin Qi.

Now, just wait for the army of Wang Hua Ting to attack!

At this moment, in the middle of the town, it has completely entered the state of war, and all the transmissions are operating at the limit, and soldiers are constantly transported from major towns.

The town of Haotian is constantly getting stronger.

If there is no Qin Qi, the flower king Wang Ting wants to break into here, I am afraid it is not easy.

All of this, Qin Qi is in the eyes, and now as the head of the army, he has also received the latest military order, knowing the latest arrangements of the dream country.

I have to say that Wu Xianxi has indeed attached great importance to them.

It is a pity that if he is more extreme, he will arrange all the military powers in the town of Haotian and discard everything else. At that time, Qin Qi will also feel troublesome.

Now, it is giving Qin Qi an opportunity.

Qin Qi's operation of the pulse channel, using the power of the sneak peek, has been linked to all the transmission arrays within the town.

As long as he is willing, he will be able to destroy all the transmission arrays in an instant.

When the heavy town of Lutian discovers the main direction of the flowering Wang Ting, Qin Qi will cut off the transmission. At that time, the other three towns will not be able to support Haotian in a short time!

Killing blood and blood will become the biggest gap in Haotian!

Unfortunately, Qin Qi is not likely to do more in a short time, otherwise it will directly detonate all the arrays in the town, and the effect should be good.

But it should be enough.

Qin Qi is responsible for defense. Naturally, the enemy information is to be mastered in the first time. Soon, he received an order to fully defend the direction of killing blood!

"Begin!" Qin Qi glimmered, and the pulse channel instantly penetrated the transmission array, breaking the way, instantly destroying all the transmission patterns!

At the same time, Qin Qi controlled the shackles and directly shattered the gates that killed the bloody, and most of the walls began to collapse.

The war, from the inside of the town of Haotian, first opened!

In the Chamber of Deputies, Wu Xianxi and others got the direction of the flowering Wang Ting's march. They were all shocked. It turned out to be a **** battle for the indigenous people.

How did they cross the restricted area!

It was precisely because of the unexpected that they did not get the news until the indigenous army crushed the long snakes.

Now, it’s no longer a question to guess how indigenous people can kill blood.

There is no other heavy town in this direction as a buffer, and Haotian will directly contact the indigenous army.

"I will immediately transfer the troops of the other three towns to death in Yu Tiantian!" Si Shaojun yelled.

However, when the sound came out and I had not received a response, I heard a few pops rang inside the town.

"what happened!"

At this critical moment, any movement is touching people's hearts.

"Big, adults, the transmission array was destroyed, the three towns soldiers have been unable to rush to the sky in a short time!" There is a pale face of the adjutant.


Everyone is shocked.

Fanhua Wang Ting, has actually sent people into the interior of Haotian.

But if you want to do this kind of thing, you will destroy all the transmission arrays in an instant. Even if it is a foreign land, there are not many tacticians who can do it.

That's at least diamond level.

When is the world of flowers, when is there such a helper?

Wu Xianxi suddenly thought of the flame woman who detonated the entire Dolan. Although the man was not a diamond, it was a enchanting level.

Enough to do this kind of thing.

She has already arrived in the sky!

"Speed ​​speed defense, with the existing strength of Haotian, enough to support the arrival of the three-way reinforcements!" Wu Xianxi shouted.

And he himself has already rushed out of the Chamber of Deputies.

He must find the flame woman, otherwise let her release the terrible fire power in the city, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Si Shaojun also knows this well, and immediately ordered to guard the direction of killing blood.

Just the order was just released, there was a louder noise coming from there.

In the direction of killing blood and blood, the gate was directly blown up, and together with the half of the wall, it collapsed.

"Adults, the eleventh army, they, they have rebelled!" There was an urgent report.

"What!" Si Shaojun was black in front of him and almost passed out.

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