God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1875: Singular light

The first thousand eight hundred and seventy-five chapters of strange light

Here, it is ridiculous, and there is no beautiful scene in the world where flowers bloom.

According to the information obtained by the elders of the flowers after Qin Qi, this place is a broken place, which has been so since ancient times.

However, it is said that at the beginning of the world, there is no difference between this place and other places in the world of flowers, and it is also the bloom of flowers in the mountains and plains.

But after a natural disaster, it became a barren land.

Although it is not a restricted area, there is no natural danger to the indigenous people, but generally there will be no indigenous people close to this place.

In the deepest part, there is indeed danger. What is inside is not even known as the flower king.

The content they know is not much different from Jiang Guangyu. They only know that there is a special void there, and there are broken planets everywhere.

Qin Qi and Jiang Qingyu came to this place together, but did not slow down until the earth began to disappear, and there was a piece of empty space in front.

It is like coming to the extraterrestrial sky.

But obviously, this is not outside the domain. If you want to say it, the earth is broken and there is a void.

"How did this happen? Is there a big crack in the void?" Qin Qi whispered, and this scene seems to have a certain degree of similarity when the Tianyuan world was torn by the void.

"This world of flowers has been torn apart is certain. As for what caused it, I don't know." Jiang whispered.

Then she pointed in one direction and said: "We used to go in that direction. It was very evil. It couldn't be easily approached. Once approached, there would be a strange light."

Qin Qi’s light flashed slightly, first go to see and see.

"Go, look at the past." Qin Qidao, took the lead and crossed the gap between the large pieces of the planet.

Qin Qi is now greatly in strength, but he does not dare to slack off. The power has already been stimulated and ready to respond to unexpected situations.

Jiang Liangyu and others are closely following.

"Singular light... is this?" Qin Qi went deep, his brow suddenly wrinkled, and he found the so-called strange light!

This light is really strange. It is not a straight line, but it is constantly moving between the pieces of the planet, as if it were four generations.

"Be careful!" Jiang whispered a cry.

Qin Qi looks condensed and is ready.

A beam of light cut through the void, it seems to be aware of the existence of Qin Qi, it is like a shark that smells blood, rushed over.

On Qin Qi's body, the platinum gas suddenly rushed out and hit the light.

Unexpectedly, the light was not stopped by Qin Qi, but it was directly penetrated.

Qin Qi was shocked and hurried to go, but it was too late.

Just immediately, there was an accident, and it was illuminated by this light. The anticipation of the anticipation did not appear, it was like ordinary light.

No killing?

Qin Qi is strange in my heart.

But then, his face was a change.

A figure appeared in front of him, and the power of horror was fluctuating, and Qin Qi was constantly hit.

This is, fantasy day!

He came to the world of flowers!

Qin Qi was shocked and couldn't help but change his face. Although he has made up his mind to challenge the dream day, at this moment, he is still not ready.

But the dream days are in front, Qin Qi has no choice but to have a battle.

Qin Qi did not dare to keep his hand. When a sword came out, it was the sky of the sky, and the dream days were strong. It was impossible to take the sword with ease.

Sure enough, although the dream day was intercepted, the power was continuously destroyed and it was actually hurt.

This is not a dream day!

Qin Qi knows his own strength. This sword is enough to make the dream day serious, but it is not a big chance to say that it is so easy to hurt the other side.

Is this the illusion of the strange light?

Qin Qi’s killing swordsmanship suddenly broke out. Such a strong will, even if Qin Qi could not get out of the illusion, but it was enough to see the flaws.

However, there are no flaws.

This is simply true.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the dreamy sky suddenly shot, a powerful diamond atmosphere, crushed toward Qin Qi.

"What the **** is going on!" Qin Qi was frightened and frustrated with the dream.

Dreamworld does not have a full-fledged combat power, but it actually threatens Qin Qi, and is hit by his power. Qin Qi is also injured, and Qin Qi’s attack on him can also cause harm.

Low-profile version of the dream day?

Qin Qi’s eyes started, but no matter what, first take the other party and say.

Qin Qi suddenly broke out and merged with Dante's lord of the soul and martial arts.

Only a strange light penetrated through the gap of the star fragments, Qin Qi is fighting, dodging, and being exposed to light.

Immediately, a figure appeared again.

Green day!

"Damn!" Qin Qi was sinking in his heart.

Although the green day is also the realm of diamonds, but the strength is still above the dreamy sky, this is the end of the dream and the fantasy, even if it is a low version, it is not Qin Qi can be parried.

When the green day appears, the violent toxins will spread out, not to mention the living body, that is, the void itself, it must be destroyed by toxins.

The green road to the famous green road is not a good match.

"Hurry to withdraw, outside a certain range, they will automatically disappear!" Behind him, Jiang whispered and hurriedly shouted, raising his hand to attach a defense to Qin Qi, isolation of poison.

Qin Qi also knows how powerful, and quickly retreats.

Just fiercely, a few strange lights actually hit at the same time, blocking all the retreat of Qin Qi.

Dreamy days and green days are even more shots, forcing Qin Qi to fight.

Inevitably, Qin Qi was once again swept by a few strange lights.

It is also a few figures, slowly condensing out.

Bloody night is not yet!

White diamond!

There is also a young man, Qin Qi does not know, but behind him, actually stood a figure.

That is, Emperor!

The martial arts who used to be holy.

However, Shengqian has been killed by Qin Qi. There is no doubt that this young man is, how can he have the Emperor?

Is it that the existence that allowed the Holy Spirit to cross, once again, supported a new object after the death of the Holy Spirit?

But no matter who he is, the atmosphere of this young man at the moment is definitely not lost to the diamond level.

But this is not over yet, and the last figure is condensed.

It is a woman, very beautiful, not as good as Tang Sinuo's ultimate beauty, but it warms people's hearts.

When Qin Qi saw her, her heart suddenly became tight and could not help but express her excitement.

Fu Cai Xuan!

But this is not just a lottery. There is also a figure standing behind her.

That is a back view.

It looks a little thin, but a woman, but the breath, as if it can tremble in the world.

Taboo female emperor.

How can her phantoms condense, knowing that as long as the payouts do not touch the deepest part of the subconscious, she will never reappear!

Qin Qi’s heart suddenly sinks.

He didn't know what was going on in front of him, but he had a feeling that these people were all projections of reality, and they were not abrupt representations.

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