The first thousand eight hundred and eighty-four chapters

The long gun of Dreamland was forced to open by Qin Qi, and the annihilation of Jian Yi and the corrosion of the deformed thunder body made the dream gas diamonds instantly disappear.

There was a hole in it.

This means that the diamond-level defense can't stop Qin Qi.

The dreamy face changed, but as a diamond strong, it is naturally impossible to be wounded like this. The power on his body suddenly surged and forced Qin Qi to shake open.

The advantages of the realm, especially the gap between diamonds and platinum, are not so easy to make up.

"In this way, it is not enough!" The dreamy cold drink, the long gun suddenly turned into thousands.

The ability of the dreamy sky seems to be illusory. These attacks can't tell the truth, and even if they are distinguished, the moment of the body may become true again.

Qin Qi’s thoughts were swept, and he knew that he was so timid, but he did not deter.

Beside him, the sword is lingering, and the moment it breaks out, it is also the endless sword light!

Take your true and false, stop all!

"What is the use of moves, the gap between powers is the fundamental!" Dreams are cold and cold, diamonds are infinitely cohesive, and they are suppressed.

Any attack, not you to stop, can be blocked.

If you can’t stop it, it’s useless to have more swords.

"Gap? Where do you see it, what is the difference?" Qin Qi is indifferent, the Kunlun heart in the body suddenly lights up, even with the power of the body of the dragon vein, directly broke out!

Engulfed countless dragon resources, Qin Qi has condensed 30 chains, and the Kunlun heart and the Dragon's body are more closely integrated.

The power that can erupt is naturally more tyrannical.

This is not enough. On Qin Qi, countless dragon patterns appear, and immediately, a layer of dark armor covers the whole body, which is a fusion with the dark dragon riding.

The violent breath, blasted in an instant, this piece of heaven and earth can hardly hold.

Those guns, all blocked by Jianguang, this is not enough, a cross-like sword light, broken all guns, straight to dream days!

Today's anti-Kunlun, the two swords of the tears of the sky, the power of the power, the diamonds must also worry.

The cross sword light sweeps through, and the dreamy diamond gas is unstoppable. The beggar is opened and almost squats on his body.

"All said, this is not enough!" Fantasy blasting, the top two hundred dreams of the heart, is also beginning to shine, the body strength, but also constantly rising.

I saw him shot down the air, the tip of the gun is like a condensate, the power of this gun is also extremely horrible, has used a powerful supernatural power.

At the same time, the other hand is connected in front of the number of points, and a layer of smashing between these points.

Qin Qi that cross Jianguang, was shot into two paragraphs, but divided into two, still has powerful power, toward the dreamy sky.

It’s just that the dreamy sky is motionless, letting Jianguang fall.

And Jianguang, after approaching his body, suddenly began to blur, and he did not know where to go.

"Fantasy dream dress!" Black Yao's diamond flashed.

This is one of the stunts that Fantasy Heaven has made famous for, the diamond-level supernatural powers, and the improvement of the Black Yao Diamonds over the years has been extremely fit.

The power that can be exerted is even stronger.

With this layer of power, any attack will become a real time, and it is almost impossible to hurt the dreamy sky.

Unless it is a similar fantasy power.

Or, it is the crushing of absolute power.

Furthermore, it is a special higher power.

But these, can Qin Qi have it?

Qin Qi, this sword, failed to return, can not touch the body of the dreamy sky, the true fantasy dream clothes, is a gap, the dream sky and the world are isolated.

Qin Qi’s eyes are slightly stunned.

At a glance, I can see the characteristics of this true dream dress. It is the constant change of truth and illusion. If we can't find the law, we can't hit the dream sky.

And this, the dream sky itself is obviously very clear, so change is arbitrary, there is no law to find.

If it is defense, Qin Qi’s swordsmanship has the characteristics of ignoring defense and is not afraid.

But this is a real dream, but it is not a defense. It is just a change of true and false, so that the sword can not be settled.

It is indeed a terrible magical power!

If it is before the change, Qin Qi will feel a little tricky, but now, it is different.

Since I know the capabilities of different Kunlun, how can Qin Qi not use it.

"Different Kunlun, quickly calculate the attack trajectory for me, give him a slap!" Qin Qi and the different Kunlun exchange, while avoiding the offensive of the fantasy day.

Under the short-term command, Qin Qi has not lost.

"This is not difficult." Different Kunlun Road, with his calculation power, a calculation core is enough.

Between exchanges, Qin Qi has trembled with hundreds of rounds of dream days again. The power of Dream Sky is strong, and the diamonds are filled with air and become more and more intense.

However, the strength of Qin Qi is not weak. After the integration of the soul and the Wu, the combined power of the Kunlun heart and the body of the dragon vein, combined with the more powerful anti-Kunlun, is not impossible to compete with the dream sky.

The two battles, each stroke is extremely fierce, and it is necessary to be born and died, extremely dangerous.

However, the combat skills of the two are impeccable. Although they are dangerous, they are not injured. This is even more amazing.

"This kid, there is indeed a bit of skill, ability is also special, ordinary combat power, has been able to face the fantasy sky!" Black Yao Diamond could not help but exclaim.

"But look at his means, not like the law of the outside world, he has a different world background?" Long old eyes stunned.

"Perhaps it is a law that has acquired a different world, and it may simply come from a different world, but this is nothing. Since the era of the aliens entering the era of the war, it has already been a hundred miles." The glory of the black Yao.

The current world is still very tolerant to the different worlds. There are even many nationalist levels, but they come from different worlds.

In the end, the outside world is learning the realm. After all, the realm of the world is the highest in the world. Any strong person in the world is looking forward to the road and wants to compete for a place there.

By now, purely local boundaries have rarely been mentioned.

That place has long been a paradise for the generations of power in the world.

Because of this, the world in which the top ten is ranked in the outer world is no longer the same as the original world. It is powerful and grows up.

Of course, if it is excluded, it should be, not unexpected.

In short, at this moment, I saw that Qin Qi is not a law of the opposite world. Several diamonds are just a glimpse, and they are not too concerned.

"In fact, if you talk about combat skills alone, the kid should be stronger." Yan Jun said lightly.

Black Yao’s drill smashed Yan Jun’s glance and nodded. “It’s true. After all, it’s very difficult to be injured without the injury in the dreamy day.”

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