God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1882: Diamond challenge

The 1886th Diamond Challenge

Fantasy day brows wrinkled, do not understand what medicine these guys sell in the gourd.

However, he knows that the world of flowers is not expected to be dominated by him.

But no matter what, he must also seize the greatest interests. At this moment, he will destroy the flowering king court and declare him to dominate the power of the world.

"Indigenous people in the district, dare to do so, now, you are surrender, this seat will not let you live." Dreamy day overlooking Taoer, etc., indifferent.

"Dream days, after today, you will be replaced." But it is Honglian, looking up at the dreamy sky above.

This is the diamond.

When the Emperor wanted to take away the state, the obstacles he encountered were the diamonds from the outside world. If not, Qin Qi would not flow to the outside world.

And recently, how about diamonds, the powerless people have gained strength.

Will do it.

It is the following gram!

"Humble creatures, ridiculous gambling, what is the use?" Fantasy cold and cold, put your hand down.

The power of the diamond level is suppressed, even if it is the **** of the world of flowers, it will be destroyed in an instant.

The black Yao drill and so on just looked at it, and there was no plan to stop it.

This is the case for the war, and looting and slaughter are just ordinary means.

The weak, no one will go to sympathy.

The palm of the dreamy sky is overwhelming.

The peaches and the red lotuses are standing at the top of the tree of God, watching the palm of the hand down.

However, there is no concession.

The palm of your hand has fallen to the top of your head, just in front of your eyes.

In the next moment, they will be able to crush them into powder.

There are some doubts about the Black Yao Diamonds. They don’t care about this war. It’s just a big bully. Although it won’t condemn anything, it’s not too proud of it.

They are just weird, what to witness.

This blow, Wang Ting is destroyed, there will be other existences to fight with Dreamworld?

At this moment, their expressions have suddenly changed, and the power of the fantasy sky has not finally fallen, and it has been broken into two pieces by a sword.

"Oh?" The black Yao's drill flashed.

He knows that Jiang Xiaoyu wants them to witness what.

This is a challenge!

A challenge to diamonds, authority!

"It's a bit interesting." Yan Jun's drill rubbed his eyes.

A sword cuts off the palm of the dreamy sky, although it is just a fantasy hit, but it is amazing enough. After all, the person who took out this sword has not yet reached the diamond.

Unfinished diamonds must challenge the power of the diamonds.

Indeed, they are qualified to let them come to witness.

"Hey, I found you a witness. It will be a fair battle. Don't lose yourself." Jiang whispered.

"Come on." Tang Sinuo looked nervously.

There is not much change in the fantasy sky, but it is still high above, like a **** overlooking the whole world.

In the country of dreams, in the world of flowers, he can indeed be called God.

The momentum of diamonds, the style of diamonds, is the case.

"It turned out to be you, it is you, messing up this world of flowers, is you, giving these low-lying indigenous people, trying to resist my courage?" Dreamy days look cold to Qin Qi.

That sword is thrown out, naturally Qin Qi is correct.

He is out of the customs.

He has completed all the upgrades, and now he will complete the diamond challenge!

"You said it wrong, they have always had the courage to resist. After all, this is their own home. What I did was to help them resist." Qin Qi held the Kunlun, faintly laughed.

The dreamy sky blinked and the voice became cold. "It seems that you feel that you can fight me?"

"You are wrong, I am going to marry you today, in an instant, take everything you have!" Qin Qi looked at the dreamy sky, there is no fear.

"Diamond challenge."

Fantasy days slightly decapitated, he knew that this would be a diamond challenge.

The following, the winner, will get everything from each other!

This is a tradition of aliens, and it is extremely difficult, but as long as it succeeds, it can go down in history.

"Okay, very good, this seat gives you this opportunity!" Fantasy days are cold and cold.

He didn't believe he would lose to a kid who didn't even have a diamond.

Those who have just entered the ranks of diamonds may be afraid of the diamond challenge, but his dream days have been in the diamond stage for more than 100,000 years.

How can you be afraid?

Even with the slightest hesitation, his dream days will become a laughing stock.

"Diamond challenge has not appeared in many thousand years. For nearly a million years, the most shocking diamond challenge that the Hunting King has done in the past is enough to be recorded in the annals of history!" Long Lao slowly said, with a memory of meaning.

The Hunting King of the year was indeed the focus of the whole world, and it was a ray of light that suppressed generations.

"The King of the Hunting King challenged the four-star Diamond IV, but this dream day is already a five-star diamond IV. The difficulty is obviously bigger. Can this kid be able to do it?"

"Hope, not too boring." Yan Jun's drill whispered.

The three major diamond powers, from the two kings, are enough to bear this testimony.

"Those friends, I am tired of doing this testimony. Although it is just a waste of time, the tradition still has to be observed." Fantasy Heaven held his hand and nodded to the Black Yao Diamond and others.

Black Yao's diamonds are also slightly daggers.

In this way, the diamond challenge can be carried out at any time.

"Kid, give you the opportunity to shoot." On the fantasy sky, the diamond gas continues to rise and fall, as if the unbeatable god.

Qin Qi never minds the first shot, this is an excellent opportunity to seize the opportunity, naturally it is impossible to give up for the face.

When you shoot, you will have a good time.

Against Kunlun, take it out!

Murder, in an instant raging the whole world, the cold atmosphere, the soul will tremble.

The re-forging of the anti-Kunlun, the power of the strong, beyond the previous times more than a few times, especially with the Qin Qi Qi's killing sword meaning, even more terrible.

A sword comes, the will to kill everything is a diamond, but also a slight sigh.

"A strong sword meaning!" Yan Jun Shuguang suddenly skyrocketed.

So sword, under the diamond, almost never encountered.

"Dao, Yi, Jian, Trinity, good guy!" Black Yao's diamond is also a flash of light.

From the kendo, the sword, to the sword itself, it is killing, blending one, how can it not be strong.

The others are still like this. The dreamy day feels deeper in nature. It is the order of diamonds. At this moment, I can’t help but feel a glimpse of it. For Qin Qi, I finally looked at it a bit.

Dare to propose a diamond challenge, it seems that there is still a bit of skill.

"Diamond-level weapons, not the soldiers of the king, with it, like the following grams?" Fantasy days cold, a finger in the hand, blocking the Qin Qi sword.

It is only the power of this sword that has not been blocked.

Thunder, in an instant, even if it is a diamond gas, it is also threatened by corrosion.

Heterogeneous thunder.

And it is not the previous variant of the thunder, the horror of the different Kunlun, has optimized this magic to the best.

Reached the diamond level.

Thunder is poured in.

The dreamy gods changed, the flesh was actually affected, and there was a feeling of paralysis.

It seems like a supernatural power!

Is it a change?

The dreamy sky is cold and not enough to keep him in the wrong wind.

The diamond gas suddenly condensed, swaying half a circle, to force Qin Qi to open, but Qin Qi this sword, has not yet come to an end.

Sword one!

A stronger sword.

Sword plus a variant of the thunder, anti-Kunlun swordsmanship, the dream of the diamond gas, but also to be penetrated!

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