God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1877: View mirror

The first thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven chapters

"I don't have much time, let's go and see." The taboo female emperor is facing Qin Qidao, and immediately, take the lead and fly to the depths of the void.

Qin Qi and others naturally keep up.

I don't know if it is because the taboo of the female emperor is on the avenue of the heavens. The automatic protection of the mirror is not turned on, and the strange light does not appear.

A group of people unimpeded, came to the deepest part of the void.

"This is the mirror of the world!" Qin Qi exhaled a breath, could not help but shocked.

In front of them, it is a huge mirror, and numerous fragments of stars are surrounded by the surrounding, giving a very strong feeling.

The mirror of the world is not known to be made of any material. There will be a wave of fluctuations from time to time, but even before standing on the mirror, there is no reflection in the mirror.

"Your Majesty, this is one of the mirrors of the world, one of the banned devices, can you take it away?" Qin Qi could not help but say.

This view of the world does not seem to open up, the power is all restrained, but even so, it still gives people a feeling of Mount Taishan, it is inviolable.

"The heavens are forbidden, is this one of the banned devices?" Jiang whispered exclaimed, his eyes flashed with light.

She is the daughter of the Black King. She still knows a little about the bans of the heavens. I just don’t know which ones are specific. I didn’t think that it was one of them!

No wonder so amazing, a mirror, you can squeeze a starry sky.

"I am not strong enough now," the taboo female emperor shook her head.

"Then wait for the future to take it away." Qin Qidao.

Anyway, he does not have this ability.

In the face of this view of the world, the power of Qin Qi is only difficult to activate it.

"After?" The taboo female emperor smiled lightly. "As long as your woman does not take the initiative to let me out, I should not have this later."

Qin Qi stunned for a moment and was speechless.

He didn't want the taboo female emperor to disappear forever, but he didn't want to pay for it again.

Unfortunately, the two cannot be both.

"Why, why are you able to fall here with the image?" Qin Qi Shen.

"She is at the critical point of the deepest part of the subconscious, but you don't have to worry about it. At least this time, she won't disappear." The taboo female emperor answered Qin Qi.

Qin Qi nodded and said nothing.

"Oh, you don't want to talk anymore, big sister, can this thing be used now?" Jiang Qingyu is excited, and he does not care about the relationship between Qin Qi and the taboo female emperor.

"You can use it once or twice, but that's all." Taboo female emperor.

"What is the use of it?" Jiang whispered.

I don’t even know what to use, but I’m gonna use it.

The taboo female emperor shrugged, she did not know.

She is only getting higher and higher, but she can't leave Fu Caixuan, so she doesn't understand the banters.

Qin Qi coughed and said: "It can see anything you look at."

"True!" Jiang whispered his eyes bright.

"Does this?" The taboo female emperor looks slightly, and she inspires strength and touches the mirror of the world to make it work.

It can be seen that on the mirror of the world, some mysterious lines have been lighted up. However, only a small part has been used. Obviously, the power of the female emperor has been contraindicated, and it is not enough to make it fully activated.

"At this moment, the power is limited. You can't pick what you want to see. Everything is decided by your vision through the mirror of the world."

At the same time, she is also measuring whether if the ontology at this moment falls on this, is there any power to take away the mirror?

In this way, make a judgment on the power of the banned devices.

Since she returned from the resurrection, she has not stopped, let alone the effect of causality, even if it exists only in the deepest subconscious of Fu Caixuan, but the strength is still growing rapidly.

She is the existence of nothing, the heavenly world is like this, and the heavens and the world are the same!

"I will try it first!" Jiang whispered hurriedly forward, apparently curious, wanting to know what Guanshijing would let her see.

Jiang Qingyu stood in front of the mirror of the world, and the mirror suddenly appeared a wave of ripples, just like a smash.

Immediately, as if to absorb the mirror of all the light, began to shine, a group of pictures appeared.

This is the choice of Guanshijing, let Jiang Xiaoyu see it.

It was a room, although it was still a little fuzzy, but it was faintly visible that the decoration was extremely luxurious, and every inch of the place was filled with countless treasures.

On the value, one inch is enough to buy a state.

The most conspicuous thing in such a room is a long and narrow floor-to-ceiling window. Because the window is narrow, the whole room looks a little dim.

Luxury doesn't have to be said, but it gives people a feeling that they are not very good, and some are chilly.

"How is this?" Jiang whispered, his face was bored.

This place naturally knows that it is a house in the Black King Palace. In the past, it was the residence of the Black King.

She also went in, but she didn't like it.

The picture became clear, and everything in the house was also seen.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, standing with a voice, noble and noble, is a very beautiful woman.

This is the black king!

"Is that boring tea party over?" Jiang whispered, no interest.

"Black King!" Qin Qi looked a move.

Different Kunlun has all the information of the monopoly building. Qin Qi naturally knows that this person is the black king, and it is indeed unspeakable beauty, which is comparable to Tang Sinuo.

Of course, the mature charm of the wife and the dignity of the diamonds make her more attractive.

"Hey, what is your look, this is my mother's good!" Tang Sinuo screamed at the gang, and stunned Qin Qi.

"Cut, brother is also good at seeing the world, but I did not expect that there will be a black king's picture." Qin Qi grinned, then smiled: "You said, you will not take a bath after your mother!"

"The big hooligans, I shot you!" Jiang whispered his eyebrows and stood up, holding the bricks and desperately with Qin Qi.

"Wait a minute, someone appeared!" Qin Qi was busy.

There was an extra person in that room.

A man, humble and kneeling on the ground, did not dare to look up.

It’s not just Jiang’s whisper, it’s Qin Qi, and I can’t help but shrink.

Hardened diamonds!

How could he appear in the room of Black King?

"What he did, his woman should not come to the tea party." Jiang whispered.

Qin Qi did not speak, just looked at it.

From the picture, Qin Qi did not know what they were talking about, only to see, the sweat on the amount of green diamonds continued to flow down, and finally, a bottle was put in both hands.

Black King took the bottle and waved.

The quenched green diamonds are like a big bang, and they are leaving.

After that, the picture disappeared. Obviously, the viewing mirror was not fully activated, and its ability was greatly limited.

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