God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1994: Saatchi

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-four chapters

The world of flowers has also been inherited for nearly ten thousand years. In the whole world pedigree, it is close to medium, surpassing the world of heaven.

How could such a sacred creature born in the world be so simple?

Although Peach is not able to play the full power of the prosperous period in the first stage, its limits are foreseeable.

Very strong.

This is true relative to the world of indigenous people.

However, compared with the outside world, it is not enough to see, and it is not the level of the soldiers of the king. It can only be regarded as the high-end level of the diamond secret treasure.

Even the top level is not.

This does not match the statement that "the sacred object of the flower world" is not.

The world of flowers can't be compared with the outside world, but it is also an intermediate world. Why shouldn't it be such a power?

In the past, the world of flowers was closed, and I didn’t know that there was a stronger existence outside. It was like the original Qin Qi. Before I came into contact with the system of aliens, I only felt taboo, it was the limit!

Therefore, the indigenous people in the world of flowers have never thought that the prosperous world can be stronger, and Enron accepts that they have a very strong initial form and never dig up.

This is the high degree of influence.

Only when you stand tall enough can you see far enough.

"That can only say that the world of flowers has always been, no one really played the power of this holy thing." Qin Qi laughed.

If you have a diamond-level master before the flower world, you may be aware of it.

Unfortunately, the peak of this world is platinum.

"How can we go further?" Taoer suddenly came to the spirit.

Although she does not pursue much, if she can become stronger, she will not mind.

"According to my calculations, this prosperous world should have two forms, a liberation form, and an ultimate form." Qin Qidao.

Of course, this is basically calculated by different Kunlun.

“Really?” Tao’s indeed does not believe, and it’s too sinister. It feels that Qin Qi knows more about the world’s holy things than people in this world.

"Nature is true, and I can help you enter the liberation form, but the ultimate form, it is estimated that you need to work hard." Qin Qi laughed.

"Try it, how do you do it?" Taoer whispered.

"You don't want to resist my strength, and follow my intentions to liberate the power of the prosperous world." Qin Qi said, the strength of the hands condensed, a slight tremor.

"Good!" Taoer nodded.

For the average person, no one will let the power of others invade the body, but for Qin Qi, naturally there is nothing to worry about.

Peach let go of instinct defense, prosperous and prosperous in the body, and will not resist the power of Qin Qi.

Qin Qi, on the other hand, moves forward directly into the prosperous world.

Immediately, countless petals emerged, and a series of fine lines condensed out between the petals, constantly extending out as if they were in harmony with the whole world.

In an instant, it is dense, like a spider web.

"It is so complicated that it is a sacred thing born in the world." Qin Qi's eyes lit up, his fingers were constantly shaking, and he put power into these fine lines.

With the continuous release of Qin Qi, the prosperity of the world began to change, more petals appeared, and constantly spread, some fine lines, but also stretched out from the fold.

This is the liberation form of Qin Qi who helped the peaches and opened up the prosperous world.

Of course, what relies on is the horror power of the different Kunlun, which makes every node clear.

Originally, this kind of thing required Tao's own efforts, continuous excavation, and finally broke the door to the liberation form before he could succeed.

Now Qin Qi has done it, but it has played the role of the key.

As long as the peaches hold the key, they can open the door, greatly reducing the difficulty of opening, and letting the peaches master the power of prosperity and prosperity.

Qin Qi looks very serious, every time he shoots, it is not bad.

And Taoer, also gradually followed the rhythm of Qin Qi, began to follow the Qin Qi's intentions, and constantly deepen the power of prosperity and prosperity.

"Oh la la!"

More petals appear, and numerous lines travel between the petals, most of which are previously folded together and do not perform.

Now, all are motivated and the volatility is getting stronger.

"Next look at your own." Qin Qi retracted his hand, could not help but back a few steps.

The prosperous and prosperous world, the unparalleled grand scene, completely drowned the peaches.

She has already opened the door, and whether she can liberate this power depends on herself.

And Tao, obviously did not let Qin Qi disappointed.

At a certain moment, when the prosperous world reached its peak, it retracted sharply, and it was attached to the peach.

Like a piece of clothing made up of countless petals, it is beautiful, beautiful, and the volatility of the breath is shocking, stimulating the surrounding mountains and rivers to resonate with it.

It is the perfect combination of beauty and strength.

The peaches at the moment are not only more beautiful, but also more powerful!

The whole person of the peaches was suspended in the air, and was supported by a force. The powerful waves spread out and merged with the world.

In an instant, the vision was soaring, and the whole world of flowers seemed to stand behind the peach.

This is what the prosperous and prosperous world should have. The sacred objects that the world has nurtured will inevitably allow the world to stand on the side of the peaches!

As long as Tao is willing, now she can use the power of the world to confront the enemy.

To know the world of flowers, this is not the kind of small world that Tianyuan World has cultivated, but a big world!

Even if it is only an intermediate world, if it is applied, it will be condensed into strength and crushed down. It is a diamond, and it is almost irresistible.

Looking at the increasingly powerful peach, Qin Qi knows that the prosperous form of this prosperous world has really opened up.

It is for the prosperous world!

Peach feels the changes in the prosperous and prosperous world, and absorbs the world power purified through the sacred war clothes. The realm is loosened and begins to climb upward.

From Platinum IV, I came to Platinum II in one fell swoop, which is amazing!

Qin Qi looked at it and couldn't help but admire it.

It is worthy of the sacred objects of the world. Once it is truly mastered, the benefits that can be obtained are really too great.

This is also the peach air transport, and even got such a creation.

According to Qin Qi's judgment, before the achievement of diamonds, the promotion of Taoer should not be a problem, and with the power of the Saatchi Warrior, it can be said that it is backed by the world and is enough to fight the general diamond.


In this way, Qin Qi can also guess the ultimate form of prosperous prosperity, that is, fear that the world is added!

At that time, can you rival the king?

Qin Qi is still uncertain, and the different Kunlun is the lack of intelligence of the king, and it is impossible to make a judgment, but there is no doubt that by that time, the universe, the peaches have a certain status.

Of course, the more powerful the power, the harder it is to get.

Whether Taoer can open the ultimate form of prosperous prosperity can only see herself.

However, after reading the power of this prosperous world, Qin Qi could not help but think of the world of Tianyuan.

Since the world of flowers can breed a sacred object, then is there a sacred thing in the world of Tianyuan?

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