God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1876: Like the advent

The first thousand eight hundred and seventy-six chapters come to the image

Qin Qi took a deep breath and suppressed the shock.

He knows about some of the characteristics of this strange light. It is able to find a specific object and project it according to the experience of each person.

If Qin Qi’s guess is not bad, then this ability is a bit too horrible.

"This is the mirror!"

It was a different Kunlun, and suddenly opened.

“Viewing the mirror?” Qin Qi looked at the movement and saw the introduction of the Guanshi Mirror on the system interface.

"The banned riots?" Qin Qi whispered, although there is no concept, but listening to it feels incomparable, afraid of being a must.

As one of the banned devices, Guanshi Mirror has the ability to observe the heavens and the world.

As long as the ability is sufficient, you can use the mirror to make the whole world pedigree clear.

"The mirror of the world is derived from the Tao, but it is lost in the end. Since then, there has been no news, but I did not expect it to be left in such a remote world!"

After it is updated, it has a huge amount of data, not only Tianyuan World or the outside world, but all the worlds are involved, but it is impossible to be exhaustive.

Because of this, in the activities of the outside world, it will choose to copy all the intelligence information of the monopoly building.

As for this viewing mirror, the Monowang Building has no information, but it was poured into the database of different Kunlun.

"Why is this level of ban, why is it lost?" Qin Qi asked.

"It’s too long, it should be more relevant to the Taoist lords. I don’t know how to do it.” Yi Kunlun replied.

Qin Qi slightly decapitated.

He knew the details of the mirror and knew that his previous guess was not wrong.

This is just the ability to automatically protect the mirror. As long as someone is close, this force will work, carrying all kinds of enemies and blocking the proximity of outsiders.

In front of these guys, each is a mirror of the world according to Qin Qi's past encounters, from the heavens to find the ontology, and then manifested by projection.

It is an opponent with real powerful strength.

I don't quite understand why the Chong Xuan was sent over.

Do you think that this is also the enemy of Qin Qi?

Perhaps, the taboo female emperor is angry with him.

But in any case, these guys are all very tricky, and even if they win, they may not be able to get close to the mirror, and there may be new projections.

Qin Qi does not think that the independent defense of the banned banters is that he can crack.

"I drip, how can these people be awkward, and what is going on with this woman, so scary!" Jiang Xiaoyu's small face is slightly white.

Feeling that Qin Qi can't stand it.

"Color announcement, what kind of state are you in the end, are you touching the deepest part of your subconscious?" Qin Qi frowned.

If there is no special reason, Fu Caixuan cannot touch this point.

It must be in the realm of the road, what problems have been encountered.

It is ironic that Qin Qi is not able to go to the Taoist world to help her. Now, Fu Caixuan is in front of him.

The green days, the dreamy days, and the young people who have the emperor have burst into strength, and they have to make a difficult attack on Qin Qi.

Fu Caixuan, twilight and fascination, obviously projection is not conscious, just a tool used by Guanshi Mirror to block outsiders.

Qin Qi thinks so.

The same is true of the information that Yi Kunlun has.

But there are often some that exist, but there are terrible forces that ordinary people cannot understand at all.

It seems that Yi Kunlun does not want the current Qin Qi to touch the existence that created the Tianyuan world, and even mention it, because the name is recited, perhaps, it will be sensed by that person.

This is the ultimate manifestation of power. It is the supreme power that permeates the heavens and makes the heavens awe.

Even the name can't be mentioned, then, arbitrarily condense its image?


A soft bang.

The projection of Fu Caixuan actually began to crack.

The back of her back is actually more solid.

Can not be projected, this is the majesty of the taboo female emperor!

Such as horror!

In the horrified eyes of Qin Qi, Fu Cai Xuanhua made a bubble and was directly broken up, but it did not disappear, but was regrouped.

The back is actually gone.

The newly-emerging Fu Cai Xuan, her nephew is no longer a fascination, no radiance, already angry, and the overbearing hegemony!

Taboo female emperor!

In this way, come here?

Qin Qi and his friends are shocked!

Jiang whispered his eyes and looked at it incredulously. "My God, this woman is coming, it’s too horrible, it’s going straight to the image!"

"Even if you can't mention the name of the name, you can come to the heavens, but it is already terrible. My father and the king are not spiritual at the time." Jiang Qingyu was indeed shocked.

I did not expect that Qin Qi had been exposed to such a existence.

This cargo is not a dumpling from Tianyuan World?

"You, you..." Qin Qi slammed his mouth and couldn't speak.

The taboo female priest took a look at Qin Qi, and the dawn flashed slightly, and then the calm was restored, and then the starlight suddenly picked up. That is her unique ability, the stars are stunned.

When the dawn is slightly turned, it will be like the movement of the Wanjie. The rest of the dreamy days are affected by this. They are cracked and it is difficult to maintain the status quo.

Only the young man who bears the Emperor's heaven, his eyes suddenly appear a little demon, and there seems to be a will, but also to come to the general.

However, it was not successful.

The taboo female emperor hits the shot and destroys it.

Qin Qi’s eyes shook.

The taboo female emperor, or the taboo female emperor, is not the strength he can imagine.

"Your Majesty, you, how are you doing now?" Qin Qi asked with courage.

"There is no problem for the time being." The taboo female faint faint, she knows that Qin Qi asked Fu Caixuan and everyone's situation.

After a simple answer, she looked at the depths of the void, and the stars flashed.

Qin Qi wants to ask more carefully, but the taboo female emperor is obviously not going to answer his question well.

"Big sister big sister, you are too powerful, my name is Jiang whisper, what is your name!" It is Jiang whisper, a face of worship.

She ran to the taboo female emperor and danced.

I still have bricks in my hands...

Qin Qi’s heart jumped, and the ghost knew what the attitude of the female emperor was to the outside world.

And some of her maids are all defensive and alert, for fear that the taboo female emperor is unfavorable to Jiang.

The taboo female emperor looked at Jiang whisper, but did not do it, but said: "Your blood is very strong, sooner or later, you can be as strong as I am."

"Really?" Jiang whispered his eyes and suddenly laughed.

The blood of the Black King is indeed worthy of praise!

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